
Localization (L10n) is the ability of a product/platform to adapt to meet the language, cultural and other requirements of a specific locale. OneVizion platform provides the capability to localize the platform to meet customer needs to customize the platform to meet different Language requirements. The following steps are required to leverage Localization in the OneVizion® platform:

  1. Administrator Tasks

    1. Localization → Languages - Add additional Languages

    2. System Labels - Add Language-specific Labels for all entries in System Labels.

    3. Program Labels - Add Language-specific Labels for all entries in the Application

    4. Task Labels - Add Language-specific Labels for all entries in Workplans

  2. User Tasks

    1. User Settings - Language preference - User gets to select their Language preference in User settings

    2. Login Page - Language preference - User can select their Language preference before logging in