System Announcements


The Vizion Platform features a built-in method of communicating announcements to all users in the system. These announcements may consist of any system-wide messages you wish to push to your user base including planned downtime or rollout of new features and configurations within the platform.

Announcements are presented to the user like the example below and are seen upon login between a scheduled delivery time and the expiration time.



Once the user clicks Close on the announcement, the announcement is only visible by accessing the Event Panel (Bell Icon) until the annoucement’s expiration date.


Adding an Announcement

Announcements are scheduled with a delivery and an expiration time. They can be plain and simple text, be formatted to add interest, and can include graphics.


Steps to Add an Announcement

Steps to Add an Announcement


Navigate to Admin Center > System Administration > Administer Announcements


Click Add.



Complete the following fields:

Scheduled Delivery - Select the date and time to start showing the announcement upon login.
Expiration - Select the date and time to stop showing the announcement upon login.
Announcement Text - Type the text for the announcement. To add formatting for the text, see Formatting Announcement Text.



Click OK.




Click the play button to see a quick overview of the Administer Announcements page


Formatting Announcement Text

The announcements form does not include a visual editor, but it does support some rich text and styling of the announcements through the use of BBCode tags. You can also reference links to images and embed them in your announcement.

If you do not apply formatting, your text style will look like the announcement below.


To make changes to the default text style, refer to the chart below for available BBCode tags. You can use multiple tags together to apply multiple styles at once. For example to make the text “LOOK AT ME!” be size 32 and red, you would use: [size=32][color=red][b]LOOK AT ME![/b][/color][/size].






Makes {text} bold



Makes {text} italic



Underlines {text}



Create a strikethrough on {text}



[style size={number}]{text}[/style]

Changes the font-size of {text}

Font color

[style color={color or hex}]{text}[/style]

Changes the color of {text}

Center text


Centers {text} on screen

Left align text


Left aligns {text} on screen

Right align text


Right aligns {text} on screen



Makes a link to {url}



Shows the image indicated by {url}



Using Images in Announcements

Images in your announcements can be linked from anywhere. If you wish to host these in your Vizion Platform system, you can add them to the Systems Images page and then copy the relative location of the image and reference that within your [IMG] tags as explained below.


Steps to Use System Images in an Announcement

Steps to Use System Images in an Announcement


Navigate to Admin Center > Localization > System Images



To use an existing image, find the file you want to use and click the File ID or select the row and click Edit.


Right click on the image. Click Copy Image Link to get the URL.


In the Edit Announcements form, paste the URL you copied between the [IMG] tags.


You can paste a URL for an external image in the same way.



When the announcement displays, your image will be included.




Administration of Announcements

Users need the ADMIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS security group to manage announcements.

Administration of Announcements

Users need the ADMIN_ANNOUNCEMENTS security group to manage announcements.