
Fields define data properties of Trackor Records per Trackor Type.



Adding a Field

To add a new field, click the Add button. This will open the Add Field Applet.

Only the General tab will be available until at least the mandatory parameters of a new Field are populated and saved with the Apply button in the bottom-right corner

General Tab

The General tab contains all of the general information about a Field (e.g., type of stored data, parent trackor, the field’s name, and label). Some Data Types necessitate particular fieldsets that will appear in the Applet window when such a Data Type is selected. Saving the information entered via the General Tab will turn the Add Field Applet into the Edit Field Applet and reveal the other applicable tabs.

Some options on the General tab vary with different "Data Types". For example, the General tab of the applet will display the Max Length*, Prefix, Suffix, Num Dec., Negative Color, Positive Color, Parens for Neg., Digit Grouping, and Color Table options when the chosen Data Type is “number” (as shown above).

Refer to Data Types of Fields documentation for more details about additional tabs with each Data Type.

Field Name

Field Description

Field Name

Field Description


The required fields are marked by an asterisk.

Trackor Type*

A drop-down list of Trackor Types that the field can be assigned to.

Data Type*

A drop-down list of types of data the Field can contain.

Once a Field is created, the data type can be changed only when the field is not in use. If there is any data in a field, then the field type can’t be changed.

Field Label*

Sets the unique name (label) of the Field.
The user can edit the language-specific interface labels by clicking the internal Label ID displayed as a hyperlink next to the “Field Label” text.

Field Name

Sets the description that identifies the Field in the database. This field is populated automatically based on the Field Label and can be edited manually.
Limited to 30 characters, no spaces or special characters allowed except for the underscore.

Color Code

A drop-down list of available color codes that can be used to highlight the Field background in the Grid.

Color Table

A drop-down list of colors found in the associated V-Table (more on the topic in the corresponding manual pages). See the Coloring a Field article for more information.

Field Width (px)*

Sets the width of the field in pixels.

Max Length*

Determines the maximum character count for the field.
The hard cap for this parameter is 2000 characters.

Negative and Positive Colors

Please refer to the Coloring a Field article for detailed instructions on coloring fields.

SQL Query

Sets the SQL query associated with the Field.
Available only for the following Data Types:

  • Trackor Drop-Down

  • Trackor Selector

  • Trackor Multi-Selector

  • DB Drop-Down

  • DB Selector

  • Calculated

PL/SQL ID Reference

If the "PL/SQL ID Reference" string is invalid or not generated yet then "Out Of Sync" will be shown.

Selector's Trackor Type

Associated Trackor Type.
Available for "Trackor Selector" and “Trackor Multiselector” Data Type

Short Name

An abbreviated name (1-3 characters) allowing to identify the fields received from the Trackor selector.
This option can be used to distinguish between multiple Trackor Selectors for a single Trackor Type. For example, if there are two candidates, each with a “site A” and a “site B,” you can set the Short Name to identify the specific site.

Available only for the “Trackor Drop-Down” and “Trackor SelectorData Types.

  • Use in "My Things" Filter

This feature allows the user to implement restrictions based on other branches of the Trackor Tree.
Available only for "Trackor Selector" and “Trackor Drop-DownData Types.

  • Use in "My Things" Marker

This feature allows the user to implement restrictions based on other branches of Trackor Tree.
Available only for "Trackor Selector" and “Trackor Drop-DownData Types.

Selector's Display Field

Provides the user with the ability to choose the way the Field is displayed.
Available only for "Trackor Selector" and “Trackor Drop-DownData Types.

Def Value SQL

The "Default SQL" for a Field is only used in the front-end GUI on the General Info tab when the user is creating a new Trackor Record.
All Default SQL Queries set up for the fields on the General Info tab of a New Trackor Record applet are run when the applet is launched after a user clicks the Add Trackor button.
The results of this query are displayed in the corresponding field as the default value.
A user or an admin will have to create an SQL query for every Field that should have a default value for every New Trackor Record created.


Sets a mouseover description of the Field.
Limited to 40 characters.


Comments on the Field.
Limited to 40 characters.

Mandatory (checkbox)

A mandatory Field must be populated before any changes to the form can be saved.
If the user tries to submit the form without having populated the Mandatory Fields, an error message will be displayed and the Fields will be highlighted red.

Two Columns Span (checkbox)

Allows the Field to span the width of two columns in a Tab. This feature is useful for large fields such as memos or other text fields.

Lockable (checkbox)

Enables a user (with appropriate privileges) to Lock the Field. A Locked Field can only be changed by those with security privileges enabling them to change Locked Fields. A lockable field applies at the individual Trackor level. So a field, like an approval field for example, might be locked for one Trackor but unlocked for others.
A lock icon will be displayed next to the Locked Field. A user can click the icon to unlock the Field or to view the history of locks/unlocks.
With this checked, the Role Lock Privs tab activates, enabling the user to control the groups that can modify this field.

Read Only (checkbox)

Read-only Fields can’t be edited by users. Read-only fields are system-wide in that it applies to that field in every Trackor in the system.

Don't Clone Field Value (checkbox)

When checked, prevents the Field value from being cloned when a new Trackor of this type is created by cloning an already existing one.

Don't Clone Lock Status (checkbox)

When checked, prevents the locked Field from being cloned.

Support Barcode (checkbox)

When checked, enables the barcode scanner support for the Field in mobile apps.

Apply a Field Mask (Obfuscate) (checkbox)

Available for Text, Number, and Memo fields only. When checked, all values are masked with the placeholder "********” after reloading or saving changes on both grids and forms.



Rules Tab

The Rules tab provides access to the Rules that the Field is currently assigned to. Rules are used to automatically perform actions when and if certain trigger events preset by users or admins occur.


Tabs Tab

The Tabs tab provides access to the Tabs that the Field is currently assigned A Field will need to be assigned to a Tab in order to appear on that Tab. A Field can be assigned to multiple Tabs.

WF Steps Tab

The WF Steps tab provides access to the WorkFlow Steps the Field is currently assigned to.

Role Lock Privs Tab

If the Lockable checkbox is checked, the Role Lock Privs Tab will be visible. It is used to assign Privileges to Security Roles in relation to lockable fields, thus setting who in the system is able to lock or unlock the field.

Automation Tab

The Automations tab displays all of the Field’s occurrences in Automations. The Field can be used as an Action Target field, Filter field, in the formula of a Config Field action, and in a Trigger.


Components Package Tab

A trackor type, rule, or DB package can be assigned to multiple Component Packages. For example, the Account will need to be part of the Case Management System and Professional Services Automation.

Components Audit Log Tab

The Components Audit Log Tab records all changes made to Components. The Tab appears once the Field has been initialized.

An admin will not be able to delete a field if there are any values, they will first have to make sure all field values are NULL. This can be done with a Mass Assign Rule.


Accessing Log ID Details

To see the details of a Log ID click the hyperlink.

Administration of Fields

In order for users to be able to modify the configuration of fields the following Security Group will need to be applied by the Administrator.


Administration of Fields

In order for users to be able to modify the configuration of fields the following Security Group will need to be applied by the Administrator.