WorkFlow Queue

Opening the WorkFlow Browser 

Use the Menu search window to navigate to the WorkFlow Browser page. In the example below, we have selected the "WorkFlow→ Site" WorkFlow Browser.


Selecting a WorkFlow Browser 


The WorkFlow Browser page will then open. 

WorkFlow Browser Page




Add WorkFlow


The Add Icon is used to create a workflow based on an existing WorkFlow Template.


WorkFlow Visual Editor 


Opens the Visual Editor. For more details refer to the Administer WorkFlow documentation.




Opens the Tasks associated with the Trackor® that the WorkFlow is assigned to. 



Use the drop-down arrow to select Field to use for search.


Search for

Characters to use for search.



Click on the SQL Icon to view the SQL that supports the grid. 


View Options

For more details refer to the View Options documentation.



For more details refer to the Filters documentation.


Left Panel

The application grid on the left of the page will list the workflows that the user has permissions to and meet the criterion of the filter.


Right Panel

The frame on the right of the page will display the fields and tabs that are in the corresponding step of the WorkFlow.


Command Buttons

Apply - Use the apply Button to save changes to the current Step.

Next and Previous Step - Use to proceed to Next Step or Previous Step.

Close - Use the Close Button to close the WorkFlow.

If you have R on WORKFLOW we check for which WF Templates that field is assigned. It can be assigned with help of Field step type, Tab (from WF level) step type, and Applet field type (from WF level).

If you have E privilege on, at least, one WF Template then you have RE privilege on the field.

If you have only R privilege for all WF Template then you have R privilege on the field.

If you have NONE privilege on all WF Templates then you have NONE privilege on the field and you cannot select the field in View/Filter/WF

WorkFlow Browser Filter

Use the Filter applet on the WorkFlow Browser page to select a different User ID, Assignment Types, and other Fields associated with the WorkFlow. 

The "My Sites" checkbox enables users to see Steps assigned to them.

WorkFlow Browser Filter


If you do not have R privilege on WORKFLOW then you have NONE privilege to all WF fields (you cannot select it in View/Filter/WF Page)

Direct Assignment

Assigned directly to the user.  Any number of users may be assigned to a workflow.

Role Assignment

Assigned to user via a security role.  Any number of roles may be assigned to a workflow.

Direct and Role Assignment

Both of the above.


 The privilege on the WF field is calculated in the following way:

1. If a field is assigned only to the Field step. We check if a field is assigned to the Field template step and steps should be assigned to WF Template. If it is then we get privilege on the WF template and if the privilege includes Edit then we assign RE (Read/Edit) privilege to the field

2. If a field is assigned to the Tab step then we check privilege on the Tab. If the privilege of Tab includes Edit then we assign RE privilege to the field

3. If a field is assigned to the Applet step then we check privilege on a Tab and Applet. If a combination of that privileges includes Edit then we assign RE privilege to the field

4. If a field is assigned to some different WF steps then we calculate the WF field for each step and find max privilege.

If the max privilege includes Edit then we assign RE privilege to the field Note: the function pkg_vqsecurity.get_max_field_privs_by_uid contains a check if a field is assigned to the Field wf template step. Thus, you can get the wrong WF field privilege in the following case:

1. You assign a WF field only to the Field template step.

2. Then you run the WF instance

3. You remove the field assigned in item 1 from the template

4. If you call pkg_vqsecurity.get_max_field_privs_by_uid then it returns the wrong privilege for the WF field.