
Filters are used to control the specific data that is shown on the Trackor Browser grid.


Admin Notes

Administrators may create Folders for Filters which can be assigned to specific Users/Groups.

Administrators may choose to Show/Hide the Filter button by selecting the Security Role SHOW_FILTER_BUTTON.

Administrators can create Default Filters for Trackor Selector and Trackor Multiselector Fields on the Edit Field page.


Organize Filters

Views and Filters can now be created/updated within a single applet. To open the applet click on the drop-down arrow.

Adding a Filter


Access the Filter Options Form on any page with an application grid by clicking the Organize link, then selecting the Add icon.




Folder Name

Required - Name for the view/filter.

Create In

Required - Choose Local or Global.

When a Filter is created the Default View will consist of the Fields on the "General Info" tab.

IF Filter contains 0 records the folder will NOT appear in the drop-down.

Editing a Filter

To edit the name or grouping of a filter by selecting it from the drop-down menu and clicking the Edit icon.


After you make your changes, you can click the Unsaved Filter dropdown menu to see a list of Filters that you can overwrite.



Saving A Global/Local Filter

When you have edited a View/Filter, click on the Unsaved Filter Icon


Choose whether to save as a Local or Global Filter. In this example, we have saved this as a Local FIiter.



Deleting a Saved Filter

To delete a filter by selecting it from the drop-down menu and clicking the Delete icon.


Delete Global/Local Folder


Folders may be moved up or down the list by using the 'Up/Down icons.

Assigning a Security Role


When a new global filter is created, the system automatically assigns the security role based on the default assignments set up for each security role. Users who are assigned to the same security role will be able to access the global filter. However, the administrator can also assign additional security roles (in addition to the default role) to a global filter directly from the application page. For example, create a global filter from the Trackor® Browser page, then assign a security role without having to leave the application page.

To assign a security role to a filter option from the application page click the Sec Roles Assignments icon.


To assign the filter select the checkbox beside each of the security roles to be assigned to the filter. To edit a Security Role click the hyperlink and opening the Edit Security Role applet. 




Making a Local Filter Global

To reassign a filter by selecting the Local view/filter and click on the Global icon.

Advance Filter Logic

Users are able to select "Or" operation when using a Filter on the following pages:  all User grid filters,  Report Wizard step 2,  Admin Notifications filter and grid, Filter form on Usage Log for User grid log records. This feature will allow users the ability to use a combination of AND, OR with the filter strings.



Filter Applet





Use the ellipsis to select the items to include in the Filter.


Select the operator. Choices are:  =, <>, Is Null, Is Not Null, =Filed, <> Field.


Use the ellipsis to select the value(s) to include in the Filter.


Use to add The "And", "Or", and (..) operators. Examples shown below.


Users can drag and drop or double click to add items to the Filter.


Clear Filter button.

Using an Advanced Filter

Below is an example of this feature. I am trying to pull all Case records of interest to me – For Active (Not Closed or Pending Upgrade or Resolved) they were either created by me (#2) or I am the CSM(#2) or I am on the Subscriber list (#4) or I have been mentioned (#5) in an Internal Comment (#5) and the status is Awaiting Info (#6)

You can add the filter logic (green box) by clicking on the number buttons (red box) and the ‘and’, ‘or’, ‘(..)’ buttons on the left side of the green box. Once you have added the required filter strings and operators, you can move them around by dragging and dropping.

The filter logic also gets validated – the filter logic section will have a red border (see the second screenshot) and an error message will be provided if you try to hit ‘OK’ with invalid filter logic.

Double-clicking on the advanced filter box allows you to edit it with the keyboard.

The filter logic also gets validated – the filter logic section will have a red border and an error message will be provided if you try to hit ‘OK’ with invalid filter logic.

Auto-completion for the filter field

Users have the ability to type text in the Filter Field on the Filter Options and after press on Enter to display a panel with possible values. 

Users can use this approach to save time and clicks. Users can still click on the ellipsis and lookup the specific field.  

Click here for a Video Tutorial on Auto-completion for Filter Fields 

Filter Operators

Each data type allows Filter Operators which determine how trackors may be filtered. 

Text: =, <>, is_null, is_not_null, (+)=, (+)<>, =F, <>F

Number: =, <>, is_null, is_not_null, >, >=, <, <=, (+)=, (+)<>, =F, <>F, >F, <F, >=F, <=F

Memo: =, <>, is_null, is_not_null, (+)=, (+)<>

Wiki: =, <>, is_null, is_not_null

Electronic File: =, <>, is_null, is_not_null

DB Drop-Down: =, <>, is_null, is_not_null

DB Selector: =, <>, is_null, is_not_null

Trackor Selector: =, <>, is_null, is_not_null, (+)=, (+)<>, new, not_new, =Myself, <>Myself, =F, <>F

Trackor Drop-Down: =, <>, is_null, is_not_null, new, not_new

Trackor MultiSelector: =, <>, is_null, is_not_null, new, not_new

Drop-Down: =, <>, is_null, is_not_null, (+)=, (+)<>, =F, <>F

Selector: =, <>, is_null, is_not_null, (+)=, (+)<>, =F, <>F

MultiSelector: =, <>, is_null, is_not_null

Calculated: =, <>, is_null, is_not_null, (+)=, (+)<>

Rollup: =, <>, is_null, is_not_null

Date: =, <>, is_null, is_not_null, >, >=, <, <=, >=Today, <=Today, within, this_week_to_date, this_week, this_month_to_date, this_month, this_quarter_to_date, this_quarter, this_year_to_date, this_year, (+)=, (+)<>, =F, <>F, >F, <F, >=F, <=F

Date-Time: =, <>, is_null, is_not_null, >, >=, <, <=, >=Today, <=Today, within, this_week_to_date, this_week, this_month_to_date, this_month, this_quarter_to_date, this_quarter, this_year_to_date, this_year, =F, <>F, >F, <F, >=F, <=F

Time: =, <>, is_null, is_not_null, >, >=, <, <=, =F, <>F, >F, <F, >=F, <=F

Latitude: =, <>, is_null, is_not_null, >, >=, <, <=, (+)=, (+)<>, =F, <>F, >F, <F, >=F, <=F

Longitude: =, <>, is_null, is_not_null, >, >=, <, <=, (+)=, (+)<>, =F, <>F, >F, <F, >=F, <=F

Hyperlink: =, <>, is_null, is_not_null

Checkbox: =, (+)=

Additional Filter Operators for static Fields:

XITOR_KEY(TRACKOR_KEY) Configured Field: new, not_new, +other Filter Operators from "Text" data type

XITOR_CLASS_ID(TRACKOR_CLASS_ID) Configured Field: (+)=, (+)<>, +other Filter Operators from "DB Drop-Down" data type

'Is Field Locked' and 'Is Field Unlocked' operators are available if config field is lockable
'Is Relation Locked' and 'Is Relation Unlocked' operators are available if the selected field is Trackor Key of direct parental Trackor Type and relation type is lockable

“Is New” and “Is Not New”

Is New and Is Not New is based on the Program Parameter "DaysTrackorNew". 

Number of days (1..N) from Trackor creation date when we treat it as New. 0 - This means the feature is turned off.

Components Packages

When you select the ellipsis, you will be given the option to link the filer to a component package. Admins can assign or unassign Filter/View to or from a components package(-es).


Chat Filters


Chat filters are included in filter options. Chat Msg Mentions", "ChatMsg Contains", "Chat Subscribers", "Myself:Chat Mention", and "Myself:Chat Subscription



Restriction Filters

Users can now see any restriction filters applied to a page. If restriction filters are applied and the user has “Read” privilege for the new security group "SHOW_APPLIED_RESTRICTION_FILTER,” the user will see a Restriction Filters tab when viewing the details of a filter. The Filter tab will show the filter details and the Restriction Filters tab will show the applied restriction filters. The restriction filters are not editable.