New Feature and Improvement Videos Home

New Features 22.13

Ability to navigate between E-Files in the Preview Dialog across rows/fields/messages GUI-178454



New Features 22.11

Copy to All/Range feature support for regular fields on the Tasks View page Grid-214149

Added support for Copy to All/Range functionality on the Tasks View page for fields of Task Applet



New Features 22.9

New Portal Layout - 1 frame on the left and 3 frames on the right. Portal-214442



New Features 22.7

"Grid Efiles to ZIP" support for Multi-Efile fields

"Grid Efiles to ZIP" now supports Multi-Efile fields on the Trackor Browser and E-File Browser pages.


New Features 22.6

New Portal View Design Template - Portal-191475

This feature gives portal managers increased control over the user experience. This increases the ability to create dedicated data entries with only the information you wish to display to your user base.



Log In As another User - Other-185731

Login As Feature - View the OneVizion System as another User



New Features 22.5

Pasting Images from the Clipboard into Multiple E-File Fields - EFle-183365

This new feature allows users to select and attach multiple files at once to attachment fields



New Features 22.4

Editable Mapping Grid - Map-179359

This exciting new feature allows users to update mapped data features on the fly within the data grid.

This feature opens up multiple new opportunities for improved efficiency when using our platform including:

  • Quickly viewing sites on a map and assigning tasks to fieldworkers who need to perform on-site tasks.

  • Updating mapped data points quickly without the need to change screens or data views.

  • Users will have the ability to update fields in the grid view on projects they are managing.

  • Users will be able to build views by selecting 15 columns on the grid.



New Features 22.3

Implement the ability to add Applets to the Favorites list - Menu-169410


New Features 22.2.0

Adaptive Buttons - GUI-153322

The buttons and the search and parent/child selector fields now regroup and resize according to the user resizing the window.




New Features 22.0.0

Added the "Run Report" button to the "Admin Reports" page - Rep-181602

This will allow users to Run the Reports directly from the Admin Reports page.




Display the "Tasks" applet on the Mapping info-bubble - Map-179361



New Features 21.24

Ability to Clone Tabs directly from the applet admin form - Conf-178525

Added the Clone tab button for tab entries. This functionality supports the cloning of config tabs and external tabs.



New Features 21.23

Ability to define initial sizes for a portal frame - Portal-180961

Added two fields to the frame shape to specify default values for frame height and width.



New Features 21.22

Managing Classes directly from Tab/Applet "Classes" tab - Admin-179909

Added the ability to Manage Trackor Classes on the Tab and Applet forms



Ability to filter/search by VTable value/label - Conf-177455

Added the new table value name and value label filters to the Quick Search fields list and to the Filter Options form on the Validation Tables page. They allow users to find tables that include values with specific names or labels.



Ability to Clone Fields in Tab Designer - Conf-179702

Added the ability to clone a field to the Form Designer.



New Features 21.21

Portal: Hide Applet/Tab label - Portal-183200

The "Hide Applet/Tab Label" new option was added to the "Applet" frame type, disabled by default.



"Sticky Main Menu" user settings option - Menu-181215

This feature allows users the option of making the Main Menu “Stick” to the left side of their OneVizion windows.



New Features 21.20

Added a new option to hide field prefixes from Tabs/Forms and user pages - Conf-181107



New Features 21.19

Combine the "Classes" and "Class X-ref" pages - Trackor-179908

The "Class X-ref" page was removed completely, as well as all menu items for the page and the "ADMIN_TABS_TO_CLASS" security group.



Added support for the "clone field value" option for Multiple Efiles field - EFile-178928

Clone a Trackor feature now supports Multiple EFiles fields.



New Features 21.18

Added the "exclude my updates" option to Notification Templates - Notif-172692



New Features 21.17

Implement grouping by any field type in Card View Grid-171765

Implemented grouping by fields such as Text, Number, Calculated, Hyperlink, and DateTime in Card View.

If the values ​​of the fields of type Text and Hyperlink are longer than 50 characters, then they will be truncated, and the hint will contain the full value.

In this example, we have used the Column Category of I:Priority# and the Row Category of I:Status



Added an option to indicate the currently sorted field on a dashlet- Dash-179972

Added an icon indicating ​the selected sorting type next to the dashlet field name in the dashlet edit mode. If the sort type is not specified, the icon is not displayed.



New Features 21.16

Ability to answer in a chat with quotes - Chat-148629

Added a new feature to allow chat messages to be quoted. When text is selected in a chat message, a quote button
appears next to the selected text that adds it to the submit form when clicked.



New Features 21.15

Admin Import page - Template File - Imp-178053


Added an ability to upload an import template file to the admin form. Any extra information can be used to help a regular user with preparing a data source file. The admin form also includes a hyperlink to generate a simple Excel file with the first row containing all the fields from the "Fields" tab. Field descriptions are also exported to Excel as cell comments.



Select the row an Import should start with -Imp-178243

Users may choose which row to begin the Import




Default Case Sensitive Sorting - Grid-173253

The new "Case Sensitive Sortings" option in User Settings.



Dashboard define custom sorting for X-Axis values- Dash-156876

Added the ability to set sorting for X-Axis values when editing a Dashlet on the Dashboard page.



New Features 21.14



Hide Tab Fields on a drop-down/checkbox value change - Conf-164283


The ability to hide one or more fields and based on the value of a trigger field. The trigger field  and fields (and markup elements) to be hidden are configured on the new "Hide Tab Elements" admin page.



New Features 21.13

The util.GetValStr and GetValStrID functions return V-Table values - DB-178684


Added new functions "GetValLabel" and "GetValLabelByID" to the UTIL package to return labels. In general, Labels are used to support localization and internationalization.



New Features 21.12

Selecting Multiple Trigger Tyes for Automations - DB-170970

The Trigger tab was updated:

Removed Add/Edit buttons

Added new buttons for each Trigger Type. Each button opens a selector to pick up one or multiple entities

All records in the Automation Trigger grid are grouped by the Trigger Type




Adding attachments to Notifications Notif-156227

Attachments can be configured on the Notification Add/Edit form.



Cloning Notifications Notif-174731



New Features 21.11

Export and Import Program Parameters - BPL-173255

Implemented the Program Parameters export and import capabilities.



New Features 21.8

Degrees-Minute-Second mode Admin-160478

Added two new parameters "DefaultCoordinateLatitudeHemisphere" and "DefaultCoordinateLongitudeHemisphere" for the default direction of Longitude and Latitude coordinates.



Limited Access Icon Sec-172315

A dedicated icon is now displayed on the top panel when the system is in limited access mode.


New Features 21.7

Chat Notification Notif-162108

Display last N messages in the "Chat Message Added" notifications



New Features 21.6

"Create WF Template" and "Trackor Mail setup" buttons have been added to the Applet's bottom panel.



New Features 21.5

Announcements Admin-163405

Added a new notification service and service type: Announcement



Copy Multiple Cells Grid-159252

We have added the ability to select multiple grid cells and copy their contents to the clipboard. New functionality is supported on user pages, admin pages, and selectors grid.



New Features 21.4

Reports: Add "Resize Image" PDF reports Rep-170569

A "Resize Image" checkbox has been added to the "Edit PDF Field" admin form. Image resizing for the PDF Field can now be disabled for opting quality over image/report size.



New Features 21.3

Dashboard – Tables can be sorted on text fields Dash-169486

Added support for sorting by text in the table view of the dashlet.



Support "HTTP Call" rule-class with periodic rule types  Rule-172513

Rule developers can now make HTTP Call Rules based on periodic rule types set in the system. Previously, only Now users may use periodic rule types for rules of the "HTTP Call" class.  The "PeriodicRuleDefaultUser" program parameter must be set for "HTTP Call" rules to work this way.



We have 2 new rule types added to help with testing and monitoring Integrations. They are ‘Before Integration Start’ and ‘After Integration Complete’ and can be tied to specific Integrations.



New Features 21.2

Limited Access to the System Admin-163404

A new ability to limit access to the system has been added. If the new system parameter 'LimitedAccess' is enabled (by default it is disabled) and a user does not have 'Read' permission on the new security group 'LIMITED_ACCESS'  then they will not able to work in the system. If they were already logged in, they will be logged out forcibly and redirected to the login page with a warning message. This restriction applies to API calls as well – if the credentials making the API call doesn’t have R access to ‘LIMITED_ACCESS” system will not be available for API calls as well.  Administrators can't switch to an account with help of "Login As" if the target account can't work in the limited access mode.

All active super users have default 'Read' privilege on the LIMITED_ACCESS security group. Also, any existing Security Role that has ‘Read’ privilege for ‘Default Privs’-> ‘User & Security’ will also have access to the system when Limited Access is enabled.




Required Fields by Tab Conf-164152

This feature allows fields to be required, based on the Tab in which they appear.



New Features 21.1

Other-163191 Linked Values

A new feature is available for  "Number" Fields". The administrator can use 'Linked Values' feature to present the value of the field in different formats.



New Features 21.0

EFile-165696 Multiple EFile Fields

The "Multiple EFile" field is a new field data type available on the Config Form and all user pages.


Rule-163187 Rules/Rule Packages/Automations - Labels support

OneVizion developers can create new labels and access them in Rules/ Packages/ Automations using the pkg_label functions.



Rule-168473 ability to filter on NA Tasks in Automation

‘Automation Filter’ in ‘Action-Filter’ can now use T:NA to filter Date Pairs


New Features 20.24


CompPack-169354 - Assign Automations to a Components Package

Automations can now be assigned to Component Packages in the ‘Component Packages’ tab. They can also be mass assigned on the ‘Mass Assign Components’ Page. Automations can be exported/imported using Components Export/Import pages.


Dash-170329 Print/Export Dashlets

Dashlets can now be exported, individually into a pdf. ‘Export’ option is available in the ellipsis menu.


Rule-169170 - Task/Field updated by an automation can trigger the Task Updated/Trackor Updated rules.

Task date/Field being updated by automation now executes the "After Trackor Update", "After Trackor Create/Update", "After Task Update" rules if the related checkbox is checked.



New Features 20.23


GUI-163765 – New Drop-Down component for Component Export/Import pages

The new drop-down component is now available for editing, deleting entries in Component Export, Import pages.




Label-163184 Login Page – Language selection

The Login Page provides an option for the user to select the Language option (listed options will be in ‘Localization->Languages’) for the Login page. The user’s selection will be stored in a browser cookie. Subsequently, the Login page will be set to the option stored in the cookie. If there is no ‘LangID’ in the browser cookie, then the value stored in System Parameter “DefaultLoginPageLanguage” will be used.

After logging in, the language selection in the Login Page will be saved to ‘User Settings->OneVizion Language’. Any changes made to ‘User Settings->OneVizion Language’ will also get saved to the browser cookie.

In the case of SSO, user settings will be applied for Language selection.





Map-169966 V-Table colors for ‘Color Legend Field’

Users can access ‘Lat/Long Field Links’ from the Fields grid, to select ‘Color Legend Field’ options from available VTables that have colored values. Once selected (in this example, Project Phase), accessing the Mapping page, will show the Map points in the ‘Project Phase’ color.



Rule-156407 New Automation actions  for Tasks updating Task attributes

New Actions are now available to update Task attributes through Automations – Block Calc Update (to set/unset block calc), Task Duration Update (to change Task duration), Task N/A Update (to set/unset N/A).




WP-151464 Gantt Chart to visualize WorkPlan Template Tasks

Opening the Tasks form from WorkPlan Templates will now show the Gantt chart for the Workplan Template tasks to the right. Previously, Gantt chart was available only for WorkPlan instances. With this new capability, WorkPlan Admins can visually see the Tasks in a Gantt chart. The individual Task forms can be accessed by clicking on the bars.


New Features 20.20

DB-165513 Object Reference Page

Object Reference provides a mechanism to be able to reference entities (Trackor Types, Fields, VTables) in Rules/Automations/Rules Packages between environments seamlessly.


GUI-168334 Expand Button

This component is currently used for the below UI dialogs:

Menu -> Help -> Hot Keys

User Search in Chat Message panel

Dashboards – Dashlet Options and Dashlet Field Options



New Features 20.19

GUI-164764 New Dropdown for Administer Menu page

Users can click on the ellipsis to Edit/Delete/Clone the Menu.


Label-138732 Description of system parameters are now Labels

System parameter descriptions can now be made available in different languages.


New Features 20.18

GUI-161263 Portal Menu Options

Users can click on the ellipsis to Edit/Delete/Clone the portal.



New Features 20.17

Grid-154619 CardView – Read Mode

Card View is a Data View page that allows records to be shown in a Card format. This is similar to accessing a Trackor type in a Trackor Browser/Grid View where the records will be shown in a grid format. In Card View, Rows and Columns can be grouped and selected fields can be seen in a card layout.




GUI-121473 DropDown Menu for Dashboards

We have a new GUI component to show the Dashboards. The video below shows the new component which will use an ellipsis menu to edit and delete the dashboard.



Imp-163346 Imports for  program, task, and system labels

We have added 3 new imports to allow users to edit Language labels easily. The new imports are for Program Labels, Task Labels, and System Labels.



VF-156401 Auto-complete Filter Fields

We have added the ability to lookup fields in Filter Options. In the example below, typing ‘type’ and hitting enter in Filter fields will bring up all fields (up to 100 fields) that contain ‘type’ in its name. If the search brings more than 100 fields, none of them will be shown. Users can use this approach to save time and clicks. Users can still click on the ellipsis and lookup the specific field.  



New Features 20.16

CodeQ-153687 Pinning Grid Buttons and Applets

Users can now customize each Grid (Trackor Browser grid and Admin pages) by pinning the most frequently used Actions (Buttons) and Applets in the Button area.



Grid-156402 Compact View in Grids

Users can now select ‘Compact’ mode in View Options for all User grids (not applicable for Admin pages) . In this mode, each record/row will be displayed as a single line without any wrap. Grid Headers will be shown in entirety – compact mode does not apply for Grid headers.

  • Images/Efiles will only show their filename. No preview will be available

  • Memo/Wiki fields – double clicking on fields will allow them to be edited (with scroll). Hovering over the field will show entire content with formatting.

  • Wiki fields will not have additional formatting in compact mode (unless user hovers or double clicks on the field).

  • Fields that have more content than can be displayed will have ellipsis (3 dots at the end).  


New Features 20.14

WP-155617 Gantt Chart display Critical Paths

The Date for Critical Path can be selected in the View -> Gantt Dates panel dropdown for ‘Show Critical Path For’. Gantt Charts are available as a View Option in Task Details/View Grids.


Rule-155623 Mass Update Task Dates in a Grid using Form Button Rules  

All Task Dates in the Grid for a particular field can be mass updated by using Form Button Rules. The dates can be updated to either a specific Date Value or by a Date offset (which will be updated based on working days specified in the Calendar).



New Features 20.13

WP-158152 Workplan Date Calculation Options

Workplan templates and instances (can override) now have the following options (checkboxes) that will change the date calculation. Workplan administrators will be able to restrict access to edit/view these checkboxes using Security privileges.

  1. Auto calculate lag to Predecessor

If a gap is introduced by changing the finish date of successor (start date will change by duration) and a lag/lead will be added to the predecessor field.

2. Don't shift downstream forecast dates when actualizing a Task

The successor task won't be shifted after the actualization of the predecessor task. If the gap was created then lag/lead will be added to the successor field.


New Features 20.12

GUI-155096 Reorganizing Views & Filters

Users are now able to re-order Views and Filters.



Map-161314 _ Mass Assign Rules on the Mapping page

"Rule" button allows you to run Form Button rules on the Mapper page. You can run Mass Assign rule or Config rule.



New Features 20.11

Dash-15815 Dashboard Waterfall Chart Type

‘Waterfall’ chart type is now available as an option when users select Field Options. Currently supported chart types are Area, Bar, Column, Line, Pie, Spline, and Waterfall.


Users with privilege can now edit Dashboards and Portals by clicking on the Dashboard/Portal name.



New Features 20.10

Notif-157766 - Notifications Group into Threads

Added ability to group emails from Notifications into threads. if "Group into Threads" is enabled, then emails from the Notification will be grouped into the email thread. When Group into Threads" is enabled, Thread Name will be generated for Notif Queue records.



Rule-155069 New Automation Action Type "Field Set Color"

We now have a new Action Type (Field Set Color) that will allow users to set the value from the Color Table in the Action tab.



WP-155616 Ability To Block/Unblock Calc

Similar to the right-click menu providing the option to N/A and un-N/A tasks, users can now Block/Unblock calc from the right-click menu (see snapshot below)in a Grid or config form without opening the Task Form. Right-click menu option to Block Calc or Unblock Calc will be available, if :

  1. It is start projected date (in case if both start and finish dates are displayed) or it is finish projected date (in case the start date is hidden)

  2. Task discipline is assigned to the user

  3. Start and finish actual dates are empty

  4. User has Edit privilege on TASK_BLOCKCALC_MOD security group



New Features 20.8

Dash-155436 - Dashboard Percentages

A switch is available to "Show percent values" has been added to the field settings. When the switch is on, the values ​​in the chart are displayed as a percentage.



Rule-155500 - Automations – View ‘Filter’ details in grid

Users can now access Filter details in the Automation grid.


New Features 20.7


Admin-108391 - Default User Settings

Under Program Parameters, ‘Default User Settings’ can be used to set Values that will get copied by default to any new user that gets created in the system. This helps to enforce that all Users created in the system begin with the same set of settings which can then be changed if needed.


Conf-156687 - Organize Fields alphabetically on the Form/Tab Editor

Field labels are now sorted alphabetically to allow for the fields to be looked up quickly in the Tab Editor

Rule-154478 - Automation Lock/Unlock Fields

We have a new Action Type – ‘Field Lock-Unlock’ that can be selected to in an Automation and use Action->Target Value->Is Locked to ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ based on business logic requirements.


New Features 20.6

Dash-155437 - Dashboards - Show Value Number on Chart

Added the ability to display the value of points on the chart. You can enable the ‘Show Value’ option in each chart to see the data points in the graphs displayed.


GUI-156646, GUI-156647 - Grid Menu Changes

Users can now access the Export and Export History options directly from this menu (without having to go to the Export sub-menu). Export History will no longer be available here as it is already available in the notifications (bell icon) menu.

Grid Stats is now made available in the Grid menu (ellipsis) as well. It is currently available by clicking on the hyperlink in the paging section (bottom left corner) of the grid.


VF-155826 - Improved View/Filter access from the Grid

Users can double click the view or filter to open the respective editor quickly. Below are the actions available for View/Filter in the top menu.

a. When hovering over the view or filter label, the label will be highlighted in the color of the skin and underlined.

b. A single click on the view/filter label will expand the view and filter panel focus will be placed on the search field for view/ filter.

c. Double-clicking on the view or filter label will open the edit form for the view/filter.


New Features 20.5

GUI-153946 - Setting a Default Tab

Users are able to mark a specific tab as default and it will be loaded first when an applet is opened. This tab will be remembered on the browser level for the current Applet. If there is no default tab specified or selected tab is not present on the form then the first tab will be loaded. The current default tab will be marked with a star icon.


Search results will be shown in 2 sections – the first section will show results from the selected Menu and the second section will show results from the remaining other Menus. Search phrases and results will be remembered until the User clears the search.


'Default Page' selector control in the 'User Settings' form.


Notif-155050 - Notifications - Assigned Users

Global Notifications will now have a new tab called ‘Assigned Users’ to show all users assigned to the current notification.


Sec-154388 - User Notifications

Administrators can now see and assign Notifications to users from System Users trackor, in ‘User Notifications’ tab


WP-56648 - Filter on Task N/A on the Trackor Browser pages

Filter by N/A is available in Filter Options. Users can select WP Template (or 'All' applets), then the WP Task Field selector will contain the new filter (T:N/A).  After selecting the required Task that needs to be filtered, select Yes or No for N/A

New Features 20.4

Users may access the Applet and Tab Designer forms via the links on the Applet.


Exp-152211 - Exporting Color Values

Added the ability for Export to Excel and Trackor Browser Reports to show cell colors.


GUI-155307 - Popup Notification on “Copy” command

We now will show a popup notification when a cell value is copied to the clipboard.


VF-153396 - Filtering based on Color Values

Users are able to filter records based on their Color which is assigned in the Color Value Table.


New Features 20.3

Sec-154391 and Sec-154387 - Trackor Comments - Security Group Settings

We now have a Default Assignment for ‘Chat Notification’. Also, the Security Role->Notifications tab is now grouped by Type-Chat Notifications and Type-Others to be able to easily see all notifications that get automatically added for Chat. We now also have a quick search bar and the ability to sort by grid headers in this form.


New Features 20.2

Audit-152231 - Set Cell Colors

Cell colors can now be reverted/recovered in Field History->Value Color tab.


Exp-151282 - Exports Show N/A’d Workplan Tasks

Now you can export a grid with N/A'd WorkPlan Tasks as "N/A". Also, you can use the "N/A" option for Report Wizard and Reports with TB Grid Worksheets.


Grid-115594 - Copying URL’s

Grid-115594 Users can now copy the URL of field values by using the right-click menu -> Copy URL option.


GUI-152281 - Menu Application Icons

We have added additional icons to our Icon library to allow administrators to pick Icons for Menu applications


New Features 20.1

Chat-152002, GUI-148673, Grid-152003, VF-153190 - UI Changes

"Open Comments" button moved from the top left corner of grid buttons panel to the right bottom corner of the grid

Browser history updates when loaded platform page

WF-151634 - Disable Next/Prev Steps in Mobile Workflows

WorkFlow steps for Mobile Apps can now optionally disable Prev/Next buttons by checking on ‘Disable Navigation’ in the WorkFlow step.


New Features 20.0

Grid Header Changes



New Features 19.19


WP-148669 - Task Details - Minimap

A Minimap is shown after hovering over the horizontal scroll of the Gantt Chart.