Administer Trackor® Tours

From the Administer Trackor® Tours page, the administrator is able to see a list of all tours. Administrators are able to Add, Edit, and Delete tours. Each system comes with several existing tours however, administrators can also add new tours.


Trackor Tours


Users may 'Pin' features to their command bar by using the ellipsis menu.



Setting Permission for Tours

Administrators or any user that will be setting up Tours must be given the following Security Roles:


Users must be assigned to each tour in order to view tours. The administrator will need to make these assignments. Select the user(s) and open the Trackor Tours tab. The administrator may choose to assign specific or all tours to a user.


Security Groups should also be assigned to each User. The options include:

  • R - Read

  • E - Edit

  • A - Add

  • D - Delete


Adding Trackor Tours

Tours may be added to pages and Trackor Types. Open the Help applet by using the on the bottom left of the screen. 


The following applet will be displayed:


General Info Tab




Tour Label


Trackor Type

Optional - to attach the tour to a specific trackor

Start Place for Tour

Required - Select Page, Applet, or Tab

Page Name

Required - the page on which the tour is located

Order Number

Optional - used to arrange the tours on a page in numeric order


Optional - used for a brief description of the tour

Once the required fields are updated, click the OK button.

An applet will appear to alert that the tour recording has started.

The tour Recording Icon, should show in the Grid options bar near the User ID. Use the Ctrl+Click on the form elements to create Tour Steps. Populate the information on the following applet:



HTML Element (id or name)

Required - This will be automatically assigned when building the tour. IF not, this can be found by inspecting the element. To inspect the element, right-click and select "inspect".


Step Duration (sec.)

Optional - tour step can be assigned a number of seconds to show before proceeding to the next step.

Orphaned Backdrop

Optional - IF checked changes the appearance of the tour step.

Orphaned - Tour Step will appear in the middle of the screen instead of being anchored to a specific button/icon.

Backdrop - will allow the Tour Step to be "highlighted" and dim the background of the page.

Popover Placement

Required - position the Tour step will appear in relation to area on the application.

Action on HTMLElement

Use IF the tour step requires opening an applet. i.e. clicking the Edit Icon will open the trackor record applet

Form Number

Required - This will be automatically assigned when building the tour. 

Step Title Label

Required- This will be automatically assigned when building the tour

Step Content Label

Required- This will be automatically assigned when building the tour

Step Content

This will be the instruction for the user. There are also styles and formatting options available.

Tour Steps Tab

From the Steps tab users are able to edit each step of the tour.


Adding Images to the Tour Steps

Images must have a URL address.


First, you must Copy the address of the file. 


1 - Open the Trackor Tours page.

2- Navigate to the Steps Tab. Open the specific step where you would like to insert the image.

3- Click on this image icon as highlighted below.


When the image icon is chosen the following applet will appear.


Then paste the URL and select OK.


Components Package Tab

A trackor type or rule or DB package can be assigned to multiple Component Packages. For example, the Account will need to be part of the Case Management System and Professional Services Automation.


On this tab, admins can assign/unassign configuration objects to/from a components package if you have E privilege on ADMIN_COMPONENTS_PACKAGE security group. Add button is displayed if you have A privilege on ADMIN_COMPONENTS_PACKAGE and the Delete button is displayed if you have D privilege on ADMIN_COMPONENTS_PACKAGE. 

Editing Trackor Tours 

To Edit at Trackor Tour select the Edit Icon, 

 or click on the Tour ID link.  This will take you to the Administer Tours page. 


Using Administer Trackor Tour to Edit Tours 


Once tours have been recorded, the tour is stored on the Trackor Tours page. Here administrators are able to make additional edits to the tour. Below is a review of each tab that is created when a tour is added.



To open a specific tour click on the hyperlink. The information on the General Tab is populated when the Tour is recorded.

Deleting a Tour

To delete a tour highlight it in the Application Grid and click the  Delete Icon. Deleting a tour permanently removes it from the OneVizion® system.


Exporting a List of Tours

To export files click on the Export Icon.