Import Data

The Import Data Application Page allows users to run the Imports that have been already established in Administer Imports and load the respective data into OneVizion®.

Import Data Application Page



Adding an Import



For detailed instructions on adding an Import see the Administer Imports page.

The import preprocessor will convert files to an acceptable format (.xlsx or .csv) for importing. For example, if you want to import a KML file, you can preprocess the file into the .csv file format so that you can run the import.

Running an Import

To run an Import, click the Import Icon. This will open the Import Applet.  Clicking "OK" will load the Import into the system.


Import Applet



Field Name

Field Description

Choose File

Allows the user to browse local computer or an external source to select the file to be imported. In addition to CSV, imports OneVizion now supports MS Excel files. When uploaded on the "Run Import" form user will be prompted to select an Excel Sheet to use as a data source. Selected Sheet should follow standard import format: header on 1st line and data on the following lines.

When an excel file is chosen user will get a list of sheets and show it in the drop-down for the user to choose. Only cell values from cells with formulas are converted to CSV. For example, a cell has the formula (=1+1). This cell is converted as 2. If cells don’t have values and cells have only formulas (for example, an excel file from a report), CSV values for these cells will be empty. You can fix this (if you wish). You just need to open the excel file and run the formula calculation. Images, Charts, Colors within the excel file are ignored. 

In addition, users can now also select KML/KMZ files to import. The KMZ archive must contain only one KML file; otherwise, an error will display.


Import of Excel files is not supported with API


Choose whether to Insert, Insert/Update, or Update the data in the system.

Column Header Row

This feature allows users to skip the first rows and start importing with a row set in the field. That row must contain the columns headers.

Is Incremental

When this checkbox is selected the import will only process the records that are different from the last time the import was run.

Run Now

Option to run the Import now.

At a specific time

Option to select the date and time for the Import to be run.


Allows user to provide additional information regarding the Import.

Max Run Time

Maximum run time

Expected Columns

Contains the list of columns defined for the Import.

Supplied Columns

Contains the list of columns in the Import file. The list should contain at least the expected columns.

Accessing Import History


After the import has run, users may access the import history. To open the Import History applet click the Import History Icon.


View Options and Filters can be used to refine the results.


Import History Applet


On the Import History page, the Original File hyperlink allows the download of the original file uploaded by a user, and the Import File hyperlink allows the download of the file received after executing the preprocessor function.


Cells Count

The Import History also shows the number of cells that were Imported.


Editing Import Details

To edit the Import Details click the hyperlinked Process ID or select the record in the Application Grid and clicking the Edit Icon.

This will open the Import Details Applet.



To access the Administer Import click the hyperlinked Import ID. To access the User ID applet click the hyperlinked Owner.

General Tab of the Import Details Applet

Import ID

Hyperlink to the Administer Import Applet of the Imported Data.


Time that the import was submitted.


Time that the import was scheduled to run.

Actual Start

Time that the import actually started.


Time that the import finished.

Rows Processed

The number of rows processed in the format of "x of y".  Y is the number of rows in the CSV files, and X is incremented for every row of every import entity.

Grid Count

Number of cells processed from the CSV (Rows x Columns).

PK Count

Number of unique entities in the CSV.  It will depend on import mapping configurations.

DM Count


Import File

Clicking the  will download the exact CSV file that was loaded for that particular import process.

Show Error Log

Click to show any errors encountered.


Allows for a free-form comment to be saved in regards to the purpose of the import.

Import Name

Name of the import.


If the import executed without any error, a green arrow icon will be present next to the status.  If an error does occur, this icon will be an orange exclamation.


Indicates the intention of the import:  Insert, Insert/Update, and Update.


The user is responsible for initiating the import.

CSV Parsing Time

The time spent by the system analyzing the CSV, and if any data validation is set, applying the appropriate validations.

PK Searching Run Time

Time spent running Mapping SQLs and creating new entries such as Trackors®.

Data Map Generation Runtime


Data Importing Runtime

Time spent on actual data load does not include parsing and PK Search.

Recovery Start

Shows when the recovery started

Recovery Finish

Shows when the recovery finished

Import Log Tab


The Import Log Tab will list any errors that may have occurred during the Import process.

Import Log Tab


DB Message

Contains the database message.

Warning Type

Shows where the error comes from and type of error.

PK (Primary Key)- shows where to find the primary key for the row.
DM (Data Map)- determines the field or relation to which the column belongs.
Data- shows the error with the data at the time of import (e.g., data format is incorrect, spelling is incorrect).

Row Number

Shows the row number of the Import that contains the error.

SQL Statement

Contains the SQL code that was run.

Mapping Name

Contains the Data Mapping connecting the Import file to the database.

Editing Import Log

To view the log details click the hyperlinked DB Message or select the record in the Application Grid and click the Edit Icon.


Log Details Applet


Exporting Import Log

To export the Import Log or view the Export History click the Export or Export History Icon.

Deleting Import

To delete an Import run click the checkbox next to the Import to delete and click the Delete Icon.


Deleting an Import permanently removes it from the OneVizion system.

Recovering Import

If a Import is Executed with Warnings, users may recover the data.  Click the Recover Import Icon.


The Recover Selected Import Confirmation window will appear.

Recover Selected Import Confirmation Window


Upon success, the status will be updated to Recovered.

Recovered Import



Accessing Import Recovery History

Once an Import has been recovered, users may access the history by clicking the Import Recovery History Icon.

Interrupting Import

If an Import is not executing correctly or timely, users may interrupt the Import process by clicking the Interrupt Import Icon,.