Administer Imports


The Administer Imports process allows for the creation of Imports so that certain datasets can be entered into the OneVizion database.  Thus, careful planning and testing of Configured Imports must be ensured so data integrity within the system is maintained.

How an Import Processes

First, the primary keys (PK) are identified. If the import permits and new trackors need to be created, they will be created and committed individually and immediately for each trackor. Therefore, the pk stage of the import process results in a very short transaction for each inserted record.

Next, all the cells in an import (cell as row 5, column 3) will be imported. Cells are processed one column at a time, top of the column to the bottom of the column, and left to right. Each cell is individually either committed or rolled back. Because business rules are attached to each cell, the time for the cell transaction to complete can be sub-second or minutes. If the rules behind a cell are complicated (for example, triggering the creation of many workflows), the time to complete and commit the cell transaction can be extended. 

This is very similar to the same field change being completed on the web page. The difference is that on the web page, all fields are changed to get their rules fired and all updates are committed or rolled back including trackor insert/update rules in a single transaction. In an import, only the rules for the cell/field are fired and are committed or rolled back so transactions tend to be very small and
atomic and shorter than the webpage.

Next, all trackor create/update rules are fired and committed for each row. So unless the rules are egregious, transactions are very small and quick.

Finally, import complete rules are run and committed. This type of rule is very rare. 

In summary, there can be select cursors that are open for extended periods of time due to import activity, but insert/update/delete activity is kept as small as possible by a very granular and high level of commits to minimize locks in the database.

Users may create a Default Data Import through the Trackor® Tree. See Data Import Wizard.

Imports Page

Users may 'Pin' features to their command bar by using the ellipsis menu.

The Import page now has an Import button that can be added to the Command Bar and the History icon in the grid.

Import Button


History Icon

Configuring the Application Grid

Use the View Options and Trackor Browser Filters to restrict the records to be displayed in the Application Grid.  However, the View Option and Filter functionality for the Administer Import page will be limited in functionality.  For example, the Filter Applet will only allow users to restrict on the Import Name.  The Quick Search on the Command Bar can also be used to refine the Application Grid 


The Filter Applet on the Administer Import page is unique in that it will only limit the records based on Import Name.  This is similar functionality to the Quick Search, where the text in this box is non-case sensitive.  Click the "OK" to confirm the Filter.

Filter Applet of the Administer Import Application Page


Methods for Creating an Import File


The only external data source supported by OneVizion is an import file in the CSV format.

Create Import from Existing Entities


The easiest way to prepare an Import is to go to the desired Application Page / Trackor Browser Page in OneVizion.

Use the View Options to select the necessary Columns / Fields in the Application Grid / Trackor Browser Grid
and then click the Export Icon. This will create a CSV with the appropriate headers, which can then be imported and create Field Mappings.


The exporting of data will only work if the Trackor contains fields, the fields have been assigned to tabs, and the tabs have been assigned to applets on the Trackor. If the Trackor has not yet been completely set up, users must create an import file manually.

Manually Creating Import File

When creating the import CSV manually, the following must exist in the CSV:

  • The CSV column headers need to match the Field Names exactly.  These Field Names should align with those that are stored in the database for the given Trackor Type / Entity, not the Field Labels that are displayed to the user.  This can be viewed from the Define Field Application Page:


Field Name on the Edit Field Applet


  • Delete empty rows at the bottom of the CSV. If there are empty rows, the required fields that do not have data in them will throw errors.

  • Consistent data; all data elements in a given column have the same format.  For example, all numbers are in number format and not text strings.

Adding an Import

To create a new Import, click the Add Icon.  This will open the Administer Import - New Import Applet first appears, there will only be a General tab. Once the import is saved to the OneVizion database, four additional tabs will appear.

General Tab

The General Tab contains general information about the Import, such as the name, actions taken, and a brief description.

General Tab of the Import

  1. New column on the Admin Import page - Template File - with a file icon. The icon is displayed only if there is an uploaded template file. If you click by icon, a template file will be downloaded

  2. Label which description what for and what to do with "Template File" and new hyperlink on the form

  3. New field to upload a template file. The Template File history is opened if you click on the field label.

  4. The hyperlink for generation Excel.


Field Name

Field Description

Import Name*

Contains the name of the Import will display to the user in the Application Grid. This name should be unique and descriptive of the data to be imported.

External Procedure

Contains a short SQL statement that runs a short external procedure. Leave the External Procedure field blank unless a special procedure outside of the normal import process has been created for this particular import.

When using an External Procedure, fill in the procedure name followed by a semi-colon. The IMP_RUN_ID will be passed as the variable for the procedure (:rid).

The Fields and Mappings tabs can remain blank for imports that use external procedures.
For example, "pkg_ext_imp.XitorConfiguredFieldLoad(:rid);" will load all Fields for a given CSV template even if they are not explicitly mapped.


Indicates which actions are available for the import load. Click the Ellipsis Icon to choose one or more actions.

Options include:

Insert - Inserts new rows into the database tables.
Insert/Update - Creates new rows in the database tables if the field does not exist in the database.  Updates rows if the field matches data already in the database.
Update - Updates rows if the field matches data already in the database. If the field does not match, then nothing happens.

Default Action

Indicates which action is the default selection for the import. Options available depend on what is selected in the Actions field. If a default action is not selected, the import defaults to the first option selected in the Action field.

Data Validation Mode

Indicates the validation mode which is run during the Import.

No Validation - no validation is run during the Import. Error Logs will not contain messages. Warning Applet is not displayed.

Warn on Errors - Error Log will not contain messages. Warning Applet is displayed.

Don't start import on errors - Import will not start when errors occur. Error Logs will not contain messages. Warning Applet is displayed.

Line Delimiter*

Contains the available Line Delimiters. The recommended Line Delimiter is <new line>.

Field Delimiter*

Contains the available Field Delimiters.  The recommended Field Delimiter is a comma.

String Quote*

Contains the available list of String Quote values. The standard String Quote is a double quote (“ ”).

Date Format*

Contains the format in which dates will be inserted into the database. Must use an Oracle supported date format (e.g., MM/DD/YYYY).

Keep parsed data for

Number of days to saved the parsed data.

Max Runtime

Admin can set Max Runtime on the Import admin form. Also, the user can adjust Max Runtime on Start Import form. It can be set when import schedule with API call. Also, Max Runtime has been added as a property to Import and Import Spec JSON Model.

The Imports will not be "stopped" after this time. 

This is used to alert the OneVizion Support Team with a "Warning" that the Import has exceeded the allotted time. 

Please add about 20% greater than the expected time to avoid these alerts being sent. 

Time Format

Contains the choices for time formats.

Performance Feature

Feature will improve import performance. Will allow updates to process in a faster time-frame.


Contains a description of the Import that the user will see. Use this field to enter warnings or guidance information the user needs to know about this import.

Components Package

Drop-down containing a list of components that can be associated with the Applet.

The Component Package must first be added using Administer Component Packages.

Fields Tab


The Fields Tab is used to create a list of the Fields to be used in the Import process. The Fields added here will be the expected header Column Names from the CSV when running the Import. 



Column Name

Column Description


Contains the ID for the field name.

Column Name

Contains the fields that will be the column headers on the Application Grid.


Contains the description of the column headers.

Adding Fields

Fields can be added to the Import in one of two ways:

  • Add Icon Used for entering each Field manually.  This will open the Add Field Applet.

Add Field Applet



Field Name

Field Description

Field Name*

Contains the Field Name (also the Column Name) as seen by the users who use the Import.


Contains a Description of the field.

  • Load Fields from File Icon- Used to import a list of Fields from a CSV file, which is useful in the case where there are many Fields. The CSV file should be just a list of the Fields on one single horizontal row.  Clicking this icon will open the Load Fields from Export File Applet.


Load Fields from Export File Applet


Click the Choose File Icon to select the CSV file from the user's local computer.  When the fields are loaded from the CSV file, the Fields will appear under the Field Name column with checkboxes next to each field.  To add or remove Fields to the Import by checking the applicable boxes.  Click "OK"to load the fields.

Field Name

Field Description

Choose File*

Enables users to browse the local computer for the CSV file to be uploaded.

Field Name

Allows user to select the fields from the CSV file to be uploaded.

Editing a Field

Once a Field has been saved to the OneVizion system, users may edit the field by highlighting it in the Application Grid and clicking the Edit Icon.

Deleting a Field

To delete a field highlight it in the application grid and click the Delete Icon. Deleting a field permanently removes it from the OneVizion system.


Rearranging a Field

To rearrange a Field highlight it in the Application Grid and click either the Icons. This will move the field up or down the list depending on the respective arrow selected.


Exporting a Field

To export a Field highlight it in the Application Grid and click the Export Icon.


Mapping Tab

For Mapping Tab information, please see the Import Mapping documentation.

Role Assignments Tab

The Role Assignments Tab is used to assign Security Roles and Privileges to Imports. To edit the Lock Privilege assigned to a Security Role click in the appropriate checkbox.

Components Package Tab

A trackor type or rule or DB package can be assigned to multiple Component Packages. 


Components Audit Log Tab

The Components Audit Log Tab records all changes made to Components.  This Tab becomes available once the Component is saved to the system.


Cloning an Import

To clone an Import highlight it in the application grid and click the Clone Icon. The New Import applet will open with the same field values as the original fields.   

Editing an Import

To edit an import highlight it in the application grid and click the Edit Icon. This will open the Edit Import Applet which has the same Tabs and Fields as the Add Import Applet.


Deleting an Import

To delete an import highlight it in the Application Grid and click the Delete Icon. Deleting an import permanently removes it from the OneVizion database


Generating an Import URL

To generate an Import URL, click the Generate Import URL Icon. This function enables users to generate a URL to automatically import from an external source or system.


Generate Import URL Applet


Field Name

Field Description


Contains the users in the system.


Contains the Zones available in the system.


Contains the Programs available in the system.


Indicates which actions are available for the user to choose when the Import runs. Options include:

Insert - Inserts new rows into the database tables.
Insert/Update - Updates rows if the field matches data already in the database tables. Creates new rows in the database tables if the field does not match.
Update - Updates rows if the field matches data already in the database tables. If the field does not match, nothing happens.

Path to CSV file*

Contains the system generated URL. Users may edit as needed.


Contains additional information on the Import.

Import URL

Generates when user clicks OK.

Last Submitted

This feature will allow Admins to better determine when the Import was Last Submitted

Added the new "Last Submitted" column to the Imports page. It displays the same value as the "Submitted" column on the Process page in the form of a hyperlink leading to the Import History.

This new column is exportable, sortable, and filterable. The possibility of filtering by the new column was also added in the Filter Options.

New "Last Submitted" column was added on the Admin Import page.

Added the ability to filter by new column in Filter option


Its value is displayed as a hyperlink which will open the Import History