Archived Release Notes

OneVizion 8.93

Released 10/08/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.92:

New Features:

BPL-125297:  Add Status column at the Components Import page.           

DB-126350:  Create the script to convert the config_value_date from IOT to HEAP table  

For performance reasons config_value_date table converted from index organized to to HEAP

EFile-109273:  Implement population of blob_data.hash in Java 

With EFile-108623 we added support for file has values. Now, hash will be generated in Java in most cases, and only when blob_data modified with rules or other processes which is not providing hash value, it will be generated in DB Trigger. This should improve performance of blob_data operations. Hash column will be empty for all existing blob_data rows until blob_data value will updated. Java hash calculation has small impact on blob_data update/insert actions.

IHub-122721:  Implement support for integration repository       

We implemented UI which lists all available Integrations in integrations repository and allow admins to automatically install selected integrations.

Rule-126351:  Implement Automation Action tab on edit form    

We finished phase 1 implementation of Config Field Update Automation UI.

VF-102486:  Support OR filter operations in grids              

New feature controlled with "EnableFilterLogic" parameter and disabled by default. Outer filter operations available on parental or child fields (+)= and (+)<> can not be used in Filter Logic expressions.


Audit-125596:  Improve "String with href" grid cell renderer to optionally support fixed font        

We added SQL exec plans to the Usage Log grid, and it is important to out this data with fixed font to see all the formatting. Now font type controlled with GRID_PAGE_FIELD.CELL_RENDERER_PARAM2

CodeQ-134352:  Configured fields rendering optimization             

We improved reddening performance of Config Forms

Conf-125705:  Allow access to web camera and mic from external tab     

Google Chrome deprecated access to the camera, mic and geo location recently. But some external applications still may need this functionality. Now we added additional option "Allow camera and mic access" to the External Tab admin form

DB-134110:  Improve performance on loading View option and Filter option        

Improved performance of load view option and filter option

DB-134327:  Add new index to the config_field table       

Improved performance of import data load

DB-134498:  Change the varchar2 column type from BYTE to CHAR to correctly save multibyte symbols   

This changes improved internationalization support

Dash-134311:  Incorrect handling of char data type in dashboard datasource       

GUI-134166:  Minor controls layout issue on the rule editing form            

GUI-57691:  Scrollbars for small containers update          

Improved scrollbars appearance for small memo fields

IHub-124426:  Implement support for integration icons  

Integration may have icon, which will be shown in GUI


Admin-126463:  Exclude Trackor Key field from Mass Assign rule

Admin-126464:  Mass Assign rule does not work with Time and Date/Time fields

Admin-134111:  Error on "Admin Config Tab" form when tab has more that 1000 elements          

Admin-134638:  Rollup settings form are broken

Admin-134723:  Fields list in View Options may contain more then 1000 elements            

For performance reasons we automatically switch to the Trackor Types list, when there are more then 1000 fields are available. In some cases this didn't worked, now we fixed it

BPL-134115:  Error when trying to export Rule in the "Components Export Set Up" pop up form  

This is a recent minor bug when you try to export Rule via the Components Export page. You get an error message when you push OK button on the "Components Export Set Up" pop up form during the export setting up process. We fixed this

Dash-125571:  Remove deleted dashlets from local layout            

Prevent layout inconsistency caused by saving local dashboard layout containing deleted dashlet

Dash-134497:  Horizontal scrollbars are not visible in Dashlet Table View in IE      

DropGrid-134647:  Error when changing Config Field data type  

Err-126363:  com.onevizion.dao.BlobDataDaoOra.updateBlob:255           

Can't submit empty file

Err-134395:  /dash/             

Error when clicking on "Security Role" link on dashboard edit form

GUI-134009:  The dragging action is called when the controls of the selected field are clicked       

Fixed bug causing a dragging event for a field when clicking on field control controls (buttons appear above the field when it is selected)

GUI-134398:  [All] element must be at the list top on Form Designer        

GUI-134851:  Config Field editable in a grid even if there is no edit privs 

This is UI bug, user still can't submit changes if he do not have edit privs

Grid-134236:  Unable to edit text field in a grid  

Grid-134656:  Wrong data set returned when filtering user page with (+)= operator and "PreventLeftJoin" param set to Yes   

Imp-134406:  Can't create default import             

Notif-134167:  Is HTML flag is not handled properly by mail service          

Rep-135017:  Endpoint to submit ClearPath layout are not available         

Rule-134221:  Form Buttons rules hangs in "Running" status after session killed by timeout           

Now, we will update process status to "Interrupted"

VF-134164:  Unnecessary fields in the view options         

Fixed the problem of loading fields not belonging to the selected tab

VF-134407:  "All" filter is duplicated in the Form Organziner when you overwrite it              

VF-134828:  Values for "Within" filter operator are not saved

OneVizion 8.92.1

Released 09/25/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.92:


GUI-134168:  Error message on login screen       

Grid-134236:  Unable to edit text field in a grid  

  1. The bug was reproduced when the text field column is included in list of frozen columns
  2. The bug was reproduced when value length of the text field is more than we display in cell

Notif-134167:  Is HTML flag was not handled properly by mail service          

VF-134164:  Unnecessary fields in the view options         

Fixed the problem of loading fields not belonging to the selected tab

OneVizion 8.92

Released 09/24/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.91.1:

New Features:

BPL-110249:  View folders are not moved by the Components Export/Import.    

BPL-110250:  Filter folders are not moved by the Components Export/Import.

BPL-125293:  Add hyperlink to object ID that lets to open administer form at the Components Export page           

Exp-118700:  Optionally use API compatible column header in exports   

Exp-118701:  Optionally add Entity IDs to the grid exports            

IDs of all the Trackors presented in grid may be included into export file when export started with API call.

Rule-124745:  Implement Automation admin grid and basic edit form     

Rule-125721:  Implement Automation Trigger tab on edit form  


Admin-123285:  Show an empty string in the field "User" on Administer Processes if the user is null          

We may have empty user associated with a process for periodic rule runs (nightly, hourly, etc).

Audit-123284:  Automated error reporting improvements            

Onevizion automatically gather error reports from all installations into trackor.onevizion. In some cases valuable information may be missed in error report. This issue fixes such cases

Audit-124991:  Show "UN"/"Full Name" and EMail in History/Log grids    

History Grids show Un/FullName and Email. "FullName" is alias field that should be set on Trackor Type admin form.

CodeQ-126209:  Fix empty "where" clause in tib_sso_config       

Minor fix do not change any behavior, just makes code cleaner

CodeQ-126212:  Remove processId from temp file name

We used processId as part of temp file name stored on web server during parsing of import CSV. Now we entirely rely on system generated file name.

DB-124423:  Terminate SQL statement when user cancels grid load          

No when user cancels grid data load operation we are abandoning SQL running in DB

DB-124608:  Need ability to use bcc list in util.sendMailWithAttachments             

New parameter "BCC" added to the following routines:





DB-126063:  pkg_db_warmup improvements    

Created new table db_warmup_run to separate data between two warmups.

Fixed runtimes in DB_WARMUP_STAT in milliseconds to simplify comparison with usage_log data.

Populated DB_WARMUP_STAT.ROWS_CNT of values from RCNT column.

Improved the docs providing details on parameters and what each procedure do and sample call and where to look for the result.

DropGrid-126210:  Controller with @SessionAttributes must call "setComplete"

Fixed issue which may potentially cause redundant data storage in web server session

GUI-123165:  Text Labels on Form Designer are missing font style buttons            

Bold, Underline and Italic styles are now available

GUI-125564:  Form Designer and Listbox GUI improvements       

"Add Field" and "Add Tab" buttons are moved to the top of the list. Plus some cosmetic changes

Grid-126196:  Get rid of redundant brackets in user page SQL where statement 

Rule-124003:  Add Rule Type column to the Rule Run grid             

Rule-125844:  Fix "Edit Rule" form layout              

VF-125720:  Unsaved Filter/View should not be scrolled with the rest items          

"Unsaved X" now always on top of the view filters list


API-125599:  Trackor selector options not loading when  TRACKOR_KEY field is not present in default view options   

Admin-125948:  HTML markup symbols on SSO certificates System Parameter edit form 

Admin-126376:  Program Admin user contains no language after new program creation 

Admin-133870:  Owner's Trackor ID selector displays Trackors already assigned to users 

Conf-125955:  Error when using the lock / unlock button for relation fields           

Conf-134161:  Slow performance of configured tab rendering with many Task Dates         

Dash-124999:  Name of the dashlet is not updating after editing

Err-126044:  com.onevizion.web.controller.grid.SimpleDataSourceController.xml:184 ModuleName=TRACKOR_BROWSER       

Error when filtering on memo field "ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small" and there multi byte characters are in some values

Err-126062:  com.onevizion.facade.sqlbuilder.userpage.JoinUtils.isLeftJoinFilter:810        

Error when restricted user filtering TB grid and "PreventLeftJoin" system parameters set to "Yes"

Err-126370:  /new/js/components/entityDashletGroup.js:127    

Bug related to adding Y-Axes groups during dashlet edit is fixed

GUI-125563:  IE does not display a table on the Call Stack page   

Fixed the problem with displaying the grid on the Call Stack page in the IE browser.

GUI-133652:  Incorrect page number alignment

Fixed issue with aligning page numbers in the navigation bar

GUI-133797:  Error clicking on a button inside a minimized list    

Fixed bug on the button inside the minimized list

Grid-126143:  Horizontal keyboard navigation does not adjust the grid viewport

Problem with grid scrolling after selecting next cell using tab/arrow key is fixed

Grid-126378:  Undo is not working in grid for Single Click edit mode         

Grid-133871:  Non-english characters are not displayed in cell of grid for Memo field       

When you switch to edit mode of Memo field in the grid, you see '?????' instead of text in case if full text is not able to fit into the cell

MT-126379:  Mass Form Button rules are not available in clonned program          

Rule-126200:  Mass Assign and Mass Lock/Unlock rules are missed           

VF-125633:  Unable to configure View Options of Trackor Selector            

VF-125646:  MultiSorting option by EFile drill-down fields does not display properly values            

VF-126473:  State of the list display mode is not preserved          

VF-133838:  Value field of Time, Date/Time and Date fields are looked invalid      

The value fields are looked invalid if "Is Null" or "Is Not Null" operators are selected

VF-133963:  "Enable Trace" filter option is not saved of the Admin Rule page       

OneVizion 8.91.1 

Released 09/12/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.91:


Err-126062:  com.onevizion.facade.sqlbuilder.userpage.JoinUtils.isLeftJoinFilter:810        

Error when restricted user filtering TB grid and "PreventLeftJoin" system parameters set to "Yes"

Grid-126143:  Horizontal keyboard navigation does not adjust the grid viewport

Problem with grid scrolling after selecting next cell using tab/arrow key is fixed

Rule-126200: Mass Assign and Mass Lock/Unlock rules were missed

OneVizion 8.91

Released 09/10/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.90.2:

New Features:

DB-124118:  Review state of PKG_DB_WARMUP.          

Package may be used to produce DB workload based on usage_log data.

Rule-121072:  Implement rule tracing so every rule log it's run to RULE_RUN       


Admin-122357:  Show user settings in Admin Users grid 

User can add fields from User Settings in View Options of Admin users grid. Also, user can edit these fields in tab "User Settings" at edit form.

Audit-114850:  Exclude table CONFIG_GROUP_ELEM_XREF from Component Log              

Form layout changes won't be logged in Components log anymore. Also, old log records for CONFIG_GROUP_ELEM_XREF table will not be available in grid.

Audit-123160:  When the field was updated by an import, the call stack form should also show link to Process      

Now we show Process ID (link to import details) and Imp Run ID together.

Audit-124853:  Show Config Field Name/Config Field Label on Field History           

Now we show config field name and label in Field History window

DB-124124:  Drop tables audit_log_old and audit_call_stack_old

Tables used as data backup for issues released in previous versions

DB-124663:  Prevent Left Join in user grid SQL when it is not needed       

New system parameter added "PreventLeftJoin". When enabled will minimize number of left joins in user gird SQL to improve performance. For now it affects only CONFIG_VALUE_* tables

DropGrid-125010:  Allow to use only English symbols for field names on DG form              

EFile-125179:  Replace Aspose.PDF library in web app    

Aspose.PDF library is biggest one in our web app package - almost 40 Mb out of 110 MB. And it is used only to generate thumbnails for PDF EFiles (controlled with "GenThumbsForDocuments" system parameter) and for PDF Reports templates parsing. Now it is replaced with more compact library - BFO PDF

GUI-125509:  Deprocate successful password change message on "change password" page            

Imp-123078:  Implement import recovery interruption  

Now we support interruption from "Recovering" state. Already recovered data will be preserved

Rep-123081:  Improve handling of missed sigar library in report-scheduler           

We are using sigar ( to monitor resources usage on app server. When library is missed on app server report-scheduler silently hangs. Now it will show an error message to help troubleshot such issues

Trackor-123411:  Hide "Child Trackor ID" column on TO and Summary pages        

VF-115807:  Reload View/Filters list only when necessary             

We are retrieving list of Views/Filters each time user submits View/Filter. But it is actually only needed in rare cases. Now we are doing this only for such cases


API-125548:  Trackor update for trackor selector field requires Trackor browser read privilege   

Now trackor update endpoint does not require TRACKOR_BROWSER R privelege for update Trackor Selector config field

Android-125260:  App wipes offline data when server url not changed    

Now App not wipes offline data

Android-125261:  Prevent show "N fields updated" message for fields that submitted from current opened App 

In previous version after user updated some config fields in Mobile App, after few seconds he was receive message "N fields updated", when no any updates raised at GUI. Now this is fixed.

BPL-123504:  "Upload files directly to AWS S3" not moved by the Components Import    

BPL-124515:  Error while importing Config Applet with Components Import/Export          

BPL-125500:  Tours BPL Export is broken              

CodeQ-125604:  Integration changes should be submitted in single transaction   

In case of error during submitting new or editing existing Integration all changes should be reverted properly

Conf-125281:  Do not change Tab Name when label changed         

Now Tab Name auto populated with label only when it is empty

DB-124512:  Cleanup procedures should keep certain tasks data

Now cleanup procedures, which are activated with "TaskDateHistoryPurgePeriod" system parameter will preserver log data for Actuals, Projected, BaseLine, and Promised WP Task dates.

Dash-125003:  Date filters is not working correctly on Dashboards page 

Dash-125221:  Fields in dashboard filter are displayed incorrectly in IE       

DropGrid-125712:  Unable to assign new config fields to General Info tab by the DropGrid             

EFile-119263:  Issues when changing not yet submitted EFile       

EFile-120157:  Bug with Efile icon size    

Err-122039:  /js/js.js:1209           

Err-124870:  /new/js/dashboard.js:88   

the bug appears when we load apecific dashboard attached to main menu

GUI-125280:  The icon for the button for switching the display modes is missed in ie.       

Fixed the problem with displaying the icon in the browser internet explorer

GUI-125287:  Form Designer js error when using other lang for OV           

GUI-52372:  Different font size on Spec and Body tabs of "Admin DB Package" form          

Grid-122001:  After loading the grid, all the sub grids are closed 

Grid-122145:  Autoscrolling the page when selecting a sub grid entry      

Grid-125469:  Horizontal scroll reset after click on Frozen Columns           

Imp-124752:  Import validation should ignore empty values        

Rep-123998:  Apply file name normalization to report generated files     

Users were able to paste line break characters into the report file name on start report form, which may cause errors when uploading files to S3

Rule-120467:  HttpCallRule creates new SimpleJdbcCall instance on each call       

We used SimpleJdbcCall class to run call back procedure to handle response of HTTP Call rule. DB metadata requested on every SimpleJdbcCall object creation, so it may be expensive when significant amount of HTTP Call rules is fired. Now we do not use this object. As a side effect, now call back procedure must have exactly 5 arguments, otherwise "PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call" error will be thrown on call back execution attempt

Rule-125601:  HTTP Call rule error when DataSQL is empty           

The request body for HTTP GET requests is not needed and now it can be empty without filled Data SQL.

Tour-125303:  Tour step creation is not preventing common click events

Trackor-125152:  TB grid issue when multiple instances of a field in filter are used             

VF-125058:  Cannot set Filter value of Trackor Selector/Drop Down in certain scenarios  

Fixed - User gets a 'Module [] not found' error when trying to select value for a Drop Down/Trackor selector field in the filter if the filter was previous saved without any value for this field.

VF-125568:  New field in the right list of view options is not displayed in the multi-sort selector  

Fixed the problem of adding a new field to the multi-sorting list on the view options page

WP-125149:  Cannot create WP Template tasks when tasks names are too long    

OneVizion 8.90.2

Released 09/03/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.90.1:


Conf-125281:  Do not change Tab Name when label chaged Now Tab Name auto populated with label only when it is empty

DB-124512:  Cleanup procedures should keep certain tasks data Now cleanup procedures, which are activated with "TaskDateHistoryPurgePeriod" system parameter will preserver log data for Actuals, Projected, BaseLine, and Promised WP Task dates.

Dash-125003:  Date filters is not working correctly on Dashboards page

Dash-125221:  Fields in dasboard filter are displayed incorrectly in IE

GUI-125280:  The icon for the button for switching the display modes is not displayed in ie.

Fixed the problem with displaying the icon in the browser internet explorer

Grid-122001:  After loading the grid, all the sub grids are closed

Grid-122145:  Autoscrolling the page when selecting a sub grid entry

Tour-125303:  Tour step creation is not preventing common click events

Trackor-125152:  TB grid issue when multiple instances of a field in filter are used

OneVizion 8.90.1

Released 08/29/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.90:

Err-124870:  /new/js/dashboard.js:88   

The bug appears when we load a specific dashboard attached to main menu.

VF-125058:  Cannot set Filter value of Trackor Selector/Drop Down in certain scenarios  

Fixed - User gets a 'Module [] not found' error when trying to select value for a Drop Down/Trackor selector field in the filter if the filter was previous saved without any value for this field.

OneVizion 8.90

Released 08/27/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.89:

New Features:

Conf-114692:  Applet Designer: Ability to add/create, assign, unassign Config Tabs in Config Applet form.

Applet Designer - UI for defining Applets now looks more like Form (tab) Designer.


Admin-123249:  Keep Aspose license in system parameter instead of packaged into the app.       

New system parameter "AsposeLicense" now stores license file, which can be updated without redeploying app. App server restart still required for changes to take effect.

Audit-124853:  Show Config Field Name/Config Field Label on Field History.        

DB-124008:  Convert Config_value_number from IOT to HEAP table.         

We converted config_value_number from IOT to heap table with 1 index.

DB-124123:  Add new indexes on notif_processing_log, integration_log, message.             

Added new index idx2_message (TS, PROCESS, SUB_ID) and changed idx1_message, added idx1_notif_processing_log, changed idx1_integration_log, fixed pkg_vqutils to using these indexes for cleanup.

DB-124305:  Add indexes to non-indexed foreign keys.   

Indexes have been added to the following tables:












Grid-124424:  Remove redundant filter by program_id in user page SQL. 

Since Version 8.0 data filtered by program automatically in Oracle's view. Additional filter in grid SQL may decrease performance.

Grid-124583:  User-friendly message when there is no any available field by security reason at the (Selector) Trackor Browser.       

IHub-116939:  Implement DB encryption for settings file.

Imp-121811:  ConfiguredVTableLoad should update VALUES for a given ID.            

Import supports all operations, such as insert, update, insert / update Requires columns TABLE_NAME, VALUE, ORDER_NUMBER (or ORDER_NUM), ATTRIB_V_TABLE_VALUE_ID

Below is a description of each import operation:

    Insert: Only insert new values (if this value are presented in the table, than will be generate error)

    Update/Insert: If the value for the ATTRIB_V_TABLE_VALUE_ID column is not null, then doing only update ORDER_NUMBER and VALUE for this operation

         If the value for the ATTRIB_V_TABLE_VALUE_ID column is null or 0 or this column is missing from the import, then we finding record in DB using VALUE field.

             If it's find, then update only ORDER_NUMBER.

             If it isn't find, then create new record with imported VALUE and ORDER_NUMBER

    Update: If the value for the ATTRIB_V_TABLE_VALUE_ID column is not null, then doing only update ORDER_NUMBER and VALUE for this operation

         If the value for the ATTRIB_V_TABLE_VALUE_ID column is null or 0 or this column is missing from the import, then update only ORDER_NUMBER by VALUE.

Rule-121559:  Implement support multipart building for HTTP Call Rule. 

New ability to build Multipart HTTP request has been implemented. It supports to set up custom headers for part with dynamic parameters.

Rule-121560:  Implement support binary data in request body for HTTP Call Rule

New request body format "Binary" has been added. Data SQL should return 1 column and 1 row with Oracle BLOB data type.

Rule-123886:  Improve exception handling for HTTP Call Rule      

Now we log all HTTP Call Rule errors into RULE_HTTP_CALL_LOG.ERROR_MESSAGE database column and show HTTP Call Log ID for user.

Sec-124135:  Reload User's cached privs after object creation     

After creating any object (like Trackor Type, WF Template, Dashboard etc) this object will be accessible in OneVizion immediately.

Sec-82764:  Add security token type "Dashboard" to assign individual dashboards to the users    

The following security model is  implemented:

1) "DASHBOARD" sec group

R- Dashboard page is accessible

E - You can modify Dashboards

A - You can create new Dashboards

D - You can delete Dashboards

2) Every Dashboard is listed in the "Sec Groups" grid with an ability to set individual permissions:

R - Dashboard is accessible

E - You can create/modify dashlets, filters and layouts of this dashboard

3) When you are on Dashboards page the drop-down on the top of the page shows Dashboards assigned to you.

4) If you are a SuperUser you will see ALL dashboards in the drop-down.

5) If you have "A" permission for the "DASHBOARD" sec group and you are adding new Dashboard - it will be automatically assigned to you via priv exceptions.

VF-115201:  Add ability to filter by User's "Email" and "Disabled" fields   

VF-119079:  Drop Administer Filter and Administer View  pages 

Administer Views and Administer Filters pages are being dropped. "Is Default Col Picks" Filter/View feature has been dropped

WP-123456:  WP Limits need to be implemented in DB  

WP Limits implemented in PKG_WP (assing_wp and edit_wp). Direct insert of WP into WP_WORKPLAN is not allowed. Direct activation of WP in WP_WORKPLAN is not allowed.


API-123505:  Limit SQL query for grid cells counting at /v3/exports/{trackor_type}/run   

*Now SQL query for grid cells counting is limited and not affecting web server performance.

Admin-123475:  User Trackor Priv Exception grids don't show colors for overriden privs after refresh       

Admin-124125:  "Recover" button is not available on Audit Log page       

"Recover" button is available if you have "E" priv on AUDIT_LOG

Android-122715:  Log off is not working at Edit Selector and Edit Memo/Wiki windows   

Audit-124007:  Created By/At  and Modified By/At columns of Rule component are filled incorrectly         

The columns have been added in ignore list of the Components Audit Log

Dash-124133:  Filters panel activates dashboard layout Save and Reset buttons  

Dash-124134:  Dashboard text filters should not be applied if empty        

DropGrid-123865:  Markup is broken on the 4th step Dropgrid Wizard in MS Edge             

EFile-124514:  Error on opening E-File Download History form without stored E-File data.              

Err-122945:  /new/js/newGuiCoordinates.js:1473             

javascript error when coordinates are changed in a grid using coordinate picker

Exp-122824:  Components Export List panel bug

List panel will go blank after expanding/collapsing a couple of times

GUI-124219:  Js error in view options on the E-File browser page

Fixed bug when switching list mode in view options on E-File browser page

Grid-123425:  Highlighting of changed selector and drop-down cells is not working correctly in certain cases         

Fix for several problems with changed cells highlighting for drop-down and selector field types.

Grid-123562:  Page loas with error when 'EnableDistributedParsing' system parameter is on         

The issue affects pages where 'Frozen Cols' option is used

Grid-123856:  Error on Task view             

Map-123338:  Map isn't loaded on the first page opening without coordinates    

Notif-123736:  Incorrect textual representation of filter settings on "Admin Notification" form     

Notif-124239:  Notification job failing with error "ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small"           

When significant amount of changes generated between notification job runs and "AUTHOR_OF_CHANGE" field used in notification, job may fail with such error. Now we are limiting length of "AUTHOR_OF_CHANGE" to 1900 characters

Portal-122976:  Portal Bug: Raise Error not showing correctly when triggered on Grid Row Edit    

Trackor-124130:  Wrong prefix of WorkPlan tab at the Config Form          

VF-124121:  Workplan Template name is not displayed in the Filter Options of the Tasks page     

The name is not displayed if the Tasks page is opened from the Trackor Browser page

VF-124304:  WorkPlan fields should not be displayed in the View Options of the EFile Browser    

VF-124306:  EFile static applet is displayed twice in the View Options of the EFile Browser             

VF-124307:  Config Applets should not be displayed under the EFile Trackor Type in the EFile Browser View Options               

VF-124320:  Drill Down fields are not displayed at the EFile Browser        

VF-124481:  Global Filters/Views are not saved as 'selected' at the administer pages        

OneVizion 8.89

Released 08/13/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.88:

New Features:

DB-122835:  Gather additional statistics on user page SQL for selected users System parameter "SQLCommentUsageLogID" removed, instead we can gather SQL exec plans for particular users. Set value of users.collect_performance_data column to 1, to get exec plans for user page grid SQLs in USAGE_LOG_SQL_PLAN table. Option is not available in GUI and may decrease grid SQL performance for the user.

Exp-122565:  Execute export SQL in report database Now exports can be executed in report database in the same way as reports. This may reduce load on the main server and improve performance.

VF-121107:  Implement "Default View" for data pages.

VF-122635:  Create "G:All" filter on trackor type creation and make it default.


Admin-114751:  Show message on Publish Apps form when publish operation is not available For configured/external applets now we show notification message for make behavior more obvious. The message shows when Trackor Type is not set in Filter.

Android-84595:  Create mobile app screenshots with real look steps and fields for Google Play.

Audit-114850:  Exclude table CONFIG_GROUP_ELEM_XREF from Component Log Form layout changes won't be logged in Components log anymore.

BPL-118000:  Components Export - Add Last Modified By,  Last Modified At, Config Session.

Conf-75653:  Improvement for cascade fields import Now we optional allow to import links without having all Trackor Classes or VTable values. Non-existent values will be automatically created if needed.

DB-121131:  Speed up roles/privs update

  1. Disabled Users will be excluded for privs and assignments recalculations. This should significantly improve performance of Sec Roles update operations.
  1. Sec procedures used for privs and assignments recalculations were redesigned for better performance.

DB-122040:  Add "gather_plan_statistics" when performance data collection is enabled When USERS.COLLECT_PERFORMANCE_DATA = 1 additional hint "GATHER_PLAN_STATISTICS" will be added to the user page grid SQL, and additional data will be stored in USAGE_LOG_SQL_PLAN table.

DB-122903:  Add USAGE_LOG_SQL_PLAN.OUT_PLAN column to the Usage Log grid New column "SQL Execution Plan" contains Oracle execution plan for user page grid loads when performance monitoring is enabled.

DB-122904:  Omit "qb_name(qbint)" comment and "OPT_ESTIMATE" hints in user page SQLs when they doesn't needed OPT_ESTIMATE will be used only when there are more then one config_value_number tables in SQL. "qb_name(qbint)" comment will be used  when there are "OPT_ESTIMATE" or "USE_HASH" hints presented. Hints support removed from Admin WF and Workflow grids, so now hints are added only for Trackor Browser and Mapper grids.

DB-123419:  Apply "OPT_ESTIMATE" hint only for CONFIG_VALUE_NUMBER table Hint can be enabled with "SQLHintOptEstimate" system param. Limiting scope to CONFIG_VALUE_NUMBER table will help us better understand how it affects oracle exec plans.

Dash-123271:  Allow to add or remove filter conditions only if user has Edit privilege on Dashboard security group.

Exp-108562:  Show values of hyperlink CFs as hyperlinks in Excel exports.

Exp-114690:  Color Excel cells for lookup CFs when using export or TB Grid Report.

GUI-54193:  Develop custom design for 40x Error Pages.

Grid-113617:  Drop Down colors should be shown in Grid.

IHub-122641:  Support git authorization for integration.

IHub-122722:  Make "Settings File" field optional on Admin Integration" form.

Rep-122636:  "Interrupt process" button should work for multiple processes Now we allow to interrupt all selected processes at Administer Processes page.

VF-122718:  Expand Filter from 10 to 15 Rows.

VF-122720:  Transferring of the switch mode button on the viewing options page.

WP-121816:  Task Date Fields on forms and tabs should be colored like in grid.


API-119257:  api/v3/trackors/{trackor_id}/options/{field_name} cause error if trackor type doesn't has ancestor Now we throw error when more than one parents found for trackor if config field type is DB Drop-Down, DB Selector, Trackor Selector or Trackor Drop-Down. 

API-121565:  Review all API controllers and make sure that all entities privs are checked API v1:

GET v1/{moduleName}/filters:

  1. Added filter is assigned to user check (for global filters).

GET v1/trackor_type/{trackorType}:

  1. Added filter is assigned to user check (for global filters); 2. Added check has user privs on config fields if use custom filter (key=value); 3. Added is my trackor check (if tid parameter is set).

PUT v1/trackor_type/{trackorType}:

  1. Added check has user privs on config fields if use custom filter (key=value); 2. Added is my trackor check; 3. Added data submit privs check (same as in GUI).

POST v1/trackor_type/{trackorType}:

  1. Added data submit privs check (same as in GUI).

API v2:

GET v2/{moduleName}/filters:

  1. Added filter is assigned to user check (for global filters).

GET v2/wps/{workplan_id}/tasks:

  1. Added is my workplan check.

GET v2/tasks:

  1. Added is my task check;
  2. Added check for task static fields and static/dynamic dates (for R privilege). If no privelege on some field - value of this field in response will be null.

GET v2/tasks/{task_id}:

  1. Added is my task check;
  2. Added check for task static fields and static/dynamic dates (for R privilege). If no privelege on some field - value of this field in response will be null.

PUT v2/tasks/{task_id}:

  1. Added is my task check;
  2. Added data submit privs check (same as in GUI).

GET v2/wps:

  1. Added is my workplan check;
  2. Added trackor type priv check.

GET v2/wps/{workplan_id}:

  1. Added is my workplan check;
  2. Added trackor type priv check.

GET v2/trackor_type/{trackorType}:

  1. Added filter is assigned to user check (for global filters); 2. Added view options is assigned to user check (for global v/o); 3. Added check has user privs on config fields if use custom filter (key=value) or custom view options.

POST/PUT v2/trackor_type/{trackorType}:

  1. Added is my trackor check;
  2. Added data submit privs check (same as in GUI); 3. Added check has user privs on config fields for filter (key=value).

API v3:

GET v3/reports/runs:

  1. Added report is assigned to current user check.

GET v3/reports/runs/{process_id}:

  1. Added report is assigned to current user check.

GET v3/reports/{process_id}/file:

  1. Added report is assigned to current user check.

GET v3/reports/{report_id}/runs:

  1. Added report is assigned to current user check.

POST v3/reports/{report_id}/run:

  1. Added priv check for REPORTS_EMAIL_TO (R) when emails specified in model.

GET v3/imports/runs:

  1. Added check for IMPORT_HISTORY (R);
  2. Added import is assigned to current user check.

GET v3/imports/runs/{process_id}:

  1. Added import is assigned to current user check.

GET v3/imports/{import_id}/runs:

  1. Added check for IMPORT_HISTORY (R);
  2. Added import is assigned to current user check.

POST v3/imports/runs/{process_id}/interrupt:

  1. Added check for IMPORT_HISTORY (R,E,D).

POST v3/imports/{import_id}/run:

  1. Added check for IMPORT_HISTORY (R);
  2. Added check for CONFIGIMPORT (R);
  3. Added check for CONFIGIMPORT_INCREMENTAL (R) if is_incremental=1.

POST v3/trackor/{trackor_id}/file/{field_name}:

  1. Fixed privs check before trackor update.

GET v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/filters:

  1. Added filter is assigned to user check (for global filters).

GET v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/filters/{filter_name}:

  1. Added filter is assigned to user check (for global filters).

POST v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/filters/{filter_name}/set_as_current:

  1. Added filter is assigned to user check (for global filters).

GET v3/trackors/{trackor_id}/locks:

  1. Added check R priv for config fields.

GET v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/trackors/locks:

  1. Added check R priv for config fields.

GET v3/trackors/{trackor_id}/options/{field_name}:

  1. Added is my trackor check;
  2. Added config field is read only check; 3. Added priv check for config field (E).

POST v3/programs:

  1. Added priv check for WEB_SERVICES (R); 2. Added priv check for ADMIN_PROGRAM (A).

GET v3/tasks:

  1. Added is my task check;
  2. Added priv check for static date pairs and task fields (R).

GET v3/tasks/{task_id}:

  1. Added is my task check;
  2. Added priv check for static date pairs and task fields (R).

GET v3/wps/{workplan_id}/tasks:

  1. Added is my workplan check;
  2. Added is my task check;
  3. Added priv check for static date pairs and task fields (R).

PATCH v3/tasks/{task_id}:

  1. Added is my task check.

PATCH v3/trackors/{trackor_id}/wps/{workplan_name}/tasks:

  1. Added is my task check.

PATCH v3/wps/{workplan_id}/tasks:

  1. Added is my task check.

PUT v3/tasks/{task_id}:

  1. Added is my task check.

GET v3/exports/runs/{process_id}:

  1. Added priv check for ADMIN_PROCESSES (R) or user can be owner of process, otherwise access will be denied.

GET v3/exports/runs/{process_id}/file:

  1. Added priv check for ADMIN_PROCESSES (R) or user can be owner of process, otherwise access will be denied.

POST v3/exports/{trackor_type}/run:

  1. Added filter is assigned to user check (for global filters); 2. Added priv check for config fields (R) used in custom filters; 3. Added view options is assigned to user check (for global v/o); 4. Added custom view options priv check for config fields (R); 5. Added priv check for non primary trackor-type (R).

GET v3/wps:

  1. Added is my workplan check.

GET v3/wps/{workplan_id}:

  1. Added is my workplan check.

POST v3/trackors/{trackor_id}/assign_wp:

  1. Added is my trackor check.

GET v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/views:

  1. Added view options is assigned to user check (for global v/o).

GET v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/views/{view_name}:

  1. Added view options is assigned to user check (for global v/o).

POST v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/views/{view_name}/set_as_current:

  1. Added view options is assigned to user check (for global v/o).

GET v3/trackor_types/applets/{applet_id}/tabs/{tab_id}:

  1. Added priv check for applet (R);
  2. Added priv check for config fields (R).

GET v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}:

  1. Added priv check for config fields (R); 2. Added view options is assigned to user check (for global v/o).

GET v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/applets:

  1. Added priv check for applet (R).

GET v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/applets/{applet_id}:

  1. Added priv check for config fields (R).

GET v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/applets/{applet_id}/tabs:

  1. Added priv check for config fields (R).

GET v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/trackors:

  1. Added view options is assigned to user check (for global v/o); 2. Added filter is assigned to user check (for global filters).

GET v3/trackors/{trackor_id}/applets/{applet_id}:

  1. Added priv check for applet (R).

GET v3/trackors/{trackor_id}/applets/{applet_id}/tabs/{tab_id}:

  1. Added priv check for applet (R);
  2. Added priv check for tab (read).

PUT v3/trackors/{trackor_id}:

  1. Added check privs for submit data;
  2. Added is my trackor check.

POST v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/trackors:

  1. Added check privs for submit data.

POST v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/trackors/search:

  1. Added custom view options priv check for config fields (R); 2. Added priv check for non primary trackor-type (R).

PUT v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/trackors:

  1. Added check privs for submit data;
  2. Added is my trackor check.

Admin-123475:  User Trackor Priv Exception grids don't show colors for overriden privs after refresh

Audit-122239:  Edge isn't being logged in Usage Log

Audit-122647:  USAGE_LOG_LOAD_TAB is not fully populated for non GI tabs

BPL-121547:  WorkFlow step selected fields and groups not transferring

BPL-121946:  'None' privilege is not moved by the Components Import

BPL-122658:  Components Import of Filters fails in specific cases

BPL-122742:  Components Import of Trackor Type fails if a APPLET_LABEL_ID of Trackor Type in XML greater than 0

Dash-121961:  Date on X-Axis is not working correctly

Dash-122358:  Customized dashboard layout or filters causes page leaving confirmation

Dash-122361:  Date charts is not working with several chart types if there are empty date values

Err-119269:  com.onevizion.web.sso.saml.RuleTriggeringSAMLAuthenticationProvider.authenticate:26

When user lost HTTP session by some reason before success authentication through SSO - he got message "Internal server error. Please try again later" which can confuse him.

Instead of "Internal server error. Please try again later" now we show "OneVizion session timeout expired. Try to login with [identity provider name] again" message for this error.

Err-122490:  com.onevizion.web.sso.saml.SAMLEntryPoint.commence:24

Err-122838:  com.onevizion.web.controller.grid.SimpleDataSourceController.xml:184 ModuleName=TRACKOR_BROWSER Error when using "My ..." filter in Trackor Browser.

Err-122856:  /new/js/dashboard.js:330

JavaScript error if user don't have Edit privilege on DASHBOARD security group when loading Dashboards page.

Err-123283:  com.onevizion.web.controller.grid.SimpleDataSourceController.xml:184 ModuleName=TASKS_OVERVIEW This error logged when SQL query terminated by timeout (1800 seconds by default). Now we no longer log such events as warnings and it is not delivered to trackor.onevizion.

Exp-78605:  Cannot Export Efiles to ZIP because of the Grid Cells limit Now Grid Cells limit not affects "Grid EFiles to ZIP", "Map Objects to Google Earth" and "Map Objects to Mapinfo" export types.

GUI-122905:  Js error when editing a field when creating a row editor layout.

GUI-123281:  Selection of field in list does not work correctly in the form designer Fixed problems with the selection of fields.

GUI-123420:  Js error while moving the field in the form designer Fixed js error when moving the field in the form designer.

Grid-122285:  TextCellsDisplayLimit parameter works incorrectly with multibyte symbols.

Grid-122498:  Error while loading grid on the Task View page.

Grid-123084:  Duplicated cells incorrectly marked as unsaved after edit Error when trying to add a Configured Field Name for the "Params" in the Configured Field Update Overriding Lock mapping data type.

MT-122443:  Program cloning can create objects in wrong program.

Other-98683:  Exclude test dependencies from list of 3rd party librarires We are using some dependencies for testing only, those are not included in builds. Now it will not be shown on 3rd party libs page.

Rep-119349:  Disable grid edit in preview mode of Report Wizard.

Rep-122461:  Report Generator adds something into blank Excel cells Now for pattern blocks we fill "null" value into cell if SQL query returns NULL or empty string/CLOB.

Sec-123415:  Value_clob column in program_system table must be encrypted for X.509 PEM Certificate parameter data type We encrypte VALUE_CLOB column instead of the VALUE column in PARAM_SYSTEM.

VF-122887:  Don't show the selected folder and its sub-folders in dropdown at Edit Current Folder window.

VF-122892:  Search can't find folders in dropdown at Add/Edit Current Folder windows.

VF-123118:  The Row Editor layout is not copied when you overwrite exiting view.

OneVizion 8.88.1


The following is a list of changes since version 8.88:


Err-122838:  com.onevizion.web.controller.grid.SimpleDataSourceController.xml:184 ModuleName=TRACKOR_BROWSER Error when using "My ..." filter in Trackor Browser.

Sec-123620:  Intersection mode Trackor Type restriction do not checks if any relation exists Bug was introduced in 8.85.0 with Trackor-117089.

OneVizion 8.88

Released 07/30/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.87:

New Features:

Admin-122491:  Create new function - UTIL.GetAuditCallStack This function produces a clob with info from the Audit Call Stack for the last thing this user did. This could be used  to feed a SetMessage call for debug in a Rule before an error occurs, since the error falls back and effectively removes call stack info before you can use it to debug. This will bypass that. It pulls back the audit_log info from the latest record for this user, which should be the change that triggered this Rule.

Audit-120662:  "Login As" - Usage Log should display the User New column "Login As By User" added to Usage Log and shows user who was logged in as another user. Also, for "Login As" action, now it shows target user in "User" column and logging in as user in "Login As By User" column.

BPL-110252:  Components Export/Import of Notifications Ability to export/import notifications from one environment to another.

DB-120171:  Implement "id" package. New "ID" package provides access to Config Field and Trackor Type ids by name.

Depl-112513:  Version management and integrations update Integration Hub clones a repository at first run. Also It pulls changes from repository at each integration run. Integration Hub can clone specific branch or tag if version is specified. Default version is "master". If repository or version has been changed, Integration Hub pulls new integration from changed repository or version. Integration form has a validation for Repository and Version fields.

Exp-118149:  Implement JSON export format New format can be used in any grid. For start export with new format: open grid which you want to export, click to "Export" button, click to "Run export" in popup menu and select "Grid to JSON" in Export Mode. v3/exports/{trackor_type}/run API endpoint also supports new format. For Trackor Browser grid exports we add "type" property. For config fields type is "CONFIG_FIELD" and for task dates is "TASK_DATE". Also we specify trackor type name for config fields in property "trackor_type" for get an ability to detect what trackor type is for current object.

GUI-118624:  New style for "Must Change Password" form New style matches style of login screen.

GUI-118625:  New style for "Password Recovery" form New style matches style of login screen.

Grid-65150:  Allow to change layout of row editor Now users may utilize form designer to build custom row editor form layout in Trackor Browser. New functionality available in View Options form.

IHub-121721:  Create a form for Integration Run.

IHub-121722:  New icons for Integration Run and Integration Log.

IHub-121723:  Added cron expression validation and link to docs for Schedule field on Integration Form Integration form has a cron expression validation for Schedule field. Also Integration form has link to quartz documentation with examples of expressions.

Imp-119496:  New import data type: Task set NA.

Rule-114696:  Show data from RULE_RUN on Admin Process page.

Rule-120702:  Create new index on "Process" table for improve cleanup performance of "rule_run" and "integration_run" tables.

Rule-121812:  Improve HTTP Call rule queue processing Now asynchronous HTTP Call Rule invocations are executed in parallel threads. By default we are using 10 threads.


Admin-121775:  Filter options for "Admin Users" page to find users with overridden privs New options implemented for Filter form on Admin Accounts page:

  1. Has Overriden Sec Privs
  2. Has Overriden Lock Privs
  3. Has Overriden Object Assignments
  4. Has Overriden Trackor Restrictions

Audit-121953:  Add Date/Time column to import recovery history grid New column "Date/Time" added to "Import Recovery History" grid.

Audit-121969:  Add "Tab Details" on Usage Log page "Tab Details" form is now available on Usage Log page in case of "Load Tab" action. 

BPDocs-120456:  Change Header and Footer of BPD Help page New style applied to the integrated documentation.

Exp-118499:  Close "Grid Export" window after export scheduled Now export results are available in notification panel.

GUI-29811:  Apply new style to message div A message that another user has shared this page with you is now displayed as an alert after all data has been loaded into the grid.

Grid-66522:  Replace old "Task Items" icon with SVG.

IHub-122029:  Create file "ihub_process_id" in integration working directory to access inside integration The ihub_process_id file is put into integration directory at each integration run. ihub_process_id is a file which contains current process_id.

IHub-122208:  Delete user and directory when deleting the integration When integration is deleted, related OS user and disk directory are deleted.

Other-118553:  User option to "mute" the events window Added the ability to disable notifications when processes are finished.

Other-118554:  Improvements for download option on Event window "Download" button in Event window will be hidden if user does not have privileges for downloading file from specific process. 

Rep-122217:  Update Aspose License.

We are using 3rd party library to generate Excel, PDF and Visio reports. Current license expires on Aug 15 2018. New license included into this release.

Rule-119509:  Add Country field into geocoding rules New fields added to the following rule classes: Geocoding, Forward Geocoding, Geocoding ArcGIS, Forward Geocoding ArcGIS.

Rule-121659:  Add parameters to HTTP Call rule to control connection and request timeouts In 8.87.0 we implemented default 30 seconds timeouts for HTTP calls, now this values can be controlled individually for each HTTP Call rule depending on limitations and performance of the services it is accessing.

Sec-121905:  Separate Token Type for Date Pairs New token type is "WP Task Field". All "TASK_*_MOD" sec groups now come under this token.


Admin-121578:  Display Report Name value at the Admin Notif Queue page as text Display value as text if there is no related Report Run record.

Admin-121968:  Unable to choose the Selector config field values in the Filter Options of the Notification.

Admin-122024:  Selector's Display Field is empty when you are cloning a field.

Admin-122047:  Filters by MultiSelector and Trackor Drop-down do not work properly at the Admin Notif form.

Admin-122135:  Wrong values in columns at the Admin WorkPlan Template page.

Admin-122298:  Update of WP Task Type Xref does not work properly.

Admin-122313:  Wrong checkbox highlighting on "Lock Privs" Tab grid.

Admin-122535:  The counter of fields per Trackor Type at the Admin Tab displays wrong value *When we calculate numer fields we should not include multiple fields assigned to tabs.

Audit-122159:  "User" link in Usage Log grid shows form for wrong user.

BPL-121802:  Tab and fields assignments included in WP template are not moved by the Components Export/Import The assignments are not moved if there is an EFile field with configured Image Settings. The bug is reproduced for EFile assigned to static Trackor Type (WorkPlan, Tasks, Workflow).

Conf-115808:  Config form submit hangs in Safari if form has eFile fields.

GUI-122652:  View Options: Transfer of the field to the opposite list (in the middle) does not work Fixed problem with moving the field in the view options on the admin pages.

Grid-118513:  Cannot save drop-down field in grid because of non-visible symbols.

Grid-121514:  Priv Exception grid doesn't show colors for overridden privs.

Grid-121766:  Memo/Text cell height could not be increased in grid edit mode.

Grid-121878:  Exit from the cell edit mode when working with ckeditor.

Grid-121895:  Wiki field is not loading full value on grid edit in certain cases.

Grid-122568:  The value of "Not Exist" should not be a reference The value of "Not Exist" is displayed as text, not the link.

MT-122418:  Cloning program fails in specific cases Clone fails because some entities are mistakenly cloned to the wrong program. Fixed now.

Other-118552:  Process events appear in different browser windows If you have multiple browser tabs open, the event notification will only be displayed on the current tab. When you move to other tabs, the notification will not be shown again.

Other-122112:  View Mode switcher does not save its state in filter on Tasks Summary page.

Other-122825:  WpTemplateDao.findMapTtidWpidByWpids fails if you pass more than 1000 values.

Sec-121581:  System Privs Auto-assignment feature creates extra privs Fixed bug when System Privs Auto-assignment feature creates extra privs (for example applet may support only RE but auto-assignment feature creates READ).

VF-120071:  Check global View/Filter assignment to the user when loading user pages.

VF-121470:  [Any Column] option shouldn't be available for "<>Field" filter operator.

VF-121954:  Unable to set value to Trackor Key filter at the EFile Browser.

OneVizion 8.87

Released 07/16/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.86.1:

New Features:

API-118702:  Support advanced search functionality for /v3/exports/{trackor_type}/run endpoint Filter syntax from /v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/trackors/search now supported.

BPL-29026:  Component Export/Import of Filter Options Only global filters are supported for the following pages: Trackor Browser, Tasks, Mapper, E-File Browser, Workflow, Admin WF, Tasks Overview and Summary. In case if the filter already exists, the Components Import overwrites it. If the Components Import does not find in target instance some configured fields or task dates used in the filter, it just skips them.

IHub-118287:  Implement Components Log.

IHub-120808:  Integration Hub app improvement Owner and Group have permissions on integration files.

File with process_id create in integration directory for each run.

Directories for integration and prepare integration create in current work directory. Prepare bash scripts are created with execute permission. 

Imp-114870:  Security Token for Recover Import "CONFIGIMPORT_RECOVER" sec group controls Import Recover feature. 

Imp-120556:  Routines to test new entity search feature in production This allows us to compare results and performance of new entity search implementation with existing one. Feature can be enabled with CompareFImpEntitySearch hidden system parameter. 

Notif-117509:  Limit attachment size for OneVizion emails New system parameter "NotifMaxAttachmentSize". When set, exception will be thrown when system will try to create notification with large attachment size. It will affect calls to utils.SendMail, EMail report delivery and all other processes adding messages to notif_queue. Default value - 0 - no limits. 

Rule-120659:  Set connection and read timeout for HTTP call rule Connection and read timeouts are set for http request from ForwardGeocode,Geocode, MapSnippet, Http Call rules. If request time exceeds 30 seconds rule will be interrupted with error. 

Sec-114697:  Grant full privs on newly created objects to the creator When creating new Objects full privs/access will be granted to the creator of the object. Newly created objects will be assigned to the creator through User Exceptions or through User Assignments.

The feature is implemented for the following objects:

  1. Configured Applet
  2. Configured Tab
  3. Import
  4. Report
  5. Rule
  6. WorkFlow
  7. Relation
  8. Trackor Type
  9. Discp
  10. Menu Application
  11. Global View
  12. Global Filter
  13. Global Portal
  14. Notification
  15. Trackor Tour

WP-118494:  Task page - add an ability to filter by  Late, Early and Promised dates.


API-114545:  Add new endpoints for Tasks partial update New endpoints has been added:

1) PATCH api/v3/wps/{workplan_id}/tasks

2) PATCH api/v3/trackors/{trackor_id}/wps/{workplan_name}/tasks

Android-113305:  Ask permissions when they needed, not at App login screen. 

Android-119500:  Create periodic task for update user settings User can change some personal settings (Date and Time formats, Thousands separator, etc) in web UI. Now we reload this settings every ~20 minutes.

Android-121097:  Show mobile app version in "About" dialog.

DB-121100:  Create package procedure to clear user's privs and assignments Add new procedure - PKG_USER.clear_user_privs_and_asgnmts(p_user_id users.user_id%type). It clears all sec group privs and object assignments.

DB-121453:  Update trigger on CONFIG_FIELD.CONFIG_FIELD_NAME amd XITOR_TYPE.XITOR_TYPE_NAME to provide correct characters in the name We are applying new checks for Config Field and Trackor Type names: names should not contain characters that are unacceptable when creating types New rules will affect only new Config Fields and Trackor Types.

Dash-114227:  Improve dashboard datasource SQL validation to catch bind variables.

Depl-121278:  Add 6005_pkg_user.sql script Script can be used to test cases when we need to deploy pkg_user in owner schema but script executed in _user.

Exp-120869:  Cell Formatting Export restriction New hidden system parameter "MaxPKCountForCellDecor" added. Default value is 5000. Increasing it may degrade app server performance. When set to 0 decorations won't be applied.

GUI-120241:  Implement sequential focus change between fields on config forms when using "Tab" key.

Grid-121458:  Quick Search improvements for multi-line data pasting.

Imp-121302:  Change label on Import Admin form The label "Use experimental feature" has been changed to " 'Performance Feature (Beta)'"

Imp-121564:  User-friendly message in case when number of columns in CSV rows is different.

Rule-120994:  Drop "PM Task Item Update" and "OnClick" Rules (rule_type_id 2& 34) "PM Task Item Update" and "OnClick" Rule Types have been removed.

WF-121566:  Add "Role Privs" Tab to Add/Edit WF admin form "Role Privs" tab has been added to Admin WF form.


API-121545:  Retrieving checkbox values from GET api/v3/trackor_types/{tarckor_type}/trackors endpoint cause error Retrieving checkbox values from GET api/v3/trackor_types/{tarckor_type}/trackors endpoint cause error if "Choice Element In Grid " User Settings parameter is set to "Yes\No DropDown".

Admin-121793:  Unable to open Components Log form details.

Admin-121796:  Unable to preview applet at the WorkPlan Template page.

Android-120009:  Error when click on config field.

Android-121456:  App allows user to edit read-only datetime field.

BPL-121291:  Security Role general tab checkboxes are not copied properly.

DB-121128:  General Info view breaks a grid The grid fails if there are WorkPlan configured fields assigned.

DB-121463:  Delete user trackor when deleting user account When deleting User Account the associated User Trackor will also be deleted.

EFile-119129:  Normalize file names on upload While uploading file dangerous symbols(/:*?"<> and carriage return symbols) will be removed from file name.

Err-114719:  /js/form/cf.js:7189

Err-121341:  /js/grid/excell/Common.js:57 Fixed a bug that occurs when you press a key with a character with a selected cell of type "memo"

GUI-121405:  Paste from Excel into QS doesn't automatically add commas as value separator.

Grid-121109:  Incorrect appearance of sub grid with single line.

Grid-121459:  QuickSearch clear button is not visible when value being pasted.

Grid-121507:  "Field Comments" form is broken. Fixed.

Grid-121561:  Js error when you call the context menu of a cell type the file size Fixed the error that occurs when clicking the right mouse button on a cell with the types "file size". 

Grid-121582:  "Is New" and "Is Not New" filter operations do not work properly with Trackor Selectors.

Map-121548:  JS error on empty Mapping page. 

Other-120583:  External applet not opening in IE. 

Sec-119839:  Fix CWE-327 in "Sensitive Data Encryption".

Vulnerable ECB chaining mode replaced with secure CBC. Customers using this feature should re encrypt their data using additional script after upgrade before startup of app and web servers.

We provide a script for re-encrypting data using a new algorithm. The script should be executed on databases that use encryption, see the comments and the attached script. The instructions for using the script are inside it.

Tour-118817:  Tour's "backdrop" options doesn't work.

Trackor-118556:  Error when searching on a Memo Field Search by Memo and Wiki Config Fields in grid works only with 1st 4000 characters.

VF-119603:  Create filter form for Administer SSO Providers Filter was missed for "Admin SSO Providers" grid. Fixed now.

VF-121693:  Unable to select a Trackor in the Trackor Selector in specific case.

OneVizion 8.86.1

Released 07/03/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.86:


GUI-121405:  Paste from Excel into QS doesn't automatically add commas as value separator. Fixed.

VF-121338:  Selected filter is not saved in specific cases. Selected filter is getting saved in Trackor Browser pages only for Trackor Type selected under 'Trackor Browser' menu. Fixed.

OneVizion 8.86

Released 07/02/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.85:

New Features:

BPL-113618:  Rules BPL Export/Import - move ID Number.

BPL-116718:  Components Export/Import for Integration.

Conf-119070:  "Color Legend" for color ranged fields.

DB-119840:  Update trigger on CONFIG_FIELD.CONFIG_FIELD_NAME and XITOR_TYPE.XITOR_TYPE_NAME to enforce Oracle identifier naming limits We are applying new limitations for Config Field and Trackor Type names:

                              1 max length 30 characters

                              2 Oracle keywords cant be used as identifier name New rules will affect only new Config Fields and Trackor Types

GUI-120170:  Enforce new rules for Config Field names and Trackor Type names.

IHub-120345:  Integration db improvement.

IHub-120346:  Add an ability to interrupt Integration Process via Administer Processes page.

Rule-116167:  New grid for RULE_RUN table RULE_RUN table stores information about scheduled and form button rule runs.

Sec-61933:  Implement caching for program user privs.

VF-119080:  "General Info" view must be default for new users


Android-119346:  Tab label is missed when there only one tab on Config Groups WF step type Tab label may contain valuable information, for example status color icon.

Android-119350:  Make submit button not overlap last config field.

Android-119491:  Warning user about wipe pending data when login to another server.

DB-108606:  Drop DB objects related with the Grid Container. The following objects have been dropped:

  1) Views:




2) Types:



3) Tables






4) Sequences:



DB-118147:  Create Pruning Job for Integration Run and Integration Log - IH 2.0 Integration log table stores logging records for integration.

Integration run table stores information about runned integration Retention period is controlled with "IntegrationRunHistoryPurgePeriod" and "IntegrationLogHistoryPurgePeriod" system parameter. Default is set to 2 months to keep log data.

DB-119843:  Refactor pkg_sec_priv_program.user_sec_exception_* function to improve user privs recalculation performance Instead of recalculating privs for the whole role when it is assigned/unassigned to a user, we now recalc only specific user's privs.

DB-120065:  Trunc dates sent to util.settaskdate pkg_dl_support truncs dates but pkg_wp does not. Since most updates from rules come from util, trunc there makes sense so we do not have to remember to trunc in all the rules.

Depl-120555:  Improve maven config to better handle repositories Added "distributionManagement" section to the parent/pom.xml to refer to the repositories. Added "ov-internal" repository into "repositories" section Credentials must be configured in Maven's settings.xml

Exp-118148:  Rollup and Number Fields in EXCEL export must be have Number data type instead of General.

GUI-120249:  Save view mode on View Options form.

GUI-120298:  Support more then 999 fields on Config Form Tab Maximum number of rows on Config Form Tab increased from 999 to 2000.

Grid-119140:  Cell layout update in edit mode.

IHub-116356:  Integration Hub app. Command field has been added in Integration table. UN field in Process table is no longer NOT NULL.

Imp-117781:  Improve entity search performance We improved the search for primary keys for the entity. To use it, you need to enable the 'Use experimental performance feature' option, and use only the sql to find the entity (not  pl/sql).

Imp-120006:  Expand data format related control on Admin Import form

Other-120466:  Don't reset user timezone on every login

Portal-118979:  Keep proportions when resizing window at portals page

Rule-114550:  Created/Updated TS/By for Rules New fields (Created By, Updated By, Created TS, Updated TS) added into the Rule admin grid and on Rule edit form.

Rule-119258:  Remove "Sync Data" rule class Rule class is no longer supported. "HTTP Call" rule + Onevizion API provide flexible functionality to archive same results.

Sec-114551:  Filter Sec Groups by Trackor Type

1) Filter by Trackor Type is available on "Security Groups Tabs".

2) "Description" column shows Trackor Type name of the sec group if applicable.


API-120070:  Check that View/Filter is assigned to user in /v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/*/{*_name}/set_as_current endpoints We added security checks, to ensure View and Filter assigned to the user for the following endpoints:



Admin-117873:  Image settings are not copied when cloning EFile Config Fields.

Admin-120750:  Unable to open the Admin Trackor Forms You can not open the edit form if a related report, import or user has been deleted

Android-119599:  Show empty screen if there are no tabs found on step.

Android-120238:  After open tab step first tab appears empty and second tab has contents of first tab.

Android-120838:  mobile-trackor app updating failed from Google Play with error -505 If user has already installed one of (mobile-trackor, mobile-trackor UAT or mobile-trackor DEV) all other apps can't be installed or updated.

BPL-120473:  Components Export/Import does not update Trackor Key and Trackor Class fields properly The Components Export/Import sets CONFIG_FIELD.IS_STATIC value to 0 for the fields. It is a source of error when creating a Trackor in the future.

Conf-119357:  Max length for Text CFs can't exceed 2000 characters.

Conf-120256:  Unable to use a link in Wiki configured field Fixed the problem with opening links in the grid created in the wiki field.

Dash-120165:  Error on deleting dashlet field group with fields.

Dash-120315:  Dashboard is not changing when dashlet is in edit mode.

EFile-120066:  Picture Library only allows one upload session Fixed problem with adding several files in the picture library.

Err-120370:  /js/grid/excell/Number.js:177 Fixed the problem of working with grid fields on the tabs provided that the form contains several tabs sects.

GUI-119850:  Textarea in Error Log form is editable.

GUI-120463:  Duplicate the search icon for the listBox Fixed the problem of duplicating the search icon.

Grid-119864:  Small height desync of frozen columns and the rest columns in grid.

Grid-120064:  Sub grid displays not all data. Fixed problem with displaying data in the grid when the EnableDistributedParsing mode is enabled.

Grid-120095:  Error with empty grid containing trackor selector columns.

Grid-120667:  Summary View grid is not loading correctly after filter change Summary View filter change is fixed.

Grid-120927:  Drop-down value with "<" or ">" symbols is not handled correctly on first edit.

Map-119596:  Color Legend Field loads with error on Mapping View Options.

Rep-116295:  Reports should show checkboxes values as Yes/No instead of 1/0. For new reports created with Report Wizard Yes/No values will be shown for Checkbox columns.

Tour-120492:  Cannot add image file to a Tour. 

VF-119131:  Filter icon is not updated when filter cleared When user clear filter on admin page, filter icon is not updated and shows filled icon.

VF-120462:  Incorrect Last Days value in View Options opened from the Usage Log if the FluxxCapacitorEnabled parameter is switched off.

VF-120665:  Unable to choose a field in the Tasks Overview Filter Option. CaseID 103467.

WF-119600:  Set Wf Description from Field grid loads with error on edit WF Template form. 

WF-119606:  WF Template field is empty on "Edit Workflow" form.

OneVizion 8.85

Release Date 06/18/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.84.1:

New Features:

Android-109568:  Load changed fields values without reloading whole step.

Dash-119006:  Ability to hide Chart Legend from dashlets.

Dash-119348:  Dash-119348 Adding the ability to change the display side of the y axis Added the ability to choose the side of the y-axis scale on the chart.

Imp-119836:  New option "Use experimental performance features" to improve import performance When option is enabled on import admin page, new experimental feature will be used to improve import performance. For now this is only new procedure to search imp entity PKs, which should decrease "PK Searching Runtime" metrics. We are planing to add more experimental features in next releases.


API-117975:  Return nodes from api/v3/trackor_tree endpoint in same order as for TrackorTree admin page Added order to the API call results.

Admin-117086:  Add session timeout notice to the "Admin PL/SQL Block" from.

Android-117084:  Use system parameter "SessionIdleTime" to log off users from mobile app Instead of hard-coded 8 hours timeout we are using "SessionIdleTime" parameter now and also re-prompt password on each login.

Android-119492:  Implement data submit progress in notification.

Android-119502:  Back to login screen when receive 401 error on load requests.

DB-120065:  Trunc dates sent to util.settaskdate pkg_dl_support truncs dates but pkg_wp does not. Since most updates from rules come from util, trunc there makes sense so we do not have to remember to trunc in all the rules.

Dash-116967:  Fine-tuning of dashboards page appearance The appearance of the dashlet editing page is shown in the General style. Titles and panels are aligned. For opposite axes, a tooltip is displayed in the list header.

Dash-117077:  Ability to hide Axis Names header from Table View mode.

EFile-113715:  Add support for EFiles to "Copy to All" feature.

GUI-118870:  PL/SQL procedure to rebuild Config Tab layout We may need to recalculate elements positions on forms after some changes in code. New procedure allow us to do this during new version deployment.

GUI-119139:  Optimize drag and drop of listbox items Optimized redrawing locations to reset fields when using drag and drop.

GUI-119141:  Problem with the motion animation of the buttons in the form designer Fixed the problem with the motion animation of the buttons in the form designer.

GUI-119634:  Show login form without waiting for background image Login form is loaded immediately, without waiting for the background image to load.

Grid-119244:  Shorten sort column alias suffix in user page SQL We used _sort suffix for column alias, now it shortened to just _s to preCan't submit drop-down value with & symbol in TB gridvent potential "ORA-00972: identifier is too long" errors when alias length grows above 30 chars. This is especially actual when sorting on drill down fields or Efiles

VF-118622:  New program parameter FluxxCapacitorEnabled New parameter replaces FluxxCapacitorSimpleEnabled and FluxxCapacitorAdvancedEnabled because we no longer support Advanced mode.


Admin-119479:  Show only new added row in ADMIN_WP_TEMPLATES_CALENDARS grid same as other grids.

Admin-119620:  Tasks Overview dates are not displayed in the View Options opened from the Usage Log.

Android-119604:  Can't download file from disabled field (but can open by click on preview).

Android-119605:  On configured tabs with same E-File fields thumbnail loads only at one tab.

Conf-118623:  Error when entering dates.

Conf-119493:  The width of the field in the form designer is not correctly saved after changing its settings Fixed the problem of saving the incorrect width of the field after editing its settings.

Dash-118510:  Dash-118510 Dashlet config is not always updating in edit mode.

Dash-119245:  Columns are colored incorrectly when there are more than 3 columns on x-axis.

Dash-119351:  Table view is broken in IE.

Dash-119352:  Table header cell disappears when filter is applied.

Dash-119676:  Incorrect date is shown on dashlets (table view).

Dash-119683:  Datasource columns block is extended to the stage when it goes beyond the screen in IE and Edge.

Dash-119849:  Dash-119849 Field edit is not working correctly in IE.

Dash-120248:  Error on creating first dashboard Fixed js error on creating first dashboard.

EFile-114869:  Error when opening EFile history from EFile Download History grid.

Err-117110:  /js/js.js:1222.Added interception of the error that occurs when the data is saved in LocalStorage.

Err-119057:  com.onevizion.dao.viewopt.ViewOptDaoOra.findByReportWizardId:406. You can not modify a report with help of the Report Wizard if it has been created by the Report Wizard as well.

Err-119398:  /js/admin/configdatagroup/GroupFieldsDesigner.js:2354. Fixed a bug when dragging a markup element in the form designer and dropping it outside the list and shape.

GUI-118435:  GUI-118435 Fix grammar on Event pannel. 

GUI-118878:  Errors js when quickly switching tabs with grids. Fixed bug related to fast switching between tabs with grids.

GUI-119024:  Incorrect search behavior on the main menu in firefox. Fixed an issue with incorrect search behavior in the main menu of the Firefox browser.

GUI-119264:  Incorrect behavior of the buttons for moving records after using the search in view options. Fixed a problem with locking the buttons for moving records after using the search.

GUI-119360:  Page name is not updating when page is loaded from Favorites.

GUI-120068:  Can not move the markup element to a form in ie and edge. Fixed issue with adding markup elements to the form in browsers ie and edge.

Grid-119031:  Can't submit drop-down value with & symbol in TB grid.

Grid-119243:  Do not request audit log data if Fluxx Capacitor set to 0 days. We are no longer retrieving audit log data when Fluxx Capacitor set to 0 days. 

Sec-119607:  Config Fields are displayed in a grid even if there are no privileges on them for specific security settings.

Sec-119610:  The Trackor Browser is not loaded if primary Trackor ID field has NONE privilege. If all tabs have NONE privilege where primary Trackor ID is assigned but you have R (or >R) privilege on Trackor Type then primary Trackor ID field should have R privilege.

Sec-119842:  Prevent HTTP response splitting flaw in while redirecting to External Applet url. Flaw was detected by Veracode. CWE-113

Sec-119945:  Update jackson dependencies from 2.9.4 to 2.9.5. jackson-databind-2.9.4 contains CWE-502 detected by Veracode.

Sec-46881:  Don't allow empty user password. User was able set empty password on "Must Change Password" if there is no server side password strength check rule (rule type "User Password Updated") and client side JS checks are disabled. Now we ensure that password is at least 6 chars length, without any additional checks.

TMail-120239:  Improve logs output to troubleshoot "You have no [RE] priv on field (config_field_id:[XXX])" errors. Now additional details will be logged on such errors, so development can better troubleshoot the issue.

Trackor-118816:  Relation fields are not auto-populated in some cases.

Trackor-72739:  Disable sorting of the the Multi-Selector field in a grid. Sorting by multiselector CFs is no longer supported.

VF-118551:  Remove Task Dates, Drill Down, WP and WF static fields support from EFile Browser. We no longer allow to select columns which are not supported in grid. 

VF-119621:  Can't set Label format on Map View Opts page.

VF-119846:  Folders in View/Filter drop-down are not saving state.

WF-119265:  Unable to start new WF if there are more than one user assigned to first step.

OneVizion 8.84.1

Release Date 06/06/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.84:


Err-119057:  com.onevizion.dao.viewopt.ViewOptDaoOra.findByReportWizardId:406

You can not modify a report with help of the Report Wizard if it has been created by the Report Wizard as well. Fixed.

OneVizion 8.84

Release Date 06/04/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.83.2:

OneVizion 8.84.0 deployed in Production. Following is list of changes since 8.83.2 version:

New Features:

API-116431:  Implement API to set current View and Filter on Trackor Browser page for the user.

Admin-113901:  Provide ability for Number fields to be colored differently based on the range of  their values.

BPL-110251:  Update existent security role with Components Import.

GUI-114699:  Show Marketing content on Login screen. 


API-114859:  Refactor api/v3/wps endpoint Added paging support for api/v3/wps endpoint. Default per_page paramter value is 100 if it isn't provided.

Admin-117881:  Deprecate "ShowNewGUISkins" system parameter User level parameter is no longer supported. Skin can be adjusted on program level.

Admin-118489:  Add QuickSearch for wp date pairs grid.

Conf-118430:  External Applet add quick search for Path parameters. 

DB-118428:  Remove obsolete data from audit_log and audit_call_stack. 

Dash-110259:  Support for multiple fields on X-Axis in Table View. 

Dash-117619:  Option to show all selected values in filter drop-down for dashboards.

Dash-118443:  Changing dashlet header to a more compact view Dashlet controls are removed in the context menu.

Dash-119191:  Table View numeric data formatting.

EFile-111167:  UTIL.CopyEfile() should also deal with the S3 files New procedure util.CopyEFileFromBlobData(BlobDataID number, TargetKeyValue number, TargetFieldID number) supports files stored in AWS S3. When called from the java context file will be copied inside the same Oracle transaction. When procedure called from import - file will be copied with rule-service in separate transaction.

Map-117346:  Disable Google Maps API when Client ID parameter is not set.

Portal-117605:  Enable nav panel for Portal Frames by default.

Rep-117886:  'Select All' feature of the Selectors should take into account the Quick Search,

Rule-109179:  Rename Rule Types. Some rule types are renamed for consistency.

TMail-117341:  Improve TrackorMail concurrency When TrackorMail configured for multiple Trackor Types mail processing jobs may halt each other because we don't allow to run multiple threads simultaneously. Now we allow to run single job per Trackor Type,


API-118561:  Filter name is trimmed by last dot in api/v3/trackor_types/{{trackor_type}}/filters/{filter_name} endpoint.

API-118562:  Tasks update endpoints should use R priv check for WEB_SERVICES sec group instead of E.

Admin-117075:  WP template name should be unique within Trackor Type.

Admin-117759:  Layout of master tab is not updated if it has been created by program cloning.

Admin-117942:  Active process can not be deleted You can not delete active process if there is no Report/Import/Export assigned to that process.

Admin-118436:  Preview of external applet at the admin page is not opened.

Admin-118488:  Error when user change wp date pair name and Role Privs.

Admin-118761:  Show only new added row in COLORS grid same as other grids.

Admin-118869:  General Info global view is not updated when you update General Info tab When General Info tab is updated, all columns from related "G:General Info" view are wiped out leaving it with single "Trackor Key" column. Now fixed, corrupted views are recovered.

Android-117674:  Trackor Update rule doesn't triggered after updating field via mobile app.

Android-117762:  Make sync notifications not attract attention.

BPL-117776:  Components Export of the Mapper View Options is broken.

BPL-117785:  Components Export/Import of Rules does not support custom rule types.

BPL-118298:  'Is User' option of Trackor Type is not moved by the Components Export/Import.

CodeQ-118621:  Exception swallowing in FilterParamSqlBuilder when filter field is not found This may lead to wrong data sets in selectors, when additional filters are not applied. See TMail-118620 as example.

Conf-118429:  External Applet unable to show Path/GET parameters when read privilege is available.

Conf-118452:  Can't clone trackor having dependent field values.

Conf-118623:  Error when entering dates.

DB-117756:  Cloning of program is broken if any master tab from source program is included in cloning.

Dash-118324:  Fix TB performance hints. TB Performance activated with "SQLHintOptEstimate" and "SQLHintUseHash" system parameters were broken in Grid-115562 since 8.82.0 release.

Dash-118442:  Resize of dashboards is not working when resizing browser Fixed bug with resize dashlets when resize window.

Dash-119117:  Dashlets are empty in IE until resize.

Dash-119118:  Error is shown on dashboard change.

Dash-119246:  Dashlet view is reset after edit.

Err-114233:  /new/js/newGuiConfigField.js:2525 Fixed problem with hang of the form when hovering the mouse cursor with the field on the empty space, in some cases.

Err-116651:  /js/grid/excell/Dropdown.js:333

Err-116707:  /js/grid/SimpleGrid.js:137. Fixed js error occurring when leaving the grid page before its rendered.

Err-116712:  /new/js/dashboard.js:876. Error when trying to save dashboard layout on certain dashboard page (created by menu item with defined dashboard).

Err-117148:  /js/grid/SimpleGrid.js:6165 Fixed a bug that occurs when switching quickly between pages.

Err-117461:  /js/grid/excell/Memo.js:74

Err-117847:  /js/admin/configdatagroup/GroupFieldsDesigner.js:1726. Fixed errors when moving multiple fields.

Exp-117673:  Limit cells decorations for Excel exports from Tasks View, Tasks Overview grids Excel cells decorations will not be applied to exports containing more then 5000 entities.

Exp-118498:  Disable export from "Admin Materialized View" grid Export is not supported for this page. 

Exp-118822:  Error when exporting user grid with two row headers Two row headers produced for CSV exports.

Exp-118830:  Wrong field names in CSV export. Exp-119027:  Export of Trackor Browser to Excel fails if there is a rollup column with numeric aggregate function. 

GUI-118158:  When interrupting dragging, the places for resetting the fields are not always cleared Fixed a problem with clearing the places for the reset (blocks surrounded by a dashed line), with the interruption of dragging. 

GUI-118164:  The span value is not stored correctly in the form designer. Fixed problem with improper saving span value.

GUI-118534:  Page title is not updated on view option change. 

GUI-119011:  Locked fields of type Date, Time and DateTime can be edited fixed a bug that allows you to edit locked fields. 

GUI-119023:  Button shift when editing a cell in a grid Fixed a problem due to which the button in the edited cell is shifted when zooming in. 

Grid-116864:  Issue with Immediately Cancel when Loading Page. 

Grid-118015:  "Cannot read property 'split' of undefined" error is displayed on right mouse button click. 

Grid-118437:  Submit from the Tasks Overview page does not work if you change only Trackor fields. 

Grid-118710:  Task Overview page is not loading on Filter change. 

Grid-118711:  Disable distributed parsing for Task Overview page Distributed parsing can cause issues with grid loading on Task Overview page therefore we had to disable it temporary. 

Grid-118768:  Error when sorting user grids on Drill Down CF of Selector or Drop-Down data type. 

Grid-118769:  Do not show data in Tasks Overview grid when "Workplan Template" filter is not set. 

Map-118492:  Error in Map grid when static WP columns from non primary Trackor Type are selected. 

Notif-115093:  Don't show process events if report_run,export_run or report_run were deleted. 

Portal-118014:  Portal Frames don't respond to resizing. 

TMail-118620:  Prohibit selection of non PDF reports on Admin Trackor Forms. 

Trackor-118007:  Trackor Selector with 'Selector's Display Field' and additional SQL does not work. 

VF-118459:  The page is not loaded the sort column(s) contains invalid value CaseID 103283. 

OneVizion 8.83.2

Release Date 05/31/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.83.1:


Admin-118869:  General Info global view is not updated when you update General Info tab. When General Info tab is updated, all columns from related "G:General Info" view are wiped out leaving it with single "Trackor Key" column. Now fixed, corrupted views are recovered.

OneVizion 8.83.1

Release Date 05/30/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.83:


Err-118731:  com.onevizion.dao.log.viewopt.UlogViewOptSortColumnDaoOra.createAll:42. The grid is not loaded if multiple sorting uses primary Trackor ID field.

Exp-118822:  Error when exporting user grid with two row headers Two row headers produced for CSV exports. 

Exp-118830:  Wrong field names in CSV export.

Grid-118710:  Task Overview page is not loading on Filter change.

Grid-118711:  Disable distributed parsing for Task Overview page. Distributed parsing can cause issues with grid loading on Task Overview page therefore we had to disable it temporarily.

OneVizion 8.83

Release Date 05/28/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.82.1:

New Features:

GUI-114538:  Powered by Onevizion. Added the inscription "Powered by OneVizion" to the right of the expand grid button. Only on the main grid.

GUI-114539:  Onevizion logo on the main page The OneVizion logo is displayed in the top left corner of the main menu.

GUI-114540:  Rework Onevizion HTML page title Program Name removed from the page title. Favicon updated to reflect current GUI skin color.

GUI-78590:  Implement skins support. Skin changing support has been added to the system. We support 3 skins: blue, green and gray. The default one is blue. Skin is set for all users and programs via system parameter called CurrentSkin.

VF-108603:  Implement new View Options design for User Pages.


API-115561:  Add limit for per_page parameter in all API calls supporting paging Maximum number of objects which can be retrieved per one call is set to 1000. When user trying to request more, HTTP 400 (bad request) will be sent with error message of the following format: [per_page] parameter can't be greater than [{}] perPage limit is temporary disabled until API-118151.

API-116520:  Return Trackor Type ID in Trackor Type endpoint.

Admin-117506:  Add Quick Search for Colors grid and Report Group grid.

Audit-111904:  Improve performance of Components audit log Improved:Case 102698.

Audit-115089:  Cleanup RULE_HTTP_CALL_LOG table Table stores requests and responses sent/received with HTTP call rule. Retention period is controlled with "RuleHttpCallLogHistoryPurgePeriod" system parameter. Default is set to 2 months to keep log data. 

Audit-116168:  Prune old data from RULE_RUN table Table stores information about scheduled and form button rule runs. Retention period is controlled with "RuleRunPurgePeriod" system parameter. Default value is set to keep logs for 2 months.

CompPack-115034:  Allow check/uncheck component items of a components package.

DB-115700:  Use separate system parameters to cleanup task dates and other task related fields.

All WP_TASKS.*_DATE and WP_TASK_DATE related log records purge period is now controlled with "TaskDateHistoryPurgePeriod" param, all other task related data - "TaskHistoryPurgePeriod".

Rep-116514:  Reports executed in owner schema instead of _rpt schema.

VF-115554:  Offer to overwrite existing f/v.

VF-117087:  Do not show Workplan related data in the View Options if there is no 'R' privilege on 'WORK_PLANS' security group WP templates, grouped tasks, static WP fields and configured WP fields are not displayed if there is no 'R' privilege on WORK_PLANS security group. 


API-114525:  v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/views/{view_name} doesn't returns static config fields.

API-117079:  File API endpoints doesn't allows to load file if it was moved to AWS S3.

API-117600:  api/v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}?view={view_name} endpoint unexpected error All request to api/v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}?view={view_name} fails with unexpected error.

Admin-116611:  Export details form broken.

Admin-116708:  Filter works wrong on admin client files page.

Admin-116875:  Field Selector for child frame on Portal Admin is broken.

Admin-117443:  Tab layout is broken if "Two Cols Span" option is changed from 'disabled' to 'enabled'. Changes of "Two Cols Span" option on Admin Field form will not affect fields already on tabs.

Android-117078:  Electronic files not downloading because old URL used.

Android-117090:  Implement custom download manager for download/open electronic files In previous version user was unable to download files from AWS S3 using mobile app.

Android-117442:  "Thread interrupted" error when submit configured fields.

Audit-115391:  Admin Notif Queue - Not able to search on 'Queue Status'.

BPL-116804:  Components Export of DB Packages displays packages from all programs.

Conf-115079:  Numbers validation failed after form submit with a hotkey Fixed bug with validating fields of type "number" when saving a form with hot keys.

Conf-117360:  When adding a "wiki" field, its width is not saved correctly in the Form Designer. Fixed the problem of incorrect drawing of the width of the field of the wiki type in the form designer.

Conf-117441:  Prevent Trackor Key field deletion from General Info tab "Trackor Key" field for the Config Tab's Trackor Type can't be removed from the "General Info" tab.

Conf-117526:  Can not edit drill-down fields that selected on the Form Designer Fixed issue with access to edit drill-down fields on form designer.

DB-116436:  Incorrect implicit updating relation in specific configuration CaseID 103061.


Dash-117614:  Incorrect dashlet configuration after update.

Dash-117875:  Dashlet portal frames are broken.

Dash-118191:  Dual Pie chart isn't working correctly on a big data.

Dash-118324:  Fix TB performance hints.TB Performance activated with "SQLHintOptEstimate" and "SQLHintUseHash" system parameters were broken in Grid-115562 since 8.82.0 release.

EFile-117083:  Image orientation metadata is not updated when image rotated When using "Rotate Using EXIF Orientation" option for EFile Config Field, orientation data is not updated and image ordination will be wrong when using viewer, which adjust orientation automatically.

Err-114092:  /js/admin/configdatagroup/GroupFieldsDesigner.js:1773

Fixed the error that occurs when using drag and drop in the form designer when you move the field to an blank spot.

Err-115872:  /js/ps.js:4676 Fixed a bug related to hiding the help menu.

Err-116245:  /js/ps.js:31 Fixed the error js, which occurs when a connection to the user's network is lost and not all resources can be loaded.


Err-116655:  /js/trackorbrowser/GridButtons.js:1759

Exp-117673:  Limit cells decorations for Excel exports from Tasks View, Tasks Overview grids Excel cells decorations will not be applied to exports containing more then 5000 entities.

GUI-116938:  Incorrect grammar on Events panel Label changed to "No Events".

GUI-118164:  The span value is not stored correctly in the form designer. Fixed problem with improper saving span value.

Grid-114722:  Sorting by Task Date missing sort triangle when start dates are hidden.

Grid-117880:  Hyperlink is missed for "User" column in Audit Log grid.

MT-116791:  Program with "Rollup" and "Trackor Selector" fields can't be removed If in program exist "Trackor Selector" field with "Selector's Display Field" attribute or exist "Rollup" field with "Config Field" attribute in "setup filter" form then oracle throw ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [13001], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] when user try to delete program.

Map-117088:  Central point is missed on Circle shape.

Map-117092:  Error when loading Mapping page for Trackor Type missing lat/long fields. 

"ORA-00936: missing expression" error during grid SQL execution fixed. Now we show standard error message: "Latitude Field or Longitude Field is not set in View Options for <Trackor Type>".

Map-117361:  Error when Mapping grid contains Trackor Key field and field become unavailable for user.

Rep-117076:  Report email notifications are being doubled.

Rule-116265:  Launch of Mass Lock/Unlock rule is not logged.

Trackor-116863:  VO feature "Show All/All" shows fields that actually cannot be shown in the grid.

Trackor-118007:  Trackor Selector with 'Selector's Display Field' and additional SQL does not work.

OneVizion 8.82.1

Release Date 04/23/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.82:

GUI-116517: Error in click handler on login page Fixed the error when log in button did not work at first click.

OneVizion 8.82 

Release Date 04/23/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.81.1:

Android-109567:  Implement new tabs design with coloring top bar background by dropdown values.

Audit-115069:  Automatically gather Oracle execution plans for slow grid SQLs Trigger tua_usage_log_sql_plan_store created for USAGE_LOG table. It is disabled by default. When enabled it will monitor DB runtime for grid actions and extract Oracle execution plans for SQL running longer then 1 minute. Plans will be stored in USAGE_LOG_SQL_PLAN tables, records older then 60 days will be wiped out by cleanup procedure. We also added USAGE_LOG_ID as comment to the every user grid SQL, to simplify plan search and extraction.

API-112643:  Don't allow to use static Trackor Types in TB API.

API-114685:  Store HTTP Status in Usage Log for API calls.

Admin-115809:  Components Package options of Trackor Type is not moved by the Components Export/Import.

Android-114691:  Authorization action not correct work.

BPL-116184:  Components Package options of Config Field is not moved by the Components Export/Import.

BPL-116186:  Components Package options of Rule is not moved by the Components Export/Import.

BPL-116187:  Components Package options of DB package is not moved by the Components Export/Import.

Conf-115155:  External Applet - Make URL Dynamic.

DB-112713:  Cancelling the page should kill the Oracle session Any web app query running longer then 30 minutes will be canceled. This may also affect From Button rule runs and other submit operations.

Exp-108423:  Enable grid exports on all admin pages Export enabled for the following grids:
































Grid-112935:  Improve big data grids performance.

Grid-115562:  Implement USE_HASH hints for Trackor Browser grid SQL We figured that "OPT_ESTIMATE" hint may be ignored by Oracle in some cases. We implemented support for "USE_HASH" hint which forces Oracle to use has join for ANCESTOR, XITOR and CONFIG_VALUE_NUMBER tables. New hint may be enabled with new system param "SQLHintUseHash" (disabled by default). Parameter "UseSQLHints" used to control "OPT_ESTIMATE" hint renamed to "SQLHintOptEstimate". Both hints may be used simultaneously, performance should be monitored. 

Imp-110154:  Remove DATA_MAP_COUNT and GEN_DM_SQL_FINISHED_TS columns from IMP_RUN table Custom import packages should be verified and fixed after UAT deployment.

Map-113553:  Remove "Display implementation status" option from the Maps.

Menu-115605:  Menu Item name should match Page name.

Rule-115368:  Commit after each row when executing "Mass Lock/Unlock" and "Mass Assign" form button rules Take into account, if exception occurs during "Mass Assign" or "Mass Lock/Unlock" changes in already processed rows wont be rolled back.

Trackor-112728:  Ability to pass a field from the tab to the trackor selector field applet.

API-114408:  Check ADMIN_GROUP_RELATOR_ITEMS privs for /v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/children and /v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/parents.

Admin-115163:  Edit Package form doesn't remember size and position.

Admin-115475:  JS error when you work with the Security Group privileges at the Admin User form. Fixed: Error when opening the Security Group tab or working with checkboxes.

Admin-115828:  Do not log 'SimpleDataSource/' and 'SimpleDataSource/' requests in usage log We log requests to '' to get data of a grid but we should not log requests to get list of views or filters - it is 'SimpleDataSource/' and 'SimpleDataSource/'. 

Android-116195:  Complete step not working.

Audit-112704:  Audit log for Number Fields doesn't show the full precision.

BPL-114942:  Applet assignment is not moved by Components Export/Import for Config Applet WF step type.

CompPack-116246:  Wrong checkboxes state of the Config Applets items at the Components Export page The checkboxes are always  unchecked in Config Applet subgrid if you select a components package with config applets.

Conf-115092:  Required relations are displayed on the config form as not required. Fixed: The relation field is displayed without asterisk in label and there is no check if the field is empty when you click by OK/Apply.

Conf-115144:  'Workplan [...] not found" error when the config form is refreshed The bug is occured after submitting when the config form refreshes field values. 

Dash-115105:  Error during updating field group.


Err-113959:  /new/js/newGuiScrollbar.js:657 Fixed scrollbars error caused on improperly detached Memo cell editor.

Err-114005:  /new/js/newGuiScrollbar.js:330 Fixed the js error that occurs in the Internet Explorer browser when scrolling with the mouse wheel on the tractor's edit pages.

Err-114106:  /js/grid/excell/Common.js:2120 Fixed bug js that occurs when a grid is loaded, namely when formatting a value for cells of the type "number".

Err-114209:  /js/grid/SimpleGrid.js:510. Fixed bug js with locking / unlocking the grid cell on the Trackor browser page.

Err-114469:  /new/js/contentConstructor.js:82.

Err-114797:  /new/js/newGuiScrollbar.js:28 Error on scrollbars attach procedure for already destroyed grid.

Err-115245:  /new/js/newGuiTableWidget.js:579 Fixed error on opening source data for certain rows on table view dashlets with groups.

Err-115247:  /new/js/dashboard.js:559. Fixed error on dashlet edit for certain dashlets.

Err-115291:  /new/js/newGuiScrollbar.js:924 Error on grid resize handler being called after grid is unloaded.

Err-115308:  /new/js/dashboard.js:57.

Error on resize when dashboard layout initialization is not completed yet.

Err-115318:  /js/js.js:1226.

Error on saving form position and size to localStorage when closing the form in Safari browser.

Exp-115264:  Grid export does not work at the DropGrid page.

GUI-115075:  Edit button shifts the record type in the Form Designer Fixed the problem of the field type offset in the list in the form designer.

GUI-115560:  Values of VTable that do not have colors are colored in the drop-down list Fixed bug where the VTable values for which no color was specified were colored in the drop-down list in the colors of the selected value.

GUI-115806:  Show "Loading" on grids, right after View/Filter closed After user submit View/Filter changes we retrieve list of Views/Filters from the server, and then show "Loading" panel and reload the grid. Now we show "Loading" immediately after closing View/Filter form.

GUI-116192:  Field type "drop-down" does not save colors when changing tabs Fixed a problem with the disappearance of the colors of the drop-down fields when changing tabs.

Grid-114304:  Grid Stat filter doesn't work for Checkbox fields.

Grid-115098:  Unnecessary grid reload request after Filter/View change.

Grid-115252:  Trackor Browser is empty if the grid contains drill-down EFile column.

Grid-115473:  Implement support for "New" icon in grid for Trackor Drop-Down fields  Trackor Drop-Down cells in TB grid now indicate recently created trackors with the "new" icon.

MT-114854:  Assignments of security role to WF step is not moved when you clone a program.

MT-115555:  Changing Trackor Type name in one program will change sec groups in other programs having same names of trackor type.

Rep-115213:  java.sql.rowset.SerialClob is stored as value for all memo fields in PDF reports.

Rule-115664:  Trigger 'Update User' rule when security privileges are changed 'Update User' rule is fired when you change privileges on security group or assign/unassig security roles or security objects.

Sec-114955:  XSS attacks protection: Security Enhancements.

Sec-115224:  Upgrade Spring Framework dependencies to 5 version Spring Framework dependencies were upgraded from 4.2.4.RELEASE to 5.0.5.RELEASE Spring Security  dependencies were upgraded from 4.1.0.RELEASE to 5.0.4.RELEASE.

TMail-116198:  Poor trackor-mail performance when handling messages with attachments large then 10MB Large attachments retrieval performance increased. In our test 2 emails with 9MB attachment each were handled in 9 minutes.

VF-115466:  Incorrect error message when adding View with existing name Fixed.

VF-115480:  Hint Label option is not copied properly. Fixed: The value is not copied properly when you save 'Unsaved' view with name or promote a local view to global.

VF-115481:  Promoting local view to global fails if there are Trackor Types from level below from primary or drill-down primary level.

WF-115283:  All fields are disabled on 'New Trackor' WF step type The bug occurred because we have checked the 'A' privilege for each field on that step instead of 'E'.

WF-115669:  New Trackor tab is not loaded of WF You can not open the tab and see what fields are selected in that WF step. It is affected for running WF. 

WF-115672:  Wrong child Trackor is loaded at the New Trackor WF step When you load the New Trackor WF step after creating Trackor, the fields on the form contain data of other Trackor but not that what you have created.

OneVizion 8.81.2

The following is a list of changes since the 8.81.1 version: 

GUI-116517:  Error in click handler on login page Fixed the error when log in button did not work at first click

OneVizion 8.81.1

The following is a list of changes since the 8.81 version: 

Sec-114955:  Security Enhancements

OneVizion 8.81

The following is a list of changes since the 8.80 version: 

New Features:

DB-110189:  Create DB job which will prune data in the Audit Log. New: Case ID: 100583, 102778: To improve performance, DB Job added to prune Audit log based on system parameters(ConfigFieldHistoryPurgePeriod, LockHistoryPurgePeriod, RelationHistoryPurgePeriod, TaskHistoryPurgePeriod, TrackorHistoryPurgePeriod, WorkplanHistoryPurgePeriod). Parameter values for data can be 0-36 months. 0 - No purge.

Dash-109261:  Adding ability to create field groups in axes on a dashboard page in edit mode New.


API-112636:  Add ability to retrieve all system and program params via API v3. Improved: CaseID-102773

Admin-113579:  Display 'Grid' actions at the Usage Log page for the Selectors and Assignments pages. 

DB-113580:  Drop USAGE_LOG.VIEW_SEC3_CATEGORY and USAGE_LOG.FILTER_SEC3_CATEGORY DB columns. Improved: Unused columns are dropped.

DB-113870:  Improve performance of USAGE_LOG_SQL_PARAM table Improved for better performance.

GUI-110145:  Adding a placeholder to the events panel If there are no items in the event pane, a tooltip is displayed that notifies you when an import, export, or report is run.

GUI-110146:  Minor improvements to the events panel. Improved: Pop-up event notifications appear only for executed processes with the status "success", "executed with errors", and "executed with warnings".

GUI-112519:  Show edit button near selected value in top panel drop-downs. Improved: Pages affected: Administer Menu, Dashboards, Portal View, Documentation Organizer, Components Export.

Map-113587:  Support DrillDown child Trackor Types in the Mapper View Options. 

Rep-113307:  Add "Report Scheduler" drop-down to Report Admin form. Improved: CaseID-102814: Added an ability to set Process Scheduler for a report on Admin Form. Also you can see "Process Scheduler" column on Admin Reports and Admin Process pages with an ability to Filter by "Process Scheduler"

Rep-114302:  Add a "Clear All" or "Clear Event History". "Clear All" link added to the top of the Events panel, it allows to cleanup events panel in one click. All related data still available in Export History and on Admin Processes page. 

Rep-114405:  Default value of "Send To" field for E-Mail report delivery methods. 

Rule-110757:  Refresh page when Trackor Class is changed through a rule. Improved-CaseID-102660: The Config Form and WorkFlow form (if a step type is 'Config Applet') are reloaded if trackor class value of primary trackor is changed manually or in a rule. 

Rule-113650:  Commit after each scheduled rule Improved. Added commit after successful execution of each scheduled rule. 

Rule-113651:  Add exceptions handling around shceduled rules. Improved:CaseID-102750: An error in one of the scheduled rules will not stop execution of other rules.

VF-114303:  Filter/View tree levels must remember last state (open/closed). Improved: CaseID-102888.


Admin-114063:  Tab with fields are not loaded when you open a config applet in 'preview' mode Fixed.

Admin-114064:  Submit of Java rules is broken. Fixed: It affects on Copy EFile, Sync Data, ZipEFiles, HTTP Call, Tower Diagram, Tower Profile and Map Snippet rule classes.

Admin-114214:  Applet Admin form incorrectly shows External Tabs Fixed

Admin-114693:  The Admin Trackor Type form is not opened if 'Fields of Automatic Filtering' option references to non existent config fields.

Admin-114742:  Config Form is loaded with error in preview mode if there are DB Drop-Down or Drop-Down fields Fixed.

Android-114073:  Child Trackors Tabs doesn't duplicate in mobile app for ConfigTab step Fixed

Audit-113718:  Cannot Filter to Timestamp on Error Log page. Fixed: CaseID-102843

BPL-110372:  'Is Published' option of config applet is not moved by the Components Export/Import Fixed

BPL-114067:  Components Import of security role fails when there are global and local filters with the same name Fixed

BPL-114243:  Components Import of Tower Diagram rule fails if dynamic table value of tower group is not found Fixed

BPL-114275:  Autokey formula is not created when cloning the program Fixed. The issue is related to order of importing components - at first we import trackor types and then config fields which are used in autokey formula. The autokey formula should be created at the end of components import when all config fields are imported

BPL-114380:  Components Export of View Options fails Fixed

BPL-114415:  View Options are not copied if you clone a program Fixed. There is no any View Option from source program in the copied new program.

Conf-114072:  F/V drop-downs don't show up above the grid when the very first Tab on the form is trackor container Fixed-CaseID-102861.

Conf-114324:  Coloration of Drop-down values on a form issue. Fixed-CaseID-102890: Drop-down values with no color overrides field color. Fixed to allow drop down value color to override field color only when drop down value has color set.

Conf-114331:  The task date is not saved when using slash or partial date on forms Fixed:CaseID-102881, 102907.

Conf-114524:  Fields validation not working on form submit with a hotkey Fixed

DB-114173:  UTIL.GetValNum doesn't return value for XITOR_KEY and XITOR_CLASS_ID fields. Fixed: UTIL.GetValNum now correctly returns values for the XITOR_KEY and XITOR_CLASS_ID fields.

Dash-115105:  Error during updating field group.

DropGrid-113666:  The DropGrid can not create a Trackor Type if you are not super user Fixed.

DropGrid-114244:  Bug in DropGrid Mapping. Fixed:CaseID-102874: When map is opened for the first time, it fails, because some mapping properties are not properly initialized.

EFile-113472:  Bulk Uploader doesn't support cascading drop-downs Fixed:CaseID-102824.

Err-110520:  /js/Default.js:199 Fixed:CaseID-102936.Uncaught reference error:processesEvents is not defined.

Err-110962:  /js/grid/SimpleGrid.js:1909 Fixed js error that occurs when you try to open "E-File Download History" from the context menu for sub columns "Size" or "Thumbnail".

Err-113981:  /js/ps.js:1107 Fixed js bug that occurs when previewing the filter if in the filter selects a dateTime type field and is set to "is Null" or "is not Null".

Err-113983:  /js/ps.js:4417 Fixed: Added interception of errors that occur when closing user forms.

Exp-113896:  "ORA-01745: invalid host/bind variable name" when export data to Excel and grid contains Task Dates. Fixed: CaseID-102851: Bug introduced with Exp-97263 "Add in grid cell colors for Task dates and Number fields to Excel export". As with Exp-103233 "ORA-01745: invalid host/bind variable name" when running TB Grid Export and TB Grid Report" we will apply cell decorations for grids with less then 5000 Trackors only

Exp-114042:  Excel cells coloring is missed for TName, TOrd, TWbs Task dates if there are no other Task dates in grid Fixed

GUI-114520:  Constraint violation when adding a task date to the Form Designer Fixed

Grid-112823:  Trackor Browser child grid sorting issue Fixed:CaseID-102783:Grid sorting is unavailable if view options uses multi-sorting by unavailable(due to privilege restriction) field(s)

Grid-113577:  Loading page action is not logged properly in the Usage Log if generation of SQL fails Fixed.

Grid-113592:  "Share Page Link" doesn't work for Task Overview grid. Fixed:CaseID-102832

Grid-113675:  Config Applet buttons are always disabled at some user pages Fixed:The button is disabled at the Tasks, Mapper, Summary and Tasks Overview pages if the Trackor Type does not have trackor classes.

MT-114245:  Cloning of program fails if there a HTTP Call rule. Fixed: The cloning fails because the rule is being created in wrong program. 

MT-114251:  Cloning of program fails if there is a WorkPlan template. Fixed: The cloning fails because assignments of static date pairs (baseline, actual, projected, etc.) are created in wrong program.

MT-114270:  Cloning of program fails if there is a workplan with task links or a task with assigned config applet. Fixed: The cloning fails because WorkPlan links or assignment of config applet to a task are created in wrong program.

MT-114416:  Can not delete program if it has hint label in view options of the Mapping page Fixed

MT-114419:  Creating program is not rollbacked if an error occurs after importing of workplans The rollback does not work properly because when we import workplans, we call pkg_wp_template.calc_all_based_on_template routine. That routine contains 'commit;' operation inside and it breaks a transaction.

Notif-113904:  Explicit cursors in the package pkg_notif are not closed. Fixed:CaseID-102855:Error: "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded" when running notification processing job.

Other-114410:  Need to escape \u2028 and \u2029 characters for JavaScript context Fixed.CaseID-102879. Unable to load trackor record if these characters were present in a field.

Rep-114088:  "Send To" selector doesn't show up on Report Exec form for some users. Fixed:CaseID-102866

Rep-114171:  Error after removing report exec window. Fixed:CaseID-102795

Rep-114246:  Cloning of program fails if there is an Excel report with worksheets. Fixed: The cloning fails because report worksheets are being created in wrong program.

Trackor-114729:  Task date from parental trackor is not displayed. Case-102900

VF-108378:  Administer Filter and View pages errors on submit. Fixed

OneVizion 8.80

The following is a list of changes since the 8.79.4 version: 

New Features:


Rep-109011:  Add Process ID column in Usage Log for Excel Submit action New.



Admin-112307:  Remove "WorkPlan to Trackors" mass assign page Improved:CaseID-102669.

Admin-112328:  "ckeditor" not working with slow internet connection. 

Android-112061:  Update ACRA to latest version 3rd party library to build and deliver bug reports.

DB-113158:  util.RaiseError should handle Nulls. Improved:CaseID-102804:  Now, util. will raise Error correctly returns "NULL" message.

DB-113159:  GetVal for unchecked checkboxes should return 0 instead of NULL. Improved: Added two new functions to UTIL for checkboxes to return 0 for unchecked and 1 for checked: GetValCheckbox() GetValCheckboxByID()

DB-97103:  Remove "EnterprisePkPrefix" system parameter This is cleanup of recovery data after DB-94947 "Get rid of Enterprise PK prefix" released with 8.70.0

GUI-111880:  Do not show [All] option of Form Designer, when it contains more then 1000 items. Improved: CaseID-102743:Form Designer will open on list of Trackor Types when there are more then 1000 Config Fields. 

VF-108501:  Add calendar filter options to date/time fields. Improved: CaseID-102233.

WF-110153:  Remove "WP Key Value Field" and "Sub-Key Value Field" from WF Improved.

WP-108539:  Make tasks appear NA'd in the tab just like they would appear NA'd in the grid

Improved: CaseID-102243: Now we display 'N/A' value in task date field on the config form if a task is not applicable.



API-113460:  "You have no [A] priv on []" error when creating new trackor via v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/trackors endpoint

Admin-112627:  Grouping on the Report History grid does not work properly if you change set of columns or an order of columns.

Audit-108582:  "Fluxx Capacitor" in Usage Log grid is always "Off". Fixed.

BPL-110266:  BPL Export doesn't generate xml file in FireFox

Conf-113306:  Incorrect behavior of the wiki type field when changing the field settings. Fixed: Changing settings on wiki field doesn't behave as expected (eg, read only, mandatory settings).

DB-112734:  util.hasRole doesn't use passed UserID param. Fixed: CaseID-102782: util.hasRole now works correctly when userId parameter is passed.

DB-113469:  pkg_sec_priv_program.set_priv_by_name needs to filter by PID

Err-112345:  com.onevizion.grid.userdatarenderer.userpage.MapperUserData.getMapperFeatures:328. Fixed: CaseID-102777-Error on Mapping page after 8.79.0 upgrade.

Err-112973:  com.onevizion.web.controller.Details.details:72. Fixed: Error when opening "Message Body" from Admin Notif Queue grid and Attempt* columns presented in grid.

GUI-111884:  Form designer start lagging when there are thousands items in the left side list Fixed.

GUI-112341:  Config Form layout is broken in Google Chrome 65 Fixed. HTML tables are stretched to the full width even there are no explicit style.

GUI-112648:  Layout collapse on several administer forms in Chrome Fixed:CaseID-102775.

Grid-113147:  Fix TB SQL performance hints. Fixed: CaseID-102809: This issue fixes performance hints introduced with Grid-110255. Before this fix, hints didn't affect performance. 

Grid-113171:  Can't access SQL data in Usage Log grid Fixed

Imp-113154:  IMPORT cannot see History. Fixed: CaseID-102811.

MT-113527:  You can not clone a program if there is ZIP EFile rule

MT-113528:  The Admin Program page is not loaded.

Map-112518:  Fix mapping for drill down entries We broke support for drill down entries on maps in Map-88644 (8.79.0). It is fixed now.

Other-112340:  Increased space between words on config forms. Fixed.

Rep-113157:  Can't delete report from history grid. Fixed: CaseID-102806.

Rep-113174:  Wrong sorting at the Reports page. Fixed: Reports should be sorted by group and name.

Sec-112481:  "HTTP Status 403 - AbstractAccessDecisionManager.accessDenied" error when using "Login As" . Error caused by obsolete privileges assigned to the user. i.e. READ instead of expected R.

VF-112324:  Error when you select 'All' applet in the View Options of the Mapper page. Fixed.

VF-112811:  Disable "Display this type of Trackor" option in the Mapper View Options for tabs with only polyline and polygon shape types Fixed.

WF-112832:  Error when trying to select existing step for WF Decision Option. Fixed: Error: You have no [R] priv on [ADMIN_WF_STEPS] Security group. 

WF-112985:  Error on "Config Tab" WF Step. Fixed: Error happens when mixing tabs from Trackor Type with and without Classes on single "Config Tab" WF step.

OneVizion 8.79.6

The following is a list of changes since the 8.79.5 version: 

API-113460:  "You have no [A] priv on []" error when creating new trackor via v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/trackors endpoint. 

GUI-112341:  Config Form layout is broken in Google Chrome 65 Fixed. HTML tables are stretched to the full width even there are no explicit style. 

GUI-112648:  Layout collapse on several administer forms in Chrome Fixed:CaseID-102775.

Grid-113592:  "Share Page Link" doesn't work for Task Overview grid. 

Notif-113904:  Explicit cursors in the package pkg_notif are not closed.

OneVizion 8.79.5

The following is a list of changes since the 8.79.4 version: 

Exp-113896:  "ORA-01745: invalid host/bind variable name" when export data to Excel and grid contains Task Dates Bug introduced with Exp-97263 "Add in grid cell colors for Task dates and Number fields to Excel export". As with Exp-103233 "ORA-01745: invalid host/bind variable name" when running TB Grid Export and TB Grid Report" we will apply cell decorations for grids with less then 5000 Trackors only.

OneVizion 8.79.4

The following is a list of changes since the 8.79.3 version: 

API-113460:  "You have no [A] priv on []" error when creating new trackor via v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/trackors endpoint.

OneVizion 8.79.3

The following is a list of changes since the 8.79.2 version:

Imp-113154:  IMPORT cannot see History. Fixed

Rep-113157:  Can't delete report from history grid. Fixed

OneVizion 8.79.2

The following is a list of changes since the 8.79.1 version:

Admin-112627:  Grouping on the Report History grid does not work properly if you change set of columns or an order of columns. Fixed

Err-112345:  com.onevizion.grid.userdatarenderer.userpage.MapperUserData.getMapperFeatures:328 Fixed: Case ID-102777-Error on Mapping page after 8.79.0 upgrade

GUI-112648:  Layout collapse on several administer forms in Chrome Fixed: Case ID-102775. Fixed

VF-112811:  Disable "Display this type of Trackor" option in the Mapper View Options for tabs with only poly-line and polygon shape types Fixed.

OneVizion 8.79.1

The following is a list of changes since the 8.79.0 version:


GUI-112341:  Config Form layout is broken in Google Chrome 65 Fixed. HTML tables are stretched to the full width even there are no explicit style.

Other-112340:  Increased space between words on config forms.

VF-112324:  Error when you select 'All' applet in the View Options of the Mapper page Fixed

OneVizion 8.79

The following is a list of changes since the 8.78.3 version:

New Features:

Dash-102482:  New Portal Frame - Dashlet New - Existing dashlets from Dashboards can now be added to Portal frames.

VF-108602:  New View Options design for admin pages New - View Options look and feel similar to Form Designer.


API-109272:  Don't save base64 encoded files in UsageLog when updating Efile fields. Improved.

Audit-110880:  Add usage_log.cols_count column to keep number of columns selected in View Options. Improved.

Dash-111897:  New chart type "Stacked Column". New Feature.

Dash-111898:  New calculation method "Count All".  New feature to allow for plotting  'Count All' values in Dashboard.

Grid-109376:  Use "DefaultGridMaxRows" program parameter for grids without View Options. Improved: CaseID-102456.

Grid-110255:  Use hints to improve exec plans for TB SQL Improved. CaseID-102610: Feature disabled by default. Can be enabled with "UseSQLHints" system parameter. Affects only Trackor Browser SQLs.

Map-88644:  Draw Line, Polyline and Polygon shapes using coordinates from Child Trackors. Improved: Mapping page supports 4 types of drawings: Map Icon, Circle, Polyline and Polygon. Last 2 require multiple coordinate pairs to draw the shape. Previously we used multiple line CFs for this purpose, now multiple line CFs are deprecated and added support of child Trackors as source for multiple coordinates. Now it's primary Trackor Type of Mapping page has children Trackor Type with Lat/Long fields it will appear in View Option twice: 1st time as usual to draw Map Icons or Circles for each Trackor, 2nd entry will have name in format <Parent Trackor Type>-<Child Trackor Type> and will be support Polygon and Polyline ,using all children Trackors of each parent to draw. 

Sec-108639:  Provide an ability to see all checked READ/None privileges. Improved:CaseID-102334: Added an ability to filter on Privilege. New filter option implemented for Security Groups Tab on "User" and "Sec Role" forms. 


Admin-111015:  Do not display  Reports, WF Step and Program Trackor Types at the Publish Applets form. Fixed: For these Trackor Types we do not support configured applets. 

Admin-111022:  Error when opening User Settings->Notification form Fixed. The error occurs when the list of Trackor Types are obtained. 

Admin-111606:  Admin Notif Queue page does not load if Attempt Date column is selected Fixed. 

BPL-110523:  Parental fields are missed when you clone new program. Fixed: When cloning a program, parental fields in tabs are not being copied over. 

BPL-111153:  Config Applets are not displayed as components related to a components package Fixed.

BPL-111156:  'Fields for Automatic Filtering' option of Trackor Types is not moved properly by the Components Export/Import. Fixed: If source Trackor Type includes two or more fields in the 'Fields for Automatic Filtering' option, then the option is not moved properly by the Components Export/Import and there is an error when the admin form is opened. 

Conf-109264:  Use continuous numbering for Drill-Down field indexes Fixed:CaseID-102444.

Conf-111017:  Tab with Wiki field is not loaded if you have only R privilege on it Fixed.

Conf-111028:  Fields are editable even if there are no privileges on a tab. Fixed: If the same fields are presented on two tabs and you have full access to the first tab and only R privilege on the second tab, then the fields on the second tab are editable but should not be.

EFile-110592:  Can't upload file to S3 when there is Cyrillic symbols in file name Fixed

Err-109056:  /new/js/newGuiTree.js:70. Fixed a javascript bug that occurs when resizing a browser window on a dashboard page. 

Err-109785:  /js/grid/SimpleGrid.js:1523 Fixed the error js that occurs when a cell is selected. The error could be reproduced when working with an incorrect cell object. 

Err-110005:  /js/admin/configdatagroup/GroupFieldsDesigner.js:1258. Fixed bug js which occurs when the transfer of some config fields is started.

Err-110616:  /js/form/cfHandlers.js:819. Fixed bug when loading a file in the efile type field in the IE browser.

Err-110662:  /js/grid/excell/Memo.js:95. Fixed bug that occurs when trying to change the memo field in the grid. An error occurs if the request to load the complete memo field data exceeds a certain time.

GUI-110370:  Quick Search input is readonly if user doesn't have edit privileges on some forms Fixed

GUI-111047:  Download to ZIP shouldn't be available if no files on Tab Fixed:CaseID-102697.

GUI-111883:  Fields counter on Form Designer is not updated when list is filtered. Fixed

Grid-110476:  Component Export: Sorting does not work in Config Applet columns. Fixed

Grid-111263:  Task cell in TB grid NOT refresh after Task popup is closed. Fixed: CaseID-102707.When users go to "UN-N/A" from tasks form, it does not UN-N/A after unchecking the N/A box and clicking on "ok".

MT-110380:  Workplans are not cloned when you create new program Fixed.

Menu-110887:  Folder List doesn't show left paddings and icons Fixed. Folder list will show hierarchical structure in Firefox and Chrome. Firefox will be without icons.

Other-110758:  Incorrect transfer of parameters for page URL. Fixed. Errors on certain conditions when trying to search in Filters/Views

Rep-111264:  Report Wizard is broken when Report Parameters are set. Fixed

Rep-111944:  Can't delete report. Fixed: CaseID-102749: Can't delete report having archived (deleted) instances of "Pending/Running/InQueue" state

Sec-111056:  Fields privileges are not calculated properly for the grids and the Grid Row Editor Fixed:If you have NONE privilege on all tabs where a field is present, then user cannot read and edit that field anywhere irrespective of privileges on Trackor Type.

Sec-111607:  Do not check 'A' privilege when you set value to config field at first time. Fixed

WF-110149:  Fix security on "Start WorkFlow" form . Fixed: User must have R privileges on WokFlow security group + A on WorkFlow Template to start new WorkFlow. Or, A on ADMIN_WF sec group to be able to start for any WorkFlow Template.

WF-110150:  JS error if user doesn't have privilegess on WF Template of selected WF on WORFLOW page. Fixed

WF-110152:  Fix security on "Edit Workflow" form. Fixed:Users without E on ADMIN_WF, can't modify running WF

OneVizion 8.78.99

The following is a list of changes since the 8.78.11 version:

Conf-115155:  External Applet - Make URL Dynamic

OneVizion 8.78.11

The following is a list of changes since the 8.78.10 version:

Rule-121659: Add parameters to HTTP Call rule to control connection and request timeouts. These values can be controlled individually for each HTTP Call rule depending on limitations and performance of the services it is accessing.

Rule-121812:  Improve HTTP Call rule queue processing Now asynchronous HTTP Call Rule invocations are executed in parallel threads. By default we are suing 10 threads.


Conf-115155:  External Applet - Make URL Dynamic

DB-112713:  Cancelling the page should kill the Oracle session Any web app query running longer then 30 minutes will be canceled. This may also affect From Button rule runs and other submit operations.

Rep-116514:  Reports executed in owner schema instead of _rpt schema.

Rep-122217:  Update Aspose License.

We are using 3rd party library to generate Excel, PDF and Visio reports. Current license expires on Aug 15 2018. New license included into this release.

Rule-121659:  Add parameters to HTTP Call rule to control connection and request timeouts In 8.87.0 we implemented default 30 seconds timeouts for HTTP calls, now this values can be controlled individually for each HTTP Call rule depending on limitations and performance of the services it is accessing.


Conf-114072:  F/V drop-downs don't show up above the grid when the very first Tab on the form is trackor container Fixed-CaseID-102861.

Dash-118324:  Fix TB performance hints.

TB Performance activated with "SQLHintOptEstimate" and "SQLHintUseHash" system parameters were broken in Grid-115562 since 8.82.0 release.

EFile-114869:  Error when opening EFile history from EFile Download History grid.

Err-116655:  /js/trackorbrowser/GridButtons.js:1759

OneVizion 8.78.10

The following is a list of changes since the 8.78.9 version:

Grid-115562:  Implement USE_HASH hints for Trackor Browser grid SQL We figured that "OPT_ESTIMATE" hint may be ignored by Oracle in some cases. We implemented support for "USE_HASH" hint which forces Oracle to use has join for ANCESTOR, XITOR and CONFIG_VALUE_NUMBER tables.New hint may be enabled with new system param "SQLHintUseHash" (disabled by default). Parameter "UseSQLHints" used to control "OPT_ESTIMATE" hint renamed to "SQLHintOptEstimate". Both hints may be used simultaneously, performance should be monitored

Rule-115368:  Commit after each row when executing "Mass Lock/Unlock" and "Mass Assign" form button rules Take into account, if exception occurs during "Mass Assign" or "Mass Lock/Unlock" changes in already processed rows wont be rolled back.

Conf-114324:  Coloration of Drop-down values on a form issue. Fixed-CaseID-102890: Drop-down values with no color overrides field color. Fixed to allow drop down value color to override field color only when drop down value has color set.


Err-113959:  /new/js/newGuiScrollbar.js:657. Fixed scrollbars error caused on improperly detached Memo cell editor.

GUI-114520:  Constraint violation when adding a task date to the Form Designer. Fixed.

Rep-115213:  java.sql.rowset.SerialClob is stored as value for all memo fields in PDF reports.

Trackor-114729:  Task date from parental trackor is not displayed. Case-102900

VF-115466:  Incorrect error message when adding View with existing name. Fixed.

OneVizion 8.78.9

The following is a list of changes since the 8.78.8 version:

Admin-111022:  Error when opening User Settings->Notification form Fixed. The error occurs when the list of Trackor Types are obtained.

Err-110520:  /js/Default.js:199

OneVizion 8.78.8

The following is a list of changes since the 8.78.7 version:

Conf-114331:  The date is not saved when using slash on forms. Fixed:CaseID-102881, 102907.

Rep-114405:  Default value of "Send To" field for E-Mail report delivery methods.

EFile-110592:  Can't upload file to S3 when there is Cyrillic symbols in file name Fixed

Rep-114088:  "Send To" selector doesn't show up on Report Exec form for some users. Fixed:CaseID-102866

OneVizion 8.78.7

The following is a list of changes since the 8.78.6 version:

DB-113870:  Improve performance of USAGE_LOG_SQL_PARAM table USAGE_LOG_SQL_PARAM table used to store parameter values for grid SQLs, this data only used for performance troubleshooting.

USAGE_LOG_GRID_FILTER table used to run exports, and show user filters from Usage Log grid. We are cleaning this tables completely now and will keep it's size manageable deleting records older then 60 days.

USAGE_LOG clob columns older then 60 days will be cleaned: SQL - sql query used to generate data grid WS_REQUEST - body of WebService request for "Web Service" action NOT_LIMITED_SQL - sql without grid paging limit. And we add these columns to pkg_vqutils.cleanup_tmp_tables, which will clean it if the data is older than 60 days. Created reverse index for USAGE_LOG_SQL_PARAM.USAGE_LOG_ID, which is good for PK based on sequences, where the value is ever increasing.

Rep-111264:  Report Wizard is broken when Report Parameters are set Fixed

Rep-114088:  "Send To" selector doesn't show up on Report Exec form for some users

OneVizion 8.78.6

The following is a list of changes since the 8.78.5 version:

API-113460:  "You have no [A] priv on []" error when creating new trackor via v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/trackors endpoint

GUI-112341:  Config Form layout is broken in Google Chrome 65 Fixed. HTML tables are stretched to the full width even there are no explicit style

GUI-112648:  Layout collapse on several administer forms in Chrome Fixed:CaseID-102775.

Grid-113592:  "Share Page Link" doesn't work for Task Overview grid

Notif-113904:  Explicit cursors in the package pkg_notif are not closed. Error: "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded" when running notification processing job. Fixed

OneVizion 8.78.5

The following is a list of changes since the 8.78.4 version:

Exp-113896:  "ORA-01745: invalid host/bind variable name" when export data to Excel and grid contains Task Dates Bug introduced with Exp-97263 "Add in grid cell colors for Task dates and Number fields to Excel export". As with Exp-103233 "ORA-01745: invalid host/bind variable name" when running TB Grid Export and TB Grid Report" we will apply cell decorations for grids with less then 5000 Trackors only

OneVizion 8.78.4

The following is a list of changes since the 8.78.3 version:

Grid-113147:  Fix TB SQL performance hints Fixed: CaseID-102809: This issue fixes performance hints introduced with Grid-110255. Before this fix, hints didn't affect performance. 

Sec-112481:  "HTTP Status 403 - AbstractAccessDecisionManager.accessDenied" error when using "Login As"
Error caused by obsolete privileges assigned to the user. i.e. READ instead of expected R

OneVizion 8.78.3

The following is a list of changes since the 8.78.2 version:


Grid-110255:  Use hints to improve exec plans for TB SQL Improved. CaseID-102610: Feature disabled by default. Can be enabled with "UseSQLHints" system parameter. Affects only Trackor Browser SQLs.

OneVizion 8.78.2

The following is a list of changes since the 8.78.1 version:

Grid-111263:  Task cell in TB grid NOT refresh after Task popup is closed

Fixed: CaseID-102707.When users go to "UN-N/A" from tasks form, it does not UN-N/A after unchecking the N/A box and clicking on "ok".

OneVizion 8.78.1

The following is a list of changes since the 8.78 version:

Rep-110753:  Report Details Form was broken. Fixed

OneVizion 8.78

The following is a list of changes since the 8.77.1 version:

New Features:


Android-108493:  Offline mode switch. Now user can explicitly enable offline mode when network connection is unstable

Sec-103209:  Clone Onevizion accounts



Admin-110013:  Improve performance of Trackor Types Page Grid SQL is modified

Android-109088:  Show not filled lat/long fields as empty

Android-109564:  Remove ability to save multiple user credentials

Android-110023:  Don't reload step when user change Offline Mode

DB-109016:  Some Oracle sequences has low cache size, causing waits on table inserts

DB-109019:  Change LOB columns from basic file to secure file and disable in row storage for USAGE_LOG table. This changes should improve log writing performance.

Dash-109271:  Ability to save default filter for dashboard Current filter will be stored as a default when saving dashboard layout

EFile-109709:  "Efile Download History" should also show history of previously uploaded Efile "Efile Download History" now show history for the current Efile and for all previous copies. The grid is grouped by File Name.

Grid-109614:  Remove "Admin Components Package" page

Grid-109694:  All user grid SQL IN parameters are strings Expected small performance improvements of user grids when filtered by numeric fields (including Trackor Key, Drop-Down, Selectors, etc)

Grid-110020:  Replace all literals with bind variables in user grid SQLs We used literals in outer SQL for function calls, now replaced to bind variables to improve SQL performance

Menu-108656:  Add "Tasks" menu for task dates on config tabs

Notif-109566:  Create new index on notif_queue.queue_status_id This should improve notifications processing by mail-service

Rule-109108:  "Rule Type" form should be read-only

Sec-110148:  Delete obsolete ADMIN_WF_STEPS sec group Security group is no longer used after dedicated admin page for WF Steps was removed few years ago in WF-19834



API-109012:  [applet_id] and [trackor_type] are not dependent in v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/applets/{applet_id}/tabs endpoint For v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/applets/{applet_id}/tabs endpoint user can specify [applet_id] which is not from specified Trackor type with parameter [trackor_type]

API-109698:  maven-plugin-swagger generates invalid json if endpoint return value is Long

Admin-109276:  You can not modify View Options at the Administer View page

Admin-109279:  You can not modify Filter Options at the Administer Filter page

Admin-109288:  The Administer Trackor Class page must work only with non static Trackor Type

Admin-110147:  Do not display some static Trakor Types at the Import Entity form Comment, Report, Program, WF Step and Workflow values should not be displayed in the 'Trackor Type' option

Android-109015:  Incorrect number field rounding in mobile app

Android-109097:  Step is blocked after field submit error

Android-110371:  Use same fonts for all devices

BPL-109180:  Required Field import options are not moved when you create new program

BPL-109181:  Mapping parameters of import are not moved when you create new program

BPL-109275:  Rule description is not moved when you create new program

BPL-109283:  Components Import does not work for View Options at all

BPL-109868:  User can show components packages at Components Export page when no privilege available

BPL-110022:  Some Workflow Template options are not moved by Components Exp/Imp Key Value Field, Sub-Key Value Field, WF Description Config Field and Use Wizard options are not moved by the Components Export/Import

BPL-110024:  Error when creating program with single Trackor Type

BPL-110033:  Trackor Classes are not created when cloning the program

BPL-110061:  External Applet options are not moved when creating new program 'Show In Modal Window', 'Components Package' and page assignments are not cloned when you create new program

BPL-110248:  Blank Line markup element is not moved by the Components Export/Import

BPL-110296:  Values of dynamic tables are not moved with a config field by the Components Export/Import

DB-110256:  Cache of privileges for WF config fields is not cleared when privileges on WF template are changed Privileges on config fields are cached in DB to improve performance. When you change privileges on WF template,  must clear cache in order to calculate privileges on config fields by new.

Dash-110359:  Data is grouped incorrectly when a user filters it by the group key

DropGrid-109193:  Some changes are not logged in Components Log After using DropGrid, some changes to the configuration may not be logged in Components Log. This may happen for any user, not only for one who run DropGrid

DropGrid-109399:  Field name prefix is not updated when you move forward to 3rd step and back to 2nd

DropGrid-109841:  Checkbox's tick is mis-positioned on the 3rd step

GUI-109189:  Config Field buttons doesn't have border on colored fields

GUI-109379:  Incorrect behavior of the lock / unlock function for some fields on the config form

GUI-109400:  Error on text label double-click in the Form Designer

GUI-109716:  Cropped text in tree elements

GUI-109717:  Button overlaps items in the calendar on config form

GUI-109718:  Incorrect font in the memo type field in read-only mode

GUI-109947:  Trackor Selector is not populated when new trackor is added or existing one is modified

Grid-109555:  Repeating alias of restricted user sub query in TB SQL may lead to expensive cartesian join We modified TB SQL builder to use different table and view aliases

Grid-109869:  Large differences between DB Time and Web Server Time in TB when filter by grouped WP Task field When filter Trackor Browser grid by one of TName*, TOrd, TWbs fields and there are thousands WPs assigned to the Trackors of Primary Trackor type, TB SQL generation become slow

Grid-110374:  Task grid not refreshing after save changes on TaskForm

Imp-109396:  Import scheduling process is not transnational If error occurs during import scheduling, import run record maybe created but not all related data is filled. As a result this record may confuse users

Label-69100:  Support AppLabelMessageSource for simultaneous operation We improved our web server labels caching mechanism

MT-109574:  Cannot Delete Program - The error was thrown when deleting Program with:

  1. WF Templates with Key Value Field set 2. Trackor Forms with Authless TF User set

MT-110289:  Assignments of config fields to a tab are not cloned when you create new program

MT-110373:  DB mutation error on program deletion

Rep-109553:  "Invalid Email Found" error when email wasn't used at all

Rep-110528:  Recurring TB Grid report doesn't get "Show NA Task" settings

Sec-109274:  Config Fields on Tab and in Grid must take into account Trackor Type privs When we calculate config field privilege with help of 'get_max_field_privs()' we do not take into account privilege on Trackor Type. Now we check Trackor Type priv first, then we check permission for Applet and Tab.

OneVizion 8.77.1

The following is a list of changes since the 8.77 version:

GUI-109400:  Error when double-clicking on an text label in the Form Designer

OneVizion 8.77

The following is a list of changes since the 8.76 version:

Android-108497:  Show progress information in "Complete Step" control .

New: Show (number of fields filled/total required fields) as part of 'Complete Step'

Android-108635:  Support any Config Field as value for Trackor Selectors in mobile app New.

BPL-108427:  Export of Component Package

New: Component Packages can be exported from 'Components Export' page. Declaring new Packages can be done from this page as well. Defining what belongs to a Component Package needs to be done in respective entities (Rules, Filed, Tabs, etc.) . 'Administer Component Packages' page is being deprecated.

Conf-102489:  Support any Config Field as value for Trackor Selectors

New: Allows for any config field associated with a Trackor Selector to be displayed (instead of forcing the trackor id to be displayed). Available only for non static trackor types.

EFile-108623:  Add blob_data.hash column to keep hash value of stored files

New: CaseID 102325: Efiles have a HASH column in BLOB_DATA table to store hash values of files. This will allow files to be compared in Rules.

Feature is disabled for now, because performance impact is unknown

Rep-108544:  Submission history for Excel with VBA Reports

New: Usage Log will have an entry ExcelSubmit to log all excel data submits.



API-108532:  Make [view] and [fields] parameters for GET /v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type} optional

Improved: Now GET /v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type} endpoint will return all trackor type fields if [view] and [fields] when parameters are not passed

API-108533:  Add list of fields for v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/applets/{applet_id}/tabs


Admin-108643:  User-friendly message when deleting a field assigned to any WF step Improved.  'Unexpected Error' ' will now be 'Error. You can not delete field assigned to WF Step.'

Admin-108645:  Display Trackor Class and Pages tabs at the Admin Applet form for master applets

Improved: All Trackor Class and Pages assignments are selected and disabled for master applets

Admin-108646:  Display Trackor Class tab at the Admin Tab form for master tab

Improved: All Trackor Class assignments are selected and  disabled for master tabs

Android-108492:  New "Complete Step" button

New: 'Complete Step' button is available

Android-108614:  Don't load selectors values in mobile app for offline mode Improved.

Android-108626:  Android keyboard overlaping ok/cancel buttons when editing memo fields values Improved.

Android-108628:  Show warning before moving to previous step

Improved: Warn user before moving to previous step in Android WorkFlow step.

Android-108658:  Bring back control to Workflow list after App close Improved.

Android-108673:  Set active template as default in start WorkFlow window Improved.

Conf-108615:  Two digit year format validation

Improved: Validation for 2 digit year format (selected in user settings) for date fields edit.

Dash-108394:  Add new operators for dashboards date filters

New: Dashboard supports date filters available in in Filter options

Dash-108583:  Store user's dashboard layout changes

Improved: All user's changes of dashboard layout will be persisted in user's browser. User will be able to restore default layout using Reset button. 'Save' button can be used for storing layout changes in the Server.

Dash-108625:  Complex pie chart support

Improved: Added the ability to create a pie chart with two levels

Dash-108659:  Add Cancel button on dashboard data loader

Improved: Allows for loading dashboard to be cancelled, allowing user to access and debug dashboard SQL query, if necessary.

GUI-108516:  Optimizing the Form Designer

Improved: Working in Form Designer is much slower as number of fields in the form increases.

Grid-108437:  Change Privileges for Trackor Browser page

Improved: TRACKOR_BROWSER security group will only have Read (R) and None Privileges. Read/Edit (RE), Read/Add(RA), Read/Edit/Add(REA) and Read/Edit/Add/Delete(READ) are being removed as these are not applicable.

Grid-108439:  Change privileges for Task Overview page

Improved: TASKS_OVERVIEW security group will only have Read (R) and None Privileges. Read/Edit (RE) is being removed. The Tasks Overview grid will be editable if the user has E for the TASKS security group

Imp-102479:  Import - Validate program parameters (CalendarMinYear, CalendarMaxYear, DataFormat, TimeFormat)

Improved: Additional validation for Import based on Program parameters - CalendarMinYear, CalendarMaxYear, DataFormat, TimeFormat. Error message will include Import Mapping Name.

Label-108591:  Replace system labels in config items with program labels

Improved: System Labels in config items(like config apps/tabs/fields/menu etc) were replaced with config labels. Constraint checks were added to prevent use of system labels in config items.

Notif-108415:  Improve performance of notifications handling Improved.

Notif-109086:  Split NotificationSender param

Improved: CaseID 102453: New system parameter "NotificationSenderUser" for cases when NotificationSender email is different from user name.

Existing implementations will have NotificationSenderUser set to "NotificationSender" parameter value.

Notif-109087:  Move "SmtpHost",  "SmtpPort" system params into the "Notification" group

Improved: Moved from "General" group to Notification group. Now params are in a more intuitive place.

Rep-108517:  Report 'Execution Time Window' - implement error proof behaviour

Improved: Additional data validation for 'Execution Time Window'

Rep-108560:  Add hint to the Schedule Report form to inform users on format for email list

Improved: Send To, 'Email' option can take comma/semicolon separated list

Rep-108601:  Upgrade BFO PDF library to version 2.21

Improved: BFO PDF library used to generate PDF reports upgraded from 2.16.2.

Rep-109008:  Support both comma and semicolon for email list at Schedule Report form Improved.

Sec-108629:  Update logback-core and  logback-classic dependencies to 1.2.3

Improved: Updated logback-core, logback-classic, logback-access libraries from version 1.0.13 to 1.2.3. Older versions are vulnerable to CVE-2014-3577



API-108575:  Fix check privs for v3/applets/{applet_id}/tabs/{tab_id} endpoint if tab is from static trackor type Fixed.

Android-108578:  Crash when user attempt to input invalid URL at Login

Fixed: URL input in login page is not being validated causing Login to crash

Android-108630:  User should return back to WorkFlow list after completing a WorkFlow step Fixed

Android-108631:  App crashes when trying to edit relation field Fixed

Android-108674:  Android ver. 6 asks permissions on every App launch Fixed. If permission is already granted, dialog will not be shown to user.

Android-108675:  Relation field becomes read only after submitting Fixed

BPL-108638:  Relation options are not moved by the Components Exp/Imp Fixed. Options such as Cardinality, Unique By, Color Code , Child Requires Parent, On Parent Delete Cascade, Lockable, Show All Records in Trackor Container

BPL-109125:  Creating new Program fails if you select Workplans Fixed.

Conf-108613:  Control keys works incorrectly for Lat/Long fields in grid

Fixed: Incorrect behavior of Ctrl, Shift, Del and other control keys in grid edit mode for Lat/Long fields

Conf-108684:  Excess blank spots on Config Form

Fixed: Case ID: 102339: Additional blank spaces in Config Form after 2 column span fields (even though they are not present in the Form Designer)

DB-108589:  In Adminster pages, user can not promote a local Filter/View to global if name already in use on other page

Fixed: In Administer pages, user gets an Error that name already exists when user tries to promote a local filter/view to global and the name already exists in any one of the Global View/Filter in any of the Administer pages.

DB-108617:  Wrong implicit change of relations between Trackors

Fixed: When we change relation between Trackors then we change implicitly relations of the same parental Trackor in other branches in Trackor Tree in some cases but only if there are certain relationships between Trackor Types.

Dash-108332:  Sql with CLOB isn't loading on Dashboards page

Fixed: Memo fields and other fields with CLOB datatype will be skipped in dashboard datasource results.

Dash-108561:  Zero values are not calculated with several calc methods

Fixed: Calculation methods (such as Count, Count Distiict) in Dashboards, do not take empty string, null or 0 values. Fixed to handle 0 as acceptable value in every calc method. Null is only countable as a value in case of Distinct method, Count method will skip it. Empty string will be treated as null.

DropGrid-108590:  Generated field names do not match column names in excel spreadsheet

Fixed: Identical column names within sheets of a spreadsheet do not get translated to identical field names in DropGrid. Subsequent sheets' column names get translated to field_name_2, etc.

DropGrid-108607:  Unable to delete configuration objects created by the DropGrid (after manually deleting a config field)

Fixed: Unexpected error when trying to drop all related objects of a DropGrid, after manually adding and deleting a config field to the Trackor created from DropGrid.

DropGrid-108610:  Error isn't shown when a user enters an existing FieldName on the 2nd step

Fixed: Error isn't shown when a user enters an existing FieldName on the 2nd step.

EFile-108663:  EFiles are not uploaded to AWS S3

Fixed: Sec-88671 update to Apache HttpClient to introduced error that caused efiles to not get uploaded to AWS S3

Err-108863:  Administer Processes grid fails to load data

Fixed: CaseID 102426: Processes grid fails to load data when one of reports with "Email To" field string length > 500 chars. Fixed to truncate the string to 1000 characters in the grid.

Err-108865:  Clicking on the hyperlink for Trackor Container in Admin Applet form throws an error

Fixed: Hyperlink is no longer displayed for Trackor Containers.

Exp-108537:  Grid exports for admin pages export data from all programs

Fixed: Added new command line for running additional report-scheduler (added _user schema as 2nd parameter).

GUI-108522:  Firefox and Edge browsers dont prevent form submission when data validity checks fail Fixed

GUI-108624:  Ctrl-C on a value of Trackor Selector clears the field (FireFox Only)

Fixed: CaseID:102323.

GUI-108627:  Add security check to work with fields in Form Designer Fixed. Security groups ADMIN_CONFIG_FILDS and ADMIN_CONFIG_DATA_GROUP control Form Designer access to tab fields.

GUI-108828:  "Details" button icon does not get repositioned in the Form Designer

Fixed: When relative width of a trackor selector is changed using the controller, the details button does not get re-positioned.

Grid-108543:  Can't unselect all items of multiselector in TB grid

Fixed: CaseID 102117

Grid-108551:  Problem with decoding the contents of the memo field when the cell focus is lost.

Fixed: Line break tab <br> was not getting decoded correctly in memo fields.

Grid-108604:  Comma in Exact Search String should be ignored

Fixed: CaseID 102302: Exact search string (within double quotes) fails when search string has a comma

Grid-108608:  Disable 'Delete Config' button at the DropGrid page if the grid is empty Fixed.

Grid-108654:  Old selected values in popup selector of Multi-Selector field at the grid

Fixed: In grids, popup selector of a multi-selector field when opened, doesnt show the correct values (even though the multi-selector field itself shows the correct values).

Grid-109014:  Trackor Containers are empty in Config App frame of the Portal Fixed. Trackor Type of selected Applet had not been saved properly.

After release, user should open the Portal Frame form with 'Config Applet' type, make sure that all values at the form are correct and click by OK.

Imp-108642:  Do not use "force" option for import job interruption Fixed. Using force = true option in dbms_scheduler.drop_job requires powerful "MANAGE SCHEDULER" privilege. With this fix, import jobs can be interrupted without force = true.

MT-108329:  Users shouldn't be able to login into a disabled program Fixed.

MT-108636:  User cannot edit 'Arrange Tracker Tree' if the relation is lockable and program is cloned

Fixed: TUA_RELATION_TYPE_LOCK trigger in DB does not take into account PROGRAM_ID in place where we search a security group by name

MT-109105:  Unable to delete Program if tours exist Fixed.

Rep-108442:  Report Wizard will not update existing report pattern block

Fixed: CaseID-101221.

Rep-108600:  "Attach Pdf" SQL Type on PDF reports do not copy forms from source PDF

Fixed: CaseID-102304.

Rule-108664:  Layout of Rule Edit form is broken

Fixed: Rule Type and Order Number have incorrect horizontal alignment.

SSO-108653:  Unable to get load metadata entities from SSO provider admin page when SAML core not initialized

Fixed: When SSO is disabled admin cannot retrieve entity list and complete provider configuration

Sec-108523:  Session time starts before user authentication

Fixed: CaseID-100671- User gets logged (timed) out after logging into system, if the user has left the browser on the login page. SessionExpireTime is getting calculated from login page (and not after user authentication).

WP-108536:  Make "Calendar" field required on Task Edit form

Fixed: All tasks with empty calendar will be updated to calendar with minimal WP_CALENDAR_ID

OneVizion 8.76

The following is a list of changes since the 8.75 version:

Perf-88196:  Platform Performance Assurance - Mass Assign Rule Does Not Commit. Fixed: Exceptions in Rules will rollback already processed rows. The fix will now commit after executing rule for each row. Exception will stop processing for subsequent rows, but will not rollback changes for already processed rows. This improvement should prevent DB locks when running Form Button rules on large datasets.

RDE-88634:  Drop RDE page. Deprecated: RDE page removed.

Sec-88671:  Update Apache HttpClient to newer version Upgraded.

Imp-88673:  Ability to add Component Package drop-down values to certain imports

New: BPL - Imports can now be defined as part of a 'Components Package'

Rule-88875:  Tower Diagram slide arrows aside when stuck

Improved: Tower Diagram can now slide arrows to left  or right as needed, if stuck.

Rep-100196:  Show "Email To" field on Admin Processes popup

Improved: Case 101721 - Email To field now available in 'Administer Processes' tab

Rule-100197:  Add a memo field for "Rule Description" on the Rules general tab. New: Memo field "Rule Description" on the Rules general tab and Rules grid has been added. This field maps to "Description" field on Best Practices Documents.

Grid-100203:  "Maximum call stack size exceeded" when open the Trackor Browser page. Fixed: If the configuration has specific config field relations, then the Trackor Browser page is not loaded if that field relations selected in the grid.

WF-102472:  Remove obsolete WF step types. Deprecated: Workflow Step Types  "Image Capture", "Dynamic Child", "Capture EFile fields" are deprecated and removed.

Imp-102480:  "Don't start import on errors" as default "Data validation mode" for new imports

Improved: Data validation mode will default to 'Dont start import on errors'

API-103232:  Add API endpoint to run report. New: API endpoint to schedule reports

GUI-106299:  Support CF creation / modification on Form/Tab Designer. New: Configured Fields can now be created from Form/Tab designer. There is a 'Create Field' button that launches the 'Add Configured Field' window.

GUI-108328:  Incorrect behavior of date, date/time and time fields at the config form in case when the same field is presented on different tabs. Fixed: When the same Date, Date/Time, Time field is present on different tabs, changing the value in one of the tabs is not showing up when switching to another tab that has the same field.

Depl-108374:  Add parameter to services app to choose which services to run. Improved: Specify services names to run at the end of command line separated with commas: MAIL_SERVICE,TRACKOR_MAIL,REPORT_SCHEDULER,RULE_SERVICE. This is useful when specific services need to be run on other instances.

Grid-108414:  Cascading field is editable in a grid even if a child field is read-only or locked. Fixed: Case-102126

BPL-108428:  Support "Components Package" for Config Applets. New: Applets can now be defined as part of a "Component Packages" .

BPL-108429:  Support "Component Package" for reports. New: Reports can now be specified to be a part of a Components Package. The issue includes a fix for components package exporting - you were getting an error if there was not any entity assigned to the component package. Components Package is created if it is not found by name (case insensitive)

Dash-108434:  Count Distinct calc method. New: Dashboards - New method 'Distinct' to calculate unique values from defined field.

Grid-108443:  Dependent parent field wipes out the Xitor Class field. Fixed: In a grid that contains Trackor Class field and only the Parent/Root fields (and not the dependent fields), changing the Parent/Root fields value makes the Trackor Class value to disappear.

Conf-108446:  Config Element width cannot be set to 100% in several cases Fixed

Rep-108447:  Show all User trackor types instead of first one at Report Launch Form and Share Link Page

Rep-108451:  Add DB trigger to ensure new report can't be scheduled out of "Exec Time Window". Improved: Ability to setup blackout windows for reports.

Rep-108454:  Can't download file if it has commas in filename (Chrome). Fixed: Files that have commas in their name cannot be downloaded in Chrome.

DropGrid-108455:  Cant import data into existing config with DropGrid. Fixed: In Drop Grid, when importing data into existing Trackor Type and Configured Fields, the fields are being marked as invalid because of 'Name is already used' error.

DropGrid-108456:  DropGrid import fails if you select General Tab (master tab) in "Config Tab" option Fixed.

Notif-108461:  Create new procedure util.SendMailWithAttachments. Improved: New procedure in Util to send mail with multiple attachments.

Conf-108462:  Layout inconsistency could be caused by dragging fields in form designer on heavy tabs. Fixed: Tab/Form Designer crashes when dragging fields in tabs with a lot of fields

Map-108464:  Issue when using Num Pad for entering Lat/long Fixed

Map-108465:  When the radius search returns nothing the Map Legend is not updated Fixed.

VF-108466:  "Already exist" error is displayed when the user tries to create a folder with empty name in FormOrganize

GUI-108473:  Form Desginer: The height of the wiki type field is not displayed correctly. Fixed: Field height not displayed correctly when a wiki field is added, deleted and then added again.

GUI-108474:  Form Designer: Memo field is overlaying icons in fields beneath it Fixed

GUI-108475:  Form Designer: Error when moving a field. Fixed: If the markup is opened in the listbox when a field is removed from form, further work with the field will cause an error.

Dash-108477:  Long string values are rendered incorrectly in the dasboards table representation Fixed.

Dash-108478:  Dashboards filters validation is not working correctly Fixed.

Rule-108479:  Tower Diagram Display Field selector open error Fixed

VF-108480:  Summary and Tasks Overview View Options do not display child applets Fixed

Grid-108483:  Issue with multi-line memo and "Copy To All"

DropGrid-108484:  DropGrid error messages are incorrect

DropGrid-108485:  Default field name is generated incorrectly on DropGrid

Dash-108486:  Dropdown options list is positioned incorrectly when there is not enough space in dashboard filters panel.

Notif-108487:  add parameter "p_reply_to" to procedure pkg_mail.mail_with_attachments.

GUI-108489:  Error when dropping fields in the Form Designer. Fixed: Moving fields to different columns causes fields to be numbered incorrectly and causes an 'Unable to submit' error.

Android-108491:  New layout for configured fields. Improved: New margins and font sizes.

Conf-108499:  Issue when enetering lat/long

Trackor-108500:  Memo value is not saved when prompted to save changes in case when user has the alert "Following fields with unsaved changes has been modified on the server..." and click by OK The issue is related to the Trackor Selector field - when you change it we check if there are changed other fields from the form in last 30 seconds, if so, we inform of user about it and he can choose to refresh the fields or leave them as is. The issue occurred for Memo field - the refresh works properly but when user saves the form, the memo field does not save current value

VF-108502:  Folders should be go before Filter/View at the same level

VF-108503:  In some cases View and Filter folders are hidden in selector. Fixed: View/Filter: If order number of subgroup was less than order number of parental folder then subgroup folders were not displayed

GUI-108505:  Error occurred while entering text in the search field, in the Task group to "Form Designer"

Trackor-108507:  Dependent fields are not filtered according to parental value

BPL-108508:  Tower groups of Tower Diagram rules are not moved by BPL

Rule-108512:  Tower Diagram Height groups not cloning

API-108513:  Fix API endpoints descriptions in API Docs

GUI-108514:  The position of the slider to resize the column is shifted to Form Designer

WP-108515:  Calendar field at the Task form is always empty even if a value is selected. Fixed: Field can be modified but unable to see the value.

GUI-108518:  Search input clear icon is duplicated for text filter values dropdown in IE/Edge

Admin-108519:  Error when you switch to just created program. Fixed: If you create a new program with the same email as for progadmin account and trying to switch it, you get an error.

Imp-108520:  Make "Insert/Update" import action default for new imports on Admin Import page

Menu-108525:  Hidden subgroup's content is visible in menu

DropGrid-108527:  Trackor Browser link is displayed before the processing is completed on the 4 step

BPL-108528:  Trackor Tree is not moved properly by BPL. Fixed: When importing Component, the Trackor Tree does not contain relations between imported Trackor Types.

DropGrid-108529:  Trakor type field is not repopulated when a user changes selected list.

GUI-108530:  The Drill Down fields are displayed in the list when editing, although they have already been added to the form to Form Designer.

Admin-108531:  Incorrect filter behavior on Admin Param System/Program grids

Dash-108540:  Dashlet is minimized when a user tries to start editting and it was already maximized

Dash-108541:  Dashlet table shows wrong values

BPL-108542:  BPD Items are not moved by BPL Fixed

GUI-108556:  Fix a broken download-button on event panel for FireFox

Dash-108559:  Changing colors for fields in the dashboard page

BPL-108564:  Fields are duplicated on a tab after Components Import. Fixed: Importing a Config Tab with 'Add fields onto the tab even if it has fields already' option will create duplicate fields in Tabs if imported fields already exist in the Tab.

DropGrid-108565:  Uncaught TypeError when a user clicks on Import Log on the 4th step

BPL-108566:  Components Import for security roles fails. Fixed: Import fails when a security role is exported and imported within the same program.

Sec-108567:  Components Export is not available. Fixed: New user accounts  will be unable to export some components, as OK button on 'Components Export Set Up' form is disabled.

DropGrid-108568:  Wrong values in Trackor Selector and Trackor Drop-Down fields on the 2nd step

Map-108569:  Impossible to delete the integer part in lat/long fields

EFile-108572:  Change Bulk Uploader privilege checking. Fixed: In case of Bulk Insert action, E privilege is being checked on the Trackor Type (instead of R)

BPL-108574:  Notification Type assignments are not moved by the Components Exp/Imp

BPL-108576:  Master Tab View assignments are not moved by the Components Exp/Imp

OneVizion 8.75

The following is a list of changes since the 8.74 version:

BPL-77458:  Removing "Store export in Database" option when exporting components 

Rep-82506:  Report Execution Window - span days 

Dash-82768:  Table and CrossTab views 

Admin-88653:  Sample SQL for calculated Configured Fields. Added new table: default_val_sql. It contains predefined SQL queries which can be used in Calculated Configured Fields.

Rule-88874:  Tower Diagram assign fields to groups. Now Tower Diagram can group fields with specified types for make an ability to easy compare it's heights. 

Exp-97263:  Add in grid cell colors for Task dates and Number fields to Excel export. Now we are coloring task dates same as in Trackor Browser grid. Negative and Positive values of Number CF are also colored. 

Imp-98713:  Add "Data Validation Mode" Setting to Administer Import View. 

GUI-100210:  Warning about unsaved user's changes is not displayed when the user closes the Config Form The warning is not displayed in case when an user saves the config form, gets error and clicks by the Cancel button. 

BPL-100217:  Log components import errors. Now you can find an error which you get during BPL import at the Error Log page. 

Trackor-100219:  Field values are changed in case when user have the alert "Following fields with unsaved changes has been modified on the server..." and click by OK The issue is related to the Trackor Selector field - when you change it we check if there are other changed fields from the form in last 30 seconds, if so, we inform of user about it and he can choose to refresh the fields or leave them as is. The issue occurred for DB Drop-Down, Drop-Down, Checkbox and EFile.

GUI-102487:  Support value color for Drop-Down and selector Configured Fields 

Imp-103227:  Make Process Comments fields editable. Now users are able to modify "Comments" field after process start, and also when it is finished.

Notif-103237:  Adding ability to download file for completed processes from Events panel. 

Dash-103256:  Ability to filter string fields in dashboards by a substring search.

GUI-103257:  Show loader while using form designer.  

Conf-105887:  Do not pull all child Trackors on EditTrackor form.

Rule-106318:  Error message with <ERRORMSG> tags throwed from the rule may be ignored and default error shown instead We didn't properly handled line breaks in error messages enclosed in "<ERRORMSG>" tags. Now we do, also now we are using case insensitive search to find "<ERRORMSG>"  tags.

GUI-106319:  "Blank Line" config element on Form Designer.

Rep-107646:  Error when opening Trackor Edit form from the Report Wizard data grid. 

Grid-107647:  Filter in Trackor Browser by date field with "=" operator returns no data. 

Conf-107648:  "In Use" column on "VTable Values" grid may show "No" while value actually in use. This value didn't takes into account multi selectors. 

BPL-108324:  BPL importing does not work for HTTP Call rule class. 

Rule-108325:  Tower Diagram remove height value rounding. Now values in Tower Diagram show as is, not rounded.

VF-108327:  Nested filter folders disappear on Trackor Selector pages. 

Dash-108347:  "Uncaught TypeError" when user tries to add a filter after searching for a field. 

GUI-108349:  "My Trackors" checkbox is overlapping filter popup. 

GUI-108350:  The button "Stretch on two columns" did not change when you press it in succession, but only when you close it and open the panel again. 

GUI-108351:  The field editing panel did not popup when field added to the form with double click. 

MT-108373:  Value in "Owning User" column disappears when editing program on Admin Program page.

GUI-108375:  Can't create/modify config tabs for static Trackor Types (Tasks, Workplan, Worflow). 

GUI-108376:  Do not show Program, Comment, WorkFlow Step and Report static Trackor Types in Form Designer. We do not support Config Tabs/Applets for those Trackor Types. 

MT-108377:  Assign security roles to the default user account when creating new program by copying config from another. 

Admin-108379:  Add field "Related Trackor Type" to the "Form Designer".

"Related Trackor Type" drop-down is only shown for Task and WP tabs, and allows add additional Configured Fields from Trackor Types to which WP will be assigned. It was missed for new From Designer.

GUI-108380:  Problem with rendering section with multiple line Configured Fields. 

Admin-108383:  Config Tab was not created if you added a checkbox field.

Rule-108384:  Error when submitting URL with parameters in HTTP Call Rule. 

Trackor-108385:  Trackor template should not contain required fields except for primary Trackor ID Required fields were appeared after refreshing a form. 

VF-108386:  Admin WorkFlow View Opts does not display fields assigned to applet/tabs of WorkFlow level. 

Dash-108387:  Add Dashlet button is enabled even if there is no dashboards. 

Dash-108388:  Add Dashlet button is enabled even if another dashlet is being edited already. 

VF-108389:  TrackorOnMapSplitGrid controller ignores filterId parameter TrackorOnMapSplitGrid is used as external applet for TB to show selected Trackor on Map. "filterId" parameter is supposed to override filter selected by user with one specified, but it didn't worked properly.  

VF-108390:  When opening TrackorOnMapSplitGrid, filter by selected Trackor overrides 1st entry of current filter. 

Imp-108392:  "Workplan Date by Trackor" import data type do not trigger calculations New imp data type param "Force Calc" added. Behavior of existing import mappings is not affected. 

Rule-108404:  Always hide error message details if there is <ERRORMSG> presented, regardless of ADMIN_RULE privs. 

Conf-108416:  Changed config field's width is resetting after form submit. 

Conf-108417:  Label and Splitter creation is not working in Firefox. 

Notif-108418:  Notification processing fails with error "ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small" at "PKG_NOTIF", line 465 Error occurs when length of the names for entities selected at the right selector (Config Fields for Trackor notifications, WP Task Dates for  WP Tasks notifications etc) exceeds 500 chars. During notification processing those names are concatenated and may be used in notification subject or body as one of Event Attribute (for example [CONFIG FIELD] for Trackor notifications). 

GUI-108420:  JS error when moving multiple fields (task, drill-down) from the listbox of From Designer. 

Map-108426:  Error when using fractional numbers in "Search Radius" field on Map page. 

GUI-108431:  Fractional numbers has different appearance in the grid and on the config form In case if number decimal digits is not set for Number field and user saves fractional value then the grid displays fractional part and the config form does not display. 

Trackor-108432:  Trackor Drop-Down of Workplan or Task or Workflow level does not display value. 

Rep-108433:  SFTP settings form uses invalid security check SFTP settings form uses invalid security priv check when opening from Run Report Form. 

Sec-108435:  Reload user security settings every 1 minute. We are caching user security settings and check if settings updated in DB every 5 minutes. Now interval decreased to 1 minute. 

Rep-108444:  Error on saving report filter with EmailTo of Account type. Now Report filter saves correctly. 

Rep-108445:  Don't take into account "Archived" report processes when checking for "In Use". "Archived" report processes won't be taken into account when checking for "In Use". This affects "Delete" button on Admin Reports page. 

Dash-108448:  Dashlet size is calculated incorrectly in Firefox and IE11. 

Dash-108449:  "Element not found" is displayed when a user tries to add field to an axis in Edge and IE11. 

GUI-108450:  When changing value of the Related Trackor Type field on "Form Designer", a warning alert should appear to clean the form. "Related Trackor Type" drop-down is only shown for Task and WP tabs, and allows add additional Configured Fields from Trackor Types to which WP will be assigned. 

OneVizion 8.74

The following is a list of changes since the 8.73 version:

EFile-98703:  Child level CFs from EFile container Trackor Types are empty in EFile Browser 

GUI-98873:  Never ending error loop on Date field 

BPL-100194:  Tower Diagram rule options should be moved by name with help of BPL 

Trackor-100206:  Values of Trackor Class field are not filtered in dependent on parental cascading field(s) There is the following branch: Field1 -> Trackor Class -> Field2. When you click by Apply button on the Config Form, the form is refreshed and Trackor Class displays all values instead of dependend values on the Field1 

BPL-100209:  Color of VTable values is not moved by BPL 

GUI-102478:  Remove "Blank Spot", "Text Label" and "Horizontal Splitter" CF data types Now this functionality supported in form designer. 

Doc-103205:  Update ER Diagrams New diagrams are added to DB Documentation 

Menu-103228:  Error when trying to modify Menu Item label 

GUI-103234:  On Form Designer WP Task Dates label is missing Order Number and prefixes Now, labels on form designer are the same as will be shown on the form with data 

GUI-103235:  "ORA-00001: unique constraint (UN2_CONFIG_GROUP_ELEM_XREF) violated" when arranging fields on form designer Sometime users were unable to submit changes in Form Designer. Fixed now 

Conf-103245:  Add SQL_FIELD_NAME to the Admin Config Field grid SQL_FIELD_NAME is guaranteed unique across all Config Fields in Program 

Dash-103251:  Incorrect drag image when dragging field with opened drop-down 

Dash-103252:  Editing dashlet is not being resized properly when reducing window width 

Dash-103253:  When dragging field on X-Axis it's calc method won't be cleared in the title 

Trackor-103258:  Can't leave empty required EFile CFs on Trackor Template 

Trackor-103259:  Trackor ID value is disappearing in the Grid Row Editor when Wiki field is changed 

GUI-103265:  Scrollbar is not updating properly on VF drop-downs content changes 

Sec-105884:  Users can't delete local Views and Filters We used TRACKOR_BROWSER sec group to control supported operations on local Views/ Filters. Now we will only check Read priv for all operations 

Conf-106292:  E-File field is not marked as changed if user have selected a new file with the same name 

Rep-106297:  Can't save Report Params when Trackor Type is not set on "TB Grid Worksheets" tab 

Dash-106302:  Field names aren't displayed in the chart legend 

Dash-106303:  "Count" is always selected by default for every field when user enters the edit mode 

Conf-106316:  Do not add Trackor Class field on the "General Info" tab when creating new Trackor and Class label is not set 

Dash-106317:  Error on window resize if no dashboard is loaded

Conf-106320:  Error when creating External Tab 

Rep-106322:  Cannot reschedule report when "EMail-To" was used 

GUI-107649:  New filter/view icon is too small 

Dash-107655:  Edit and Delete buttons are not working for newly created dashlets

OneVizion 8.73

The following is a list of changes since the 8.72.2 version:

Notif-66338: Notifications were being created in a wrong program - corrected.

API-68221:APIfor reports

Dash-84733: Filters for Dashboards

Dash-97183: Layout container sizing bug

Sec-98853: Can't create user with name containing digits only

Trackor-100208: You can not delete a Trackor if there is at least one non empty locked multi-selector field

Trackor-100212: Any WP field is available to edit on the Config Form even if it is not assigned to active WP You can add any WP field to a config tab if Trackor Type has 'Single Active WP' mode but you can edit only that fields which assigned to active WP, other fields should be disabled

GUI-102470: On the form of the task, you can set the percent complete > 100

DB-102504: Add missed indexes for FK cols

Conf-102509: “ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row” on cascading fields submit You can not save a config form if there are two or more different groups of cascading fields

DB-103172: Add constraints and user friendly error message for wp_tasks.percent_complete User friendly error message will be returned when user will try to set value grater then 100

Admin-103177: Problems with navigation on the Form Designer

WF-103212: “Config Tab” step were not taking into account Trackor classes

Rep-103213: Emailto doesn't shown in Reports History grid

Dash-103225: Add element Ids to dashboard controls

DB-103229: AUDIT_LOG.LINE_NUMBER was not being populated

Exp-103233: “ORA-01745: invalid host/bind variable name” when running TB Grid Export and TB Grid Report Bug introduced with Exp-31698 (8.70.0). Within this we will color Excel cells only when there are less then 5 thousands Trackors in the grid

Conf-103239: Same tasks with different date pairs work incorrectly in form designer

GUI-103240: The list of fields in the form designer is not cleared when changing the Trackor Type

EFile-103243: TB Bulk Uploader is broken Incorrect behavior of controls at the form

Dash-103246: Edit and Delete buttons isn't work correctly after dashlet being moved in layout

Android-103262: Steps not removing from offline when it not available into loaded list

Android-103263: Crash when attempt to start WorkFlow twice

Exp-103264: Can't download grid exports executed by other users from Admin Process page

OneVizion 8.72.2

The following is a list of changes since the 8.72.1 version:

DB-103238: Since 8.72.0 release util.GetValStr() return TRACKOR_KEYs wout an Alias

OneVizion 8.72.1

The following is a list of changes since the 8.72.0 version:

Conf-103226: Submitting new tab with a pre-defined trackor type was not working correctly.

OneVizion 8.72

The following is a list of changes since the 8.71.1 version:

Notif-62671: Improve OV notifications about statuses of my processes

API-72086: Support partial update in TasksAPI

Imp-78426: Enhance DB Import Package to check that CF Value has not changed New parameter “Update even if new value = old” added to “Configurable Field” import data type. When empty (by default) or “No” we are not updating value of CF if it is equal. When - “Yes” value will be updated, actually we are not overriding value in DB tables because using “merge” statement, but all related rules will be fired. For existing import value set for “Yes” to preserve old behavior

Notif-80743: System parameter to ignore SSL certificate checks New hidden (ie not available inGUI) parameter created: “”. It controls SSL config for Mail Service and Trackor Mail. Leave blank for default behavior - server certificate is checked by Java, set to a whitespace separated list of hosts to make this hosts trusted, set to “*” to make all hosts trusted. You should understand that when setting value for this parameter you are opened up for MITM attack. More detail on this parameter:

CodeQ-88819: Do not use 'gridIdx' parameter in TbGridSubmit, TasksGridSubmit and TasksOverGridSubmit controllers In previous version 'gridIdx' was used just to get values of HTTP parameters. The grid submitting has been updated and now we pass the changes from a grid with HTTP parameter names without 'gridIdx' as postfix

GUI-88853: Fix js code, showModalDialog() was removed in Firefox 56.

WF-98654: Admin Notification grid is not filtered when opened from WF Designer

GUI-98774: New design for Add/Edit Config Tab form Form designer moved to the “General” tab of Tab Add/Edit form

GUI-98793: Applet without tabs has empty tab with “nbsp” labels

GUI-100204: Error while clicking on the static field label

GUI-100205: Unsaved changes alert when no data actually changed on Admin CF form It was issue with Color Picker form. Fixed now

BPL-100209: Color of VTable values is not moved by BPL

DB-100214: Unique index U1_XITOR_TYPE error Now we show user friendly message when user trying to create Trackor Type with already used name

Admin-101753: Filter not working on ADMIN_LABEL_TASK page

Admin-102471: New User rule is fired instead of User Update when you modify user options

OneVizion 8.71.1

The following is a list of changes since the 8.71 version:

Sec-102063: Corrected - Can't switch user with “Login As…”

OneVizion 8.71

The following is a list of changes since the 8.70.1 version:

Grid-64687: Grid sort is corrected when sorting on a field that is a trackor selector with an alias.

BPL-78628: Options of ZIP EFile rule type are correctly moved with help of BPL.

BPL-83325: Add filtering and search capabilities for BPD New columns added to the Document Items grid: Description, Technical Description, Steps To Use and WebURL. These columns are available for filtering and Quick Search. Also now user can change View Options columns.

Admin-84606: Improve Time Zone handling New program parameter “ForceUserTimezone” added. When set, override user Timezone offset (by default retrieved from the user browser) with value from “PrimaryTimezone” system parameter. For “PrimaryTimeZone” text field replaced with drop down listing all available time zones.

Sec-88564: Don't reload user privileges from database for every HTTP request Now system privileges are cached in web server memory and reloaded only when changed or every 5 minutes.

Sec-88672: Update Xalan library to newer version Xalan 2.7.1 is vulnerable for CVE-2014-0107| CWE-264. Replaced with 2.7.2

Admin-88718: Add Menu Item - Should default to “Trackor Browser” type, and Label should not auto-populate with “Trackor Browser”.

Conf-88748: Add support of Config Applets to the Portal page.

Rule-88873: Color arrows on Tower Diagram We are using V_Table value color (see Admin-98903).

Map-94453: Fix order of items on “Map Legend” panel Now values ordered by V_Table order.

MT-94946: Static Tabs missed after creating new program Workflow, WorkPlan and Comments static tabs are now available in newly created programs.

BPL-94954: BPL Import of materialized views fails but the view is created in PKG schema Also fixed: Description field is not moved with BPL and User field is blank after importing.

BPL-94955: Warning message was not moved with BPL.

BPL-94956: Lat/Long fields of Map Snippet rule were not moved with BPL.

Trackor-95503: Corrected submit cascading fields when Trackor Class field is root of hierarchy.

WP-95533: Workplan Task - Block Calc when created Added a feature to the task attributes so a task will be automatically 'block calc' when the workplan is created. Uses can Un-block later if that's what they want. Similar to the N/A box where a task is marked N/A when created, and users can Un-N/A later if deemed necessary.

Grid-96183: Quick search and Filter by ED: columns is ignored on EFile Browser grid.

WF-96653: Refreshing of WF form with mulitple child tab is corrected.

Conf-97083: Delete “Grid Container Tab” security token Grid Container tab are no longer supported.

GUI-97163: Don't hide User Menu when loading favorites.

DB-97173: Drop obsolete tables. No longer used tables v_company and v_link_type are dropped.

GUI-97213: “Loading” panel on Tree items deletion is disappears before tree actually updated.


DB-97283: User can not delete a Trackor Type XITOR_COUNT table mutation issues fixed.

DB-98613: Remove debug output from PKG_WP.

Trackor-98663: Trackor ID field is not displayed properly in some cases Trackor ID field has 3 different appearances: Text field, Relation and read only Trackor Selector. 1 Text field - Trackor Key it is on Primary Trackor Type Config Tab 2 Relation - Direct Parent on Master Applet of Primary Trackor Type 3 Read only Trackor Selector all other cases

Dash-98733: Dashlet name was not submitting after being changed - corrected.

Dash-98734: Cancel button is not working properly on edited dashlets.

Admin-98743: Remove static Trackor Types from Admin CF page We do not allow to assign CFs on Program, Report, WF Step Trackor Types, so we removed it from the lists on Admin Config Field page.

Grid-98753: Grid buttons on Manage Database Jobs page aren't disabled when no row is selected.

GUI-98783: Allow to enter empty label for Portal Frame If user left “Label” field blank, old label will be deleted and Portal Header will not be shown.

MT-98794: Create new user for the new program directly on Add Program general tab.

DB-98795: Unique index U1_CONFIG_FIELD_NAME error.

DB-98803: Unique constraint DX15_CONFIG_FIELD error when adding new Trackor Type.

Conf-98833: Required Fields check is not working correctly in some cases.

API-98843:APIendpoint to create new Programs /v3/programsAPIendpoint allows to create Programs with admin account configured. Login information will be emailed to the Program admin.

Trackor-98863: Cascading fields are submitted in wrong order

Trackor-98893: Static Fields were not working properly at the Grid Row Editor. At the Grid Row Editor WP fields are not display at all and WF fields do not display values - corrected.

Admin-98903: Implement color setting for V_Table attributes Now every V_Table value may has own color. We are planing to use color in other features later.

Admin-100216: Can't delete a security role.

OneVizion 8.70.3

The following is a list of changes since the 8.70.2 version:

Conf-105887: Do not pull all child Trackors on Edit Trackor form.

Conf-106292: E-File field is not marked as changed if user have selected a new file with the same name.

Exp-103264: Can't download grid exports executed by other users from Admin Process page.

GUI-103235: "ORA-00001: unique constraint (UN2_CONFIG_GROUP_ELEM_XREF) violated" when arranging fields on form designer. 

Rep-106297: Can't save Report Params when Trackor Type is not set on "TB Grid Worksheets" tab.

Rule-106318: Error message with <ERRORMSG> tags throwed from the rule may be ignored and default error shown instead.

Sec-105884: Users can't delete local Views and Filters. We used TRACKOR_BROWSER sec group to control supported operations on local Views/ Filters. Now we will only check Read priv for all operations.

OneVizion 8.70.2

The following is a list of changes since the 8.70.1 version:

Grid-96183: Quick search and Filter by ED: columns is ignored on EFile Browser grid

WP-100225: Get Error when deleting a successor for WP Task

Exp-103233: “ORA-01745: invalid host/bind variable name” when running TB Grid Export and TB Grid Report Bug introduced with Exp-31698 (8.70.0). With this fix we will color Excel cells only when there are less then 5 thousands Trackors in the grid

OneVizion 8.70.1

The following is a list of changes since the 8.70 version:

GUI-96683 Issues with Label element on Form Designer

WF-98653 WF Description area overlaps other fields on Admin WF General tab

WF-98655 WF Status icons are missed

Dash-98693 Error when adding field on Y-Axis while X-Axis is empty

Rep-98834 Reports is not sending to arbitrary emails

OneVizion 8.70

The following is a list of changes since the 8.69.2 version:

API-96643 NOT_EQUAL filter operator doesn't work for v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/trackors/search endpoint

Admin-97273 User can not assign Drill-Down Trackor ID to a tab if primary and drill-down types are the same

Android-96673 Android App crashes when open Trackor selector It may happen when current step has lot of data and can't be serialized to Android's standard storage. Now we are serializing step into local DB instead

Conf-88635 Remove Teams support

Conf-97123 Cannot submit required EFile fields when file inserted from the clipboard

DB-94947 Get rid of Enterprise PK prefix Function pkg_vqutils.make_pk dropped. Now primary keys are generated using sequence directly

Dash-95523 Category with Null value has incorrect label

Dash-95524 Changing field aliases in datasource SQL causing error if it was already used in charts. Remove or rename of existing fields won't break dashlets any more. Fields used in dashlets but missing in datasource will be displayed in edit mode but skipped in chart. User will be able to see that field is missing by it's color (light gray).

Dash-95525 Group field on Y-Axis is missing in edit mode

EFile-95413 NullPointerException when submitting EFile and BLOB_DATA.CREATED_TS = null for old EFile value

Exp-31698 Add in grid cell colors to Excel export. Now we are coloring recent changed cells in Excel Exports based on View Options settings. Negative and Positive values of Rollup CF are also colored.

GUI-95483 Missed “Close” button on export finish notification panel

GUI-96674 Config Tab contains duplicate parental Trackor Key fields

GUI-97253 Changed field value is not submitting with hotkey while field is focused. Submitting form with hotkey while required configured field is focused is now working correctly.

Grid-95424 pkg_relation.get_parents_children_count do not update count when there is 0 in xitor_count.count We removed invalid rows from the cache.

Label-95513 Wrong label on Admin Filter form Label “Trackor” renamed to “Trackor Type” for prevent confusion while Filter configuration is in use.

Rule-88776 ORA-01400: Cannot insert NULL into AUDIT_CALL_STACK.ROUTINE_ID when updating CF on “Is User” Trackor Type via “Update User” rule.

Rule-94953 Error messages are not properly formatted when raised from Task update rule. The message has included technical details from DB of an error.

Sec-88184 Make “Password” optional for Onevizion accounts. In case of SSO, empty password will prevent users from logging in using Onevizion credentials and will force to use SSO.

Sec-88670 Update Apache Commons Collections to newer version. We replaced Apache Commons Collections 3.2.1 vulnerable to CVE-2015-6420 with version 3.2.2.

WF-96143 Error when selecting user selector CF in “Start WF” and “Mass Start WF” forms.

WF-96613 Can't create new WF Template using wizard on “Admin Trackor Type” page All controls were disabled because of incorrect security checks. Fixed now.

WP-96153 Error when open Task Selector from “Assign Task Type” form

OneVizion 8.69.2

The following is a list of changes since the 8.69.1 version:

GUI-96663: Can't submit form designer when CONFIG_ELEMET_ID is the same as one of CONFIG_FIELD_IDs

Gallery-96693: Recover Galleries, and Photo Libraries.

OneVizion 8.69.1

The following is a list of changes since the 8.69 version:

Dash-96173: Dashboards page was not loading if there is not any existing dashboards. Dashboard page is now loading correctly and users will be able to add first dashboard using drop-down.

OneVizion 8.69

The following is a list of changes since the 8.68.2 version:

GUI-77742: Required fields (other than text) were missing red outline.

Imp-78563: “Import File” column was empty in “Import History” grid when file stored in AWS S3.

Grid-84604: Bug - Column Sort functioning incorrectly. Selectors and Drop Down fields will now sort by VTables order number and then alphabetically by Value.

Admin-84639: Tab Designer should display only Trackor ID field of parental Trackor Type if the relation is MANY-MANY. If the relation is MANY-MANY display only Trackor ID field of parental Trackor Type. If the relation is ONE-MANY display all published fields.

Grid-84640: Allow wildcard usage in filter value for Lat/Long fields, Ability to use wildcards (*) in the Latitude/Longtiude fields in the Filter Example: '*4.567*', '45.456*' or '*4.56789023'.

API-84705: CreateAPIendpoint for system and program params NewAPIendpoints added for getting System [Version, AdminEmail, EmailFooter, ReplyToAdminEmail, ServerCommonName, NotificationSender] and Program Parameters [DateFormat, TimeFormat, ClientLogo, LicenseTo, Default_Language].

Sec-88565: User timezone was not available when using SSO force redirect. Setting up user timezone after going into system.

WF-88584: WF view/filter drop-downs were rendered in an incorrect location.

Sec-88615: Log SAML response XML into Usage Log. Log SAML response XML into Usage Log when user logged in with SAML or fail to log in with SAML.

DropGrid-88618: Update field name prefix without prompts.

DropGrid-88619: Field names are changing when switching column on/off after Trackor Type label was changed.

Sec-88621: Do not show certificate content on edit form for “X.509 PEM Certificate” param data type For security reasons will not show content of certificates after it was submitted. So, there is no way to get certificate content using the field in the tab. To store new certificate just paste it into the text area as usual.

Admin-88663: Admin Config Field for Trackor Selector was not loaded when default View Options was changed. The bug is fixed and the admin form loads properly. Also 'All' items were added into the Config Applet/Tabs fields. the View Options of the Trackor Browser.

Sec-88669: Update Apache Commons Beanutils to newer version. Removed Apache Commons BeanUtils dependency because of CVE-2017-5662 vulnerability discovered in used version. Use Spring Beans instead of Commons BeanUtils.

CodeQ-88704: Get rid of Excel Orchestrator.

GUI-88719: Predecessor/Successors of a task can not be updated with help of a rule The fields can not be updated with help of a rule if it is fired in proccessing of submit from the Trackor Browser page.

CompPack-88736: Text of error message is updated at the BPL Import page In case when you are trying to run BPL importing but a XML file with BPL components are not loaded we display error message. That message has been updated.

Gallery-88749: Depreciation of Galleries (Photo Library).

Rule-88753: Save actual HTTP response code to Usage Log when request is succeed It always saves 200 for any 2xx response codes.

GUI-88778: Unable to create a frame in Portal view.

Admin-88815: Label ID of fields at the Admin Trackor Type form is not updated if a label is added when the form in 'edit' mode Hyperlink with label ID is not updated when the form is opened in 'edit' mode, the label does not exist and you click by Apply button

VF-88820: Long dropdown items text is not truncated Long View or Filter names now will be truncated to fin into the panel

GUI-88822: Hint for grid buttons is missing Some buttons were not showing hint for mouse over. Eg. TrackorBrowser buttons - Add, Edit and Delete. This has been fixed.

Conf-88838: Remove obsolete program parameter “GridContMaxCols” After grid containers were removed, we no longer need this param

SSO-88855: Login form disappears when Username/Password login failed Login/Password form disappears after user fails to log in with password, when one or more SSO providers available. Now this is fixed

Dash-88883: Chart categories incorrect order on X-Axis

Conf-94483: Can't assign multiple parents to the User Trackor If User can have multiple parental trackors, then all relations were getting created but only one was displayed in the User tab. This has been fixed to show all parents.

Grid-94945: Submitting of Date, Date/Time, Time fields are not working from the Trackor Browser grid Time, Date and Date/Time fields are now functioning correctly.

OneVizion 8.68.2

The following is a list of changes since the 8.68.1 version:

Grid-94945: Submitting of Date, Date/Time, Time fields are not working from the Trackor Browser grid

OneVizion 8.68.1

The following is a list of changes since the 8.68 version:

Conf-94483: Can't assign multiple parents to the User Trackor. If you assign multiple parental trackors, then all relations are created but displayed only one parental in the relation field.

OneVizion 8.68

The following is a list of changes since the 8.67.1 version:

Rep-52106: Excel Reports generated by Rep Wizard have wrong formatting for Date cells Now Report Wizard settings up correct formatting for Date, Date/Time and Time fields.

Rep-82114: Support arbitraray email addresses for “Email” report delivery methods. Now Reports can be sent to external e-mail addresses. User can type any e-mail addresses or select users from user trackor types.

Dash-83925: Newly added dashlet disappears on drag

Grid-84636: For Grid Exports add Number of cells, number of rows, and number of columns We add “Cells count” column into Export History, Export Details and Administer Processes pages. Cells counting executes before export is running. Cells count value is same as exporting grid cells count.

Admin-84742: User can not update Trackor Type if there is no label of Trackor ID field If Trackor Type exists but there is no label of Trackor ID by some reason, user can not create a label and update Trackor Type

DropGrid-88616: “Name already in use” warning after unchecked and then checked back column

Trackor-88626: Unable to Clone because of missing file blob data

Sec-88668: Update Apache Commons FileUpload to newer version We upgraded Apache Commons FileUpload used for processing HTTP Multi part requests, because of CVE-2017-5662 vulnerability discovered in older versions

TMail-88708: Mapping for email body breaks when csv file is attached We utilized commons-email library to better handle data extraction form emails.

WP-88724: History of task static field is not loaded If you open the Task Form and try to open the field history of a static field like Predecessor, Successor, Comments, etc., then you will get an error

BPL-88738: Tour Name column is emtpy when you import tours with help of BPL

Dash-88775: GoldenLayout library update for Dashboards

Grid-88777: Fix presentation of value in IN SQL statement for user pages in Usage Log SQL Previous when inserting param values into Usage Log SQL we generated queries like this: and1))) even when comparing with number column. This may confuse users. Now we properly handle IN statements params substitution and produce queries like this: and2)))

Admin-88813: js error when opening the form designer The form is not loaded properly if there is the container of multiple fields

Other-88823: Version for JS component resources is missing

OneVizion 8.67.1

The following is a list of changes since the 8.67 version:

GUI-88719: Predecessor/Successors of a task can not be updated with help of a rule.

OneVizion 8.67

The following is a list of changes since the 8.66.1 version:

WF-88723: Reload labels after WF Wizard creates new WF Template

BPL-88716: 'Support Async Submit' option of excel report with VBA is not moved by BPL

BPL-88715: Worksheet Images of excel reports are not moved by BPL

BPL-88714: 'Hide CF Names Header' option of excel report is not moved by BPL

BPL-88713: Lookup options of report parameters are not moved by BPL

Trackor-88706: Submit of cascading fields fails in some case The bug is occured time to time in case when there are the following relationships between fields: Field1 → Field2 → Field3 → Field4 → Field5. Submit failed when you changed values at the Grid Row Editor

GUI-88705: Permanent unsaved changes alert on Pattern Block edit form

Android-88693: Android App new trackor step submit correct save PK for submit queue fields Now app correctly submit new trackor step in second request from queue after first request is sent

Android-88666: Android App does not consider fields accessible Now app correctly deny edit unaccessible fields in any case.

Sec-88664: Hide LogOff and change password functionality when user logged in with SSO.

Admin-88647: Values of dependent fields are not displayed in tree at the Import Dependent Values form

Grid-88646: Update user page SQL Builders to support new Drill Down storage structure New DB structure to store Drill Down CFs were created in DB-7857 (8.65.0), in some cases it may cause errors on TB grid page. Fixed now

Grid-88645: When removing Drill Down CF, filter entries should be ignored If you choose some drill-down fields in a filter and after some time they become inactive because drill-down Trackor Selector has been dropped or unassigned from all tabs, the loading of page fails with error

GUI-88629: Automatically create sections for multiple line CFs in form designer When 1st multiple line CF moved to the form, section will be created automatically

GUI-88622: “All” item in Trackor Types list on From Designer should be on the 1st position

DropGrid-88620: Can't delete drop grid record Delete button of the grid does not work at all

VF-88195: View/Filter Item Gets Removed From Folder if Re-Saved

Android-88193: Need Documentation for Android App. Documentation for Android App has been deployed to

GUI-88183: Disable tree control buttons after node deletion Minor fix affection Admin Menu, Admin Trackor Tree and other pages where trees are used

DB-87483: When exporting tasks dates set with rules, dates appears with time part in Excel We modified pkg_dl_support.set_config_date and pkg_dl_support.set_date procedures to remove time part. This procedures are also utilized from util.settaskdate

Perf-87468: Java caching for GRID_PAGE DB table This table is used internally, data may be changed only during releases, so we will keep data in Java heap to speedup access

BPL-87466: “Don't Clone Field Value” and “Do not Clone Locks” are not moved by BPL

DB-87465: Drop old views. We dropped some old views used internally in previous versions, which are no longer used and are invalid now

Admin-84745: Config Elements are not removed when you unassign it from the tab in From Designer If you unassign a config element from a tab, the assignment is removed but the record in CONFIG_ELEMENT table is still kept. Now this is fixed. Labels for “Text Label” element are also removed.

BPL-84719: 'Data Validation Mode' and required params of fields and mappings of Import are not moved by BPL

DB-84715: Reuse SimpleJdbcCall. We reduced Oracle metadata access by initializing all SimpleJdbcCalls on startup and then reusing objects.

Menu-84656: When clicking on empty folder in menu browser opens new empty page and nothing happens

DB-83924: Adding primary key column in DRILL_DOWN table The new column is used in foreign constraints in DB

Rep-83907: Failed to run Excel report with VBA Submit, when there are certain objects on the Sheet Fixed in Aspose.Cells for Java 17.9.7

Dash-82951: Remove “Highcharts” label from the graphs

Dash-82950: Fields are being removed from field list when dropped on a placeholder

Dash-82897: Axis name is not saving after dashlet submit

Dash-82766: Data Series Grouping. Placing group (blue) fields on Y-Axis will split chart data into multiple data series based on unique values of placed field

Grid-82765: WF static fields are broken in TB grid

Admin-82504: Clone - Edit Configured Field - Clone all elements Now system clone all elements when user clone config field

Dash-82500: Dashboard Series are not saving Format Name

Imp-81913: Better exception handling when parsing CSV data for import Now CSV parse error contains row number that broke import

Admin-78598: Drop support of “Grid Container” feature Admin interface for Grid Containers removed

Grid-76219: Convert Grid Containers to Trackor Containers All Grid Containers have been converted to trackor container grids.

Dash-74717: Date columns are not handled properly. Date fields are fixed, date/time axis type support is added

GUI-65315: Display drill-down fields on the Config Form New section added to the left panel of Form Designer - “Drill-Down”. User can pick Trackor Selector field from the primary Trackor Type (“Short Name” propery must be set) and then add CFs from the tree starting at Trackor Selector's Trackor Type

OneVizion 8.66.1

The following is a list of changes since the 8.66.0 version:

DropGrid-88613: DropGrid error when importing file We introduced error with CodeQ-76143. Fixed now

OneVizion 8.66

The following is a list of changes since 8.65 version:

API-64061: Unit test for API v3 We implemented Unit tests to check all API v3 endpoints during build

WF-69101: WF Instruction step is broken

Sec-70090: “Could not verify the provided CSRF token because your session was not found” when trying to re login Login page reloading interval decreased to 5 minutes. Also we are reloading after PC wakes up from sleep. This will prevent session expiration

DB-73107: Cleanup Temp Tables Enhancements

Conf-73890: Relation fields must be editable only on the master tab In previous version user can assign parental Trackor ID fields to any tab and then was able to modify relations. It can be source of an error in some complex configurations. Now we handle parental Trackor ID fields on non General Info tab as read only Trackor Keys

Rep-74629: System Performance Details Report Not Working Now cell values from CLOB columns are trimmed to Excel's max 32767 to avoid error

CodeQ-76143: Optimize ConfigFieldDaoOra.rowMapper performance We improved performance of extracting data from JDBC record set to Java object for most used Class in system

Admin-76650: Error after deleting trackor from the Tree

Sec-77451: Implement SAML SSO

BPL-77942: Remove dependency from Oracle SQL parser Now we are generating BPL XML in Oracle, this let us remove dependencies from Oracle's XML parser which was incompatible with some other dependencies

Other-78566: Add Bold & Underline Checkboxes to Field Type “Text Label” Add/Edit tab When editing “Text Label” element in form designer, B and U buttons available to change label style. Label still may contain other HTML tags

VF-78575: Date Range resets for the within filter Operator Filter value of 'Within' operator is not displayed after next loading the Filter Option

Dash-78595: Dashboard - unable to load dashlets

Grid-78624: 'Select All' checkbox of BPL Component subgrid does not check all checkbox on a page If you open subgrid with Reports at the BPL Import page and try to select all rows using checkbox in the header, then only first row will be selected

BPL-78626: 'Max Execution Time..' report option is not moved with BPL

BPL-78627: 'Primary Trackor Type' and 'E-File Destination' options of Snippet rule type is not moved with BPL

Dash-83912: Hide dashboard selector for menu items with defined dashboard

API-84487: Trackors API enpoints doesn't support filtering by Date,Time,DateTime fields

Dash-84488: “Cannot read property 'header' of undefined” error when user clicks on the dashlets “Add” button twice

Sec-84526: Upgrade batik libraries to 1.9 or higher version We upgraded batik library used to convert SVG icon files on Google Maps to PNG format, because of CVE-2017-5662 vulnerability discovered in older versions

Grid-84635: Poor performance when filter by parental fields in TB when Ancestor grows to 50 million rows New index added for ANCESTOR table

Android-84674: Error during submit relation fields in mobile-trackor app

Conf-84675: Relation with cardinality MANY-MANY should display single value at the Grid Row Editor The bug was that a relation displayed all values instead of single value which corresponded to a row in the main grid

Android-84694: Android App - Crashing on edit config field App was crash when config field submit failed and user switch tab to another.

Android-84704: Android App - Change selectors style Colors are fixed

EFile-84716: EFiles disappear from multiple lines EFile CFs pkg_vqutils.cleanup_tmp_tables was deleting blob_data records used as notifications attachments. Additional check were added to ensure that record is not storing blob_data, but this check didn't worked for multiple lines EFile CFs. Fixed now

Dash-84741: Error when creating new Dashboard

DB-87467: Drop no longer used table ID_TEMP

OneVizion 8.65

The following is a list of changes since 8.64.1 version:

DropGrid-66382: DropGrid - Dashboard Now user may pick “Created Dashboards” option in DropGrid to get Dashboards automatically created for the config fields of following types - Text, Number, Drop-Down, Selector, Trackor Selector and Trackor Drop-Down

Tour-70845: Tour step on config labels has incorrect name field value

GUI-74370: Can't save sec groups changes

GUI-76627: After saving View Opts on “Admin Processes” grid, blue header got redundant separation lines

API-76916: Trackor search on date field not null fails with invalid SQL Now NOT_NULL filter automatically replacing to IS_NOT_NULL. Endpoint documentation fixed for this case.

Rule-78543: Mass Assign Rule in the Grid doesn't fire the Rule Engine

Admin-78546: Do not display Filter/View folders at the Admin Filter/View pages

BPL-78570: 'Time Format' and 'Keep Parsed Data…' options of Import is not moved by the BPL

DB-78578: New DB table to keep mapping of drill down Config Field IDs and the index of drill down field This will prevent issues with View Options when Trackor Selector fields are deleted

RDE-78587: RDE VO issues When opening RDE page with predefined View, wrong View may be loaded

Conf-78588: Config tab is in error state in Config App Form Bug reproducible only on in 'preview' mode. Fixed

Imp-78589: Magic Wand for import creation not working

Grid-78604: Pass MasterTid to External Grids like DrillDownTbGrid When you are setting up an external grid you can set masterTtid http param and other stuff. The issue was in that when the external grid is the Trackor Browser and you open add/edit form the masterTtid and masterTid http params were not passed. Second issue was that the Config Form supported only if masterTtid is dynamic Trackor Type and you were not able to use static Trackor Type ID like Task ID(=50) or other and as result the parent_id and parent_trackor_type_id variables were not able in the default SQL of a config field

Admin-78653: Labels IDs on About pop-up

Notif-80737: Add “Reply To” Option to PKG_EMAIL and UTIL.SendMail

TMail-80738: Add AUTHLESS_USER_ID to TrackorMail Setup UI Added ability to set Authless User ID at the TrackorMail setup applet. Note: by setting this option you allow data modification without any authentication

WP-80744: Workplan Interval vs Task Duration

VF-81564: Do not display Work Plan tab in Filter/View if an applet from parental level with MANY-MANY relation cardinality

Rep-82115: Remove “PDF Aspose” Report Type from report admin form Aspose PDF report format is not fully functional yet, thus removed from available formats

Imp-82719: New import data type to block calc on tasks New import data type created “Task set Block Calc.”. It works with “Tasks” entity, and updates BlocCalc based on value provided. Uses pkg_imp_utils.convert_boolean to convert value to 0 or 1. No additional parameters are required.

Other-82949: “Cannot read property getBoundingClient of null” error is thrown when user clicks on the help button for the dropgrid wizard

GUI-83130: Checkboxes are rendered incorrectly on TB filter and some other forms and the associated text location changing when user clicks on the checkbox

Rep-83582: Error during checking user credentials on submit ClearPath visio report layout

Tour-83906: Attach attribute “ID” for items in user main menu

VF-83913: Do not include MANY-MANY drill-down parental relations in View/Filter Options When we get list of parental applets in View Options with drill-down prefix, we search parental applets up to many-many relations and exclude many-many

VF-83914: Applets from drill-down primary level are not displayed

BPDocs-84211: Objects (tables, pl/sql packages) are listed in random order in DB Docs

API-84212: Trackors API endpoints submit time with incorrect time zone

API-84344: Imports API endpoints returns time with wrong TimeZone

Admin-84523: Rename clone button on admin reports page

Grid-84596: Filter on Lat/Long fields do not works properly on values having 3 digits in integer part

Android-84597: Android App - Crashing on switching activity

DB-84613: Drop no longer used SESSION_TEMP table After Java conversion this table used only during initial page load to temporary store user's URL. Now we store this data in servlet session

Trackor-84615: Wrong position of multiple fields at the Config Forms

Android-84637: Update mobile-trackor icon

Imp-84638: Import data type parameters are empty for “Workplan Date by Trackor” This data type is using V_WP_DATE_TYPE and V_WP_DATE_SF V_ tables to populate imp data type param drop-downs. So this tables should exists and should be populated with correct values. I've added this to the description of this import data type.

Dash-84655: Cannot change chart type or calc method Chart type and Calc method buttons are fixed

Android-84674: Error during submit relation fields in mobile-trackor app

Android-84693: mobile-trackor crash if drop-down field has no options

OneVizion 8.64.1

The following is a list of changes since 8.64 version:

GUI-84599 Values of TextLabel elements are missed after 8.64.0 upgrade. Scripts are fixed, changes merged to 8.64.1 and 8.65. tested by reaaplying scripts on 863 to upgrade to 864 - works fine now.

GUI-84610 Value of Text Label fields on form designer switched to “TextLabel” when you start editing one of them.

OneVizion 8.64

The following is a list of changes since 8.63.3 version:

Admin-27924: WYSIWYG Form Constructor

DropGrid-66382: DropGrid - Dashboard When user imports data with help of the DropGrid, user can check a checkbox related to creating Dashboards. If the checkbox is ON, multiple dashboards are created for imported config fields. Dashboards are created for the following config fields - Text, Number, Drop-Down, Selector, Trackor Selector and Trackor Drop-Down

API-72095: Update API Docs Endpoint Descriptions

Android-73766: Multiselector infinite loading loop Now multiselector correctly loads data. Also we added the ability to search within list of selected items.

Dash-74103: Add scroll support for dashboard page

Android-74105: Remove unused program and system params API endpoints

WP-74214: Parent Tasks are greyed out and uneditable at the Child Level

Admin-74477: Implement “Field History” for admin forms Field History is now available on the following admin forms: “Security Role”, “Trackor Class”, “Config VTable” “BPD Items” “System Params” “Program Params” “Discipline” “Teams” “Task Date Pairs”

Notif-74669: CFs are not populated for Task Notifications

Trackor-74698: Duplicate Trackor Keys There was a bug in pkg_xitor, when a trackor type is using Key autogen feature then the check for Key uniqueness didn't work at all. Now this issue is fixed.

Dash-74714: Improve security on Dashboards

GUI-75047: Icons bug in IE and EDGE

GUI-75050: JS error on Date CF if it's first field on the tab

Admin-75051: Administer forms submit isn't working in Safari

Map-75093: Map Legend - Value Order Now values in “Map Legend” panel are ordered in accordance with VTable order numbers

EFile-75094: Import History File Download When import submitted with API, CSV file is loosing it;s original name and when downloaded later form Import History has default name “file”. Fixed now

Android-75108: Change app color schema for new Onevizion GUI

DB-75514: Error when relations are filled automatically and “Show All Records” set for one of relations

Android-75654: Field labels are missed for Config Tab step

VF-76015: View/Filter should display parental applets up including many-many relationships

GUI-76124: System not loading correctly in latest version of Internet Explorer

Android-76144: App crash when user returns to the app after it was suspended

Grid-76236: Copy feature System asks multiple times if user trying to use “drag” feature. Fixed now

Conf-76388: Task dates of parental WP are being disappeared from the Trackor Form when you refresh it (click Apply button) The bug is reproduced if a primary trackor has active WP. If there is no any active WP, the refresh goes properly and task dates of parental WP are displayed

WP-76743: Cannot save checkbox fields in Task Overview grid

Conf-77023: Task dates are not displayed if there are some active workplans of different workplan templates. If the Trackor Form contains task dates of different workplan templates and there are by one active workplan of every WP template then task dates of one WP template are displayed but for other WP template are not displayed

Conf-77103: Task label is clickable on the Trackor Form even if there is no any workplan When you hide start Task date and open the Trackor Form, label of task date should not be clickable if there is active workplan associated with the task date

Notif-77270: Can't load list of fields when creating Local Notification

VF-77407: View/Filter save error after opening subgrid

VF-77435: Dropdown unsaved element icon is positioned incorrectly in ie11

VF-77477: “Promise in not defined” when changing any filter option in ie11

Map-77505: Appending original exception in log if the Mapper page is not opened In some places when we throw exceptions if some options of the Mapper pages can not be configured, we did not append original exception. It does not let to debug an issue

Conf-77535: Task dates are disappearing after submit at the Task Form if a task is NA

Conf-77538: Task dates are not displayed in some cases in the Grid Row Editor Bug occurs when there is a task assigned to child Trackor Type. For example: there is a relation Site→Candidate, the grid contains a task assigned to Candidate level but the task is included in a workplan of Site level

Admin-78354: New param data type for X.509 certificate with encryption New parameter data type also supports certificate validation on submit, and hide's content from the gird. We are going to utilize this parameter type for Single Sign-On features in upcoming releases

API-78545: API Docs generate broken curl commands for endpoints

Admin-78567: Auto-Place Cursor to the Value box on Add Value to V-Table List

Map-78576: Public Maps - Errors User can not add or update the Filter Options

Admin-78579: “Is Default View” option of global View Options is OFF when you update the view at the Admin View page

TMail-78599: Trackor email - returning null when email has an attachment

Grid-78600: External Grid Tab shouldn't show close button

Exp-78602: Bug with Grid Export to Zip when exporting from EFile drill-down fields

Rule-78603: :RETURN_STR from “On Logon Attempt” rule type is not working Now, message from :RETURN_STR will be shown on login form, but if user logged in successfully he will not see it

Admin-78607: “Error Details” popup form on “Error Logs” page shouldn't be editable

DB-78610: Improvement for sec_role “delete” procedure Delete operation for sec roles should work a little bit faster.

Imp-78623: Update DB package “pkg_imp_run_by_columns” We are improving this package to make it general solution for fast external imports

Dash-78625: Scrollbar is missing on field list when editing dashlets

GUI-78633: Convert HTML to text when message body stored in Memo field Now we will convert HTML to text when there is no text/plain message part and email body is mapped to Memo field

Android-78643: MultipleLines CF improperly rendered in Android App We do not support MultipleLines CFs in Android for now. Such fields will not be shown

Audit-80732: Incorrect rows count in Components Log grid on “Admin Sec Role” form

WP-80744: Workplan Interval vs Task Duration

Dash-83126: Dashboard page is not loading when opened in a new tab

Dash-83580: Dashboard page is not loading if there is no dashboards

Rep-83582: Error during checking user credentials on submit ClearPath visio report layout

Admin-83694: Reports started prior to scheduled time

API-84212: Trackors API endpoints submit time with incorrect time zone

OneVizion 8.63.3

BPL-80755: Component Import Fails on Imports Closing the issue as duplicate of BPL-78570

Admin-83694: Reports started prior to scheduled time

OneVizion 8.63.2

GUI-76124: System not loading correctly in latest version of Internet Explorer

TMail-78599: Trackor email - returning null when email has an attachment

OneVizion 8.63.1

The following is a list of changes since 8.63 version

Trackor-74698: Duplicate Trackor Keys There was a bug in pkg_xitor, when a trackor type is using Key autogen feature then the check for Key uniqueness didn't work at all. Now this issue is fixed.

Map-75093: Map Legend - Value Order

GUI-76124: System not loading correctly in latest version of Internet Explorer

WP-76127: Parent Tasks disappear after edit at child level

OneVizion 8.63

The following is a list of changes since 8.62 version

Rep-65833: Error Message when Running TB Grid Report. “TB Grid Data” pattern block of “Excel with VBA submit” supports Task By Name, Task By Order Num and Task By WBS columns.

Other-66432: Improvement for DMS coord mask field. Use cases for fields with DMS mask:

Given that cursor is in the degrees part of the mask When user enters a non-numeric character Then missing numbers of the first part of the mask are replaced with zeros And cursor is moved to the beginning of the minutes part of the mask.

Given that cursor is in the minutes part of the mask When user enters a non-numeric character Then missing numbers of the minutes part of the mask are replaced with zeros And cursor is moved to the beginning of the integer section of the seconds part of the mask.

Given that cursor is in the integer section of the seconds part of the mask When user enters a non-numeric character Then missing numbers of the integer section of the seconds part of the mask are replaced with zeros And cursor is moved to the beginning of the float section of the seconds part of the mask.

Given that the user has moved cursor to the custom position in the mask When user enters a numeric character Then missing numbers of the previous parts of the mask are replaced with zeros.

Given that the user has moved cursor to the custom position in the mask When user enters a non-numeric character Then missing numbers of the previous and current parts of the mask are replaced with zeros And cursor is moved to the next part.

Given that the user has a decimal value in the clipboard When the user tries to paste this value to the input with DMS mask Then decimal value is converted to the DMS value And missing numbers in all parts of the value are replaced with zeros And the result is put to the input

Given that the user has a DMS value in the clipboard When the user tries to paste this value to the input with DMS mask Then missing numbers in all parts of the value are replaced with zeros And the result is put to the input

Given that an input with DMS mask has focus And user has not entered anything into it When focus is lost Then the input stays empty

Give that an input with DMS mask has focus And user has entered something into it Then missing numbers in all parts of the input's value are replaced with zeros

GUI-66597: Minor visual issue with Selector grid

RDE-70406: RDE page name doesn't show up

RDE-70407: Add grid row counts for RDE tabs

GUI-70409: Locked WIKI field is editable in GUI and is causing an error on submit when value changed

Other-72121: “Share Page Link” showing without privs

Admin-72123: The Trackor Form is not loaded if a SQL of rollup field returns a value incompatible with expected type of rollup function

Conf-72125: The Trackor Info form is not loaded from the Grid Row Editor The bug occurs when a user opens the Trackor form with 'Trackor Info' icon of relation field on the Grid Row Editor form. The relation field should contain a child trackor

Grid-72178: JS error when scrolling TB grid in FF

RDE-72465: RDE Page Bugs

RDE-72502: WP tabs not opening on RDE In case when the WP grid is loaded and an user selects other row in the main grid then the WP grid is not loaded

Grid-72526: JS error on Users Trackor page

Grid-72938: “Copy to range” issue on Task page

Grid-72939: Cannot use Copy To All on empty task date cell

Other-72947: Child Field Selector on Portal Frame admin form is broken

Conf-72956: “Show Selected” feature is broken on MultiSelectors

WP-73032: Tasks Dates are not populating if they are not located on GI Tab

VF-73398: Do not display Text Label fields in the View Options

Conf-73426: Wrong Trackor Type when adding new class on Field's Classes Tab

VF-73427: Sort WP task date types by name in the View Options

Trackor-73488: Task Dates for grouped tasks (by Order Number, Name, WBS) do not show up in grid if WP Name or WP Template column is not presented in grid Now we automatically join with WP_WORKPLAN when grouped tasks are in the view

WP-73737: Task dates are grayed and has no text after config form submit

Other-73738: Child Trackor with Parent Tab Updates incorrectly throws Relation Type Validation Error

API-73747: Db Selectors loads wrong number of rows per page

Android-73749: “Login failed” error when user don't have privs on ADMIN_PARAM_SYSTEM ADMIN_PARAM_SYSTEM is no longer needed for Andoird app

Admin-73897: Implement “Field History” for admin forms Field History is now available on the following admin forms: “Config Field”, “Config Tab”, “External Config Tab”, “Config Applet”, “External Config Applet”, “Menu Application”, “Menu Item”, “Trackor Tour”, “Trackor Type”, “Trackor Mail Setup”

Rep-74129: Wrong metadata cells position on hidden sheets for Excel with VBA submit reports prevents user to submit some task dates or submits dates to wrong tasks.

OneVizion 8.62

The following is a list of changes since 8.61 version

Grid-61255: IE11 grid style bug

Rep-65062: Enforce “MaxExportGridCells” for TB Grid reports. If TB grid report's pattern block has number of cell greater than “MaxExportGridCells” then report will fail with the error and status will be set to “Cells Limit Exceeded”.

BPL-69897: BPL import of Trackor Tour repaired.

Menu-69917: Error after deleting menu items from the menu tree.

VF-70148: Filter on user's Sec Groups tab doesn't work properly.

Grid-70832: 'Select All' feature does not take into account the quick search.

Rep-70842: 'Selected' feature does not work at the report parameter selectors when there are columns with alias.

Other-70858: “Entered name already in use, please enter a different one” when quickly hitting “Ok” button twice on View Opts/Filter “Save current …” form.

Rep-70913: Remember last “Show NA'ed” options on TB Grid Excec form.

Rep-71166: TB Grid Report fails when filter is not set.

Rep-71185: “Clone Report” doesn't copy all the necessary params.

API-71203: APIDocs shows incorrect import run actions. Now available run action “Insert/Update” name shows correctly.

Admin-71204: “Selected” list on “Grid Container Fields X Grid” tab is always empty.

GUI-71251: “copy/pull down cells” feature minor bug fixes Fixed issues: 1) incorrect column type check for menu and cell marker 2) incorrect warning label 3) select range marker causing empty space between frozen columns and right part of the grid when shown on the last frozen column

Admin-71253: User can't create sub sql for pdf report.

Android-71256: “Db Selector” field options not loading in mobile app.

Grid-71663: Grid history bug on Text and Memo fields in frozen columns.

Audit-71844: pkg_audit.recover_object tries to set relation with deleted children.

Other-72071: Forms are identified as changed when Dialog having pending changes was closed without saving.

Rep-72122: Cannot run new report from empty report history grid.

WP-72553: “T:Task” applet disappeared from Task page View Options.

VF-72932: View/Filter on TASKS page have problem with DatePairs, Actual, Baseline, Projected. The task dates - acutal, projected, baseline and configured date pairs are not displayed in the Filter Options. The dates also are not saved with the view options and as result an user can not see dates in the grid.

VF-72933: View/Filter on TASKS page have problem with static WP fields We do not display the workplan name static field in the view options. Also we do not display the workplan static tab in the filter option

OneVizion 8.61

The following is a list of changes since 8.60.2 version

Grid-65567: New Feature for copy/pull down cells in the Grid

Audit-66433: Add Field History for specific fields on admin forms “Field History” is now implemented for the Trackor Amin, Import Admin and User Admin forms. Later “Field History” will be implemented for all other admin forms.

Tour-66940: Tour Editor Commands are not working.

Imp-67646: Import status is pending while running rules, Two new import statuses are added: Running: “Import Start” rules Running: “Import Complete” rules

V&F-67977: Remove “Used” Column From Fields View Options. “Used” column removed from “Admin Config Fields” grid, because it creates high DB load.

DB-68212: Cursor leakage in PKG_WF, Cursor was not properly closed in case of exception, which may cause “ORA-01000 maximum open cursors exceeded” error.

Android-68223: Fix TrackorKey and TrackorClass fields submit.

Other-68228: Coordinate Picker Resizing

MT-68303: BUG - Can't delete program

Grid-68344: BUG -“Copy to All” doesn't copy full memo text

Conf-68365: Do not append Trackor Type prefix to static user fields on the Trackor form. If you change static user fields on the Trackor form and click by the apply button then Trackor Type prefix is appended to all changed fields.

MT-68458: “DropGrid” added to main menu when creating “blank” program.

API-68585: API Calls Encounter BLOB Data Unique Index. EFile submit procedure modified to better support high load multi threading applications. But collisions still may occur and cause hit of UN1_BLOB_DATA

Conf-69097: User cannot clone a trackor if there are EFiles saved in multiple fields.

Grid-69099: The Admin Field page is not loaded with specific filter options. The page is not loaded if an users chooses a tab in the filter option that assigned to multiple applets.

VF-69103: User can create a global filter/view even if there are no privileges on ADMIN_FILTER_VIEW security group.

VF-69160: Hidding global Filter/View and folders depending on ADMIN_FILTER_VIEW privileges. We hide a list of global Filters/Views and global folders at the “Save As” form depending on ADMIN_FILTER_VIEW privileges.

Doc-69488: DB Docs generation fail on report_params.sql file. This is known issue with column. Oracle produce constraint DDL without quotes for “CASE” column.

BPL-69890: BPL export for Trackor Tours is fixed.

Audit-69894: Pwd fields excluded from component log history.

VF-69895: Dropdown elements name truncation

VF-69896: Error(400) after view/filter deletion reaparied.

VF-70105: A “Shared Page Link” can not be saved as a new view/filter in OV.

Imp-70393: Implement set of standard routines to import config values by column. New package pkg_imp_run_by_columns implemented. It can be used for external imports. It will read import mappings for “Configured Field” import data type and import data by column omitting values already exists in CONFIG_VALUE_* tables.

VF-70404: BUG - Cannot add dates to TO View Options

Conf-70835: V-table value edit field in GUI allows maximum 100 characters, while DB column size is 255

OneVizion 8.60.2

The following is a list of changes since 8.60.1 version:

API-68585 API Calls Encounter BLOB Data Unique Index. EFile submit procedure modified to better support high load multi threading applications. But collisions still may occur and cause hit of UN1_BLOB_DATA

Grid-70832 'Select All' feature did not take into account the quick search.

OneVizion 8.60.1

The following is a list of changes since 8.60 version:

DB-69068 Add missed indexes for VIEW_OPT and FILTER_OPT tables. Lack of indexes by column referenced in FK may lead to table locks on parent row deletion. Issue introduced with V&F-55256.

OneVizion 8.60

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.9 version:

V&F-55256: Folders for view and filter View Options and Filters are now may be grouped in folders. Two predefined folders exists for Local and Global entities. Users may manage folders or create new using button in right upper corner of the list. Also, search capability is added for View Options and Filters lists

Grid-58438: “Select All” button on selectors should select all records, not only those on current grid page

GUI-61282: Drop support of oldGUIin v8 We don't support oldGUIstarting v8.60.0

MT-65340: Create default menu and sec role on new program creation On new program creation if user hasn't selected any components to copy, Admin role and Menu “Administrator” with the following menu items will be created: “Trackor Browser” “Trackor Types” “Trackor Tree” “Admin Users” “Admin Security Roles” “Admin Menu” “Admin Configured Fields” “Admin Configured Tab” “Admin Configured App” “Error Log”

Grid-65986: Errors during grid submit are not logged in error log

V&F-66525: FIltering on Not Null on CLOB field produces Error Message Null and Is Not Null operations fixed for main filter. Quick Search is still broken

Doc-66598: Update DB Docs Page Update titles on DB Docs page

Audit-66797: Recovering of DB Dropdown, DB Selector and MultiSelector is not implemented “Undelete” for trackors and “Restore a Value” are fixed, now config fields of all types support value recovering.

DropGrid-66922: Display user-friendly message when there is no label of a column in an Excel

V&F-67015: Task Dates are not displayed in View Options when an user chooses Task applet or Task General tab

DropGrid-67017: The DropGrid should support different languages in Excel to creating config fields In previous version, you could not create config fields with non english letters

MT-67045: Task Master applet must be copied to new programs

Imp-67123: Feature “Create Default Data Import” not working

Android-67127: Fix QS for selectors in Android mobile app

Rule-67188: Fix “Report Executed” and “Report Successfully Executed” rule types :PROCESS_ID parameter was not substituted properly in PL/SQL of the rule

Sec-67196: Hide “Programs” menu when using “Login As” feature When logged in under other user account with “Login As” feature you can't switch programs even if current user has access to multiple programs

Grid-67218: “Selected” feature is broken at the Selector Trackor Browser

WF-67231: Form for “New Trackor” workflow step is not loading if key value field is defined

Grid-67561: Filter by user on Error Log grid is broken

Notif-67566: “Select WF Steps” not working for Notifications with types: WF Step….

Notif-67569: List of objects triggering notification is empty when notification form opened from the “User Settings”

Notif-67863: User can't clone notif with “Primary Trackor Type” = WORKFLOW

Admin-67864: Add ability to show local and global portals at the same time

MT-68608: Job REPMONITOR executed with error: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into (“NOTIF_QUEUE”.“PROGRAM_ID”)

OneVizion 8.59.17


The following is a list of changes since version 8.59.16:

New Features:

Exp-122565:  Execute export SQL in report database Now exports can be executed in report database in the same way as reports. This may reduce load on the main server and improve performance.


DB-124305:  Add indexes to non-indexed foreign keys Indexes have been added to the following tables:












OneVizion 8.59.16

Release 06/01/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.59.15:


EFile-118143:  Log original error message when can't read object from AWS S3. When S3 object read fails we show general error message with following format: "Can't read file [blob_data/XXX] from bucket [YYY] from all cloud storage." added to error message.

OneVizion 8.59.15

Release Date 5/17/18

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.14 version:

CodeQ-116717:  Remove unused JS resources

Sec-116623:  Review and neutralize JS related Veracode flaws

Sec-116801:  Neutralize or dismiss dynamically evaluated code in JavaScript

Conf-114072:  F/V drop-downs don't show up above the grid when the very first Tab on the form is trackor container Fixed-CaseID-102861.

Err-116655:  /js/trackorbrowser/GridButtons.js:1759

Grid-117880:  Hyperlink is missed for "User" column in Audit Log grid

Rep-111264:  Report Wizard is broken when Report Parameters are set Fixed

OneVizion 8.59.14

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.12 version:

Grid-109694:  All user grid SQL IN parameters are strings Expected small performance improvements of user grids when filtered by numeric fields (including Trackor Key, Drop-Down, Selectors, etc)

Grid-110255:  Use hints to improve exec plans for TB SQL Improved. CaseID-102610: Feature disabled by default. Can be enabled with "UseSQLHints" system parameter. Affects only Trackor Browser SQLs.

DB-111749:  PKG_NOTIF spec is invalid.

DB-84715:  Reuse SimpleJdbcCall. We reduced Oracle metadata access by initializing all SimpleJdbcCalls on startup and then reusing objects.

EFile-114869:  Error when opening EFile history from EFile Download History grid.

Grid-109555:  Repeating alias of restricted user sub query in TB SQL may lead to expensive cartesian join We modified TB SQL builder to use different table and view aliases.

Grid-109869:  Large differences between DB Time and Web Server Time in TB when filter by grouped WP Task field When filter Trackor Browser grid by one of TName*, TOrd, TWbs fields and there are thousands WPs assigned to the Trackors of Primary Trackor type, TB SQL generation become slow.

Grid-113147:  Fix TB SQL performance hints. Fixed: CaseID-102809: This issue fixes performance hints introduced with Grid-110255. Before this fix, hints didn't affect performance. 

Grid-113592:  "Share Page Link" doesn't work for Task Overview grid. Fixed:CaseID-102832

OneVizion 8.59.12

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.11 version:

EFile-108572:  Change Bulk Uploader privilege checking.Fixed: In case of Bulk Insert action, E privilege is being checked on the Trackor Type (instead of R)

Grid-108443:  Dependent parent field wipes out the Xitor Class field. Fixed: In a grid that contains Trackor Class field and only the Parent/Root fields (and not the dependent fields), changing the Parent/Root fields value makes the Trackor Class value to disappear.

OneVizion 8.59.11

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.10 version:

Grid-96183: Quick search and Filter by ED: columns were ignored on EFile Browser grid

EFile-98703: Child level CFs from EFile container Trackor Types were empty in EFile Browser.

OneVizion 8.59.10

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.9 version:

Notif-80743: System parameter to ignore SSL certificate checks New hidden (ie not available in GUI) parameter created: “”. It controls SSL config for Mail Service and Trackor Mail. Leave blank for default behavior - server certificate is checked by Java, set to a whitespace separated list of hosts to make this hosts trusted, set to “*” to make all hosts trusted. You should understand that when setting value for this parameter you are opened up for MITM attack. More detail on this parameter:

OneVizion 8.59.9

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.8 version:

BPL-78570 'Time Format' and 'Keep Parsed Data…' options of Import is not moved by the BPL.

DB-87483 When exporting tasks dates set with rules, dates appears with time part in Excel. Modified pkg_dl_support.set_config_date and pkg_dl_support.set_date procedures to remove time part. These procedures are also utilized from util.settaskdate.

V&F-67015 Task Dates were not displayed in View Options when an user chooses Task applet or Task General tab.

OneVizion 8.59.8

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.7 version:

Admin-83694: Reports started prior to scheduled time.

BPL-80755: Component Import Fails on Imports. Closing the issue as duplicate of BPL-78570.

WP-80744: Workplan Interval vs Task Duration.

Rule-78603: :RETURN_STR from “On Logon Attempt” rule type is not working Now, message from :RETURN_STR will be shown on login form, but if user logged in successfully he will not see it.

OneVizion 8.59.7

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.6 version:

Notif-77270: Can't load list of fields when creating Local Notification

Conf-76388: Task dates of parental WP are being disappeared from the Trackor Form when you refresh it (click Apply button) The bug is reproduced if a primary trackor has active WP. If there is no any active WP, the refresh goes properly and task dates of parental WP are displayed

WP-76127: Parent Tasks disapper after edit at child level

Map-75093: Map Legend - Value Order Now values in “Map Legend” panel are ordered in accordance with VTable order numbers

OneVizion 8.59.6

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.5 version:

WP-76743: Cannot save checkbox fields in Task Overview grid

Trackor-74698: Duplicate Trackor Keys There was a bug in pkg_xitor, when a trackor type is using Key autogen feature then the check for Key uniqueness didn't work at all. Now this issue is fixed.

Notif-74669: CFs are not populated for Task Notifications

WP-74214: Parent Tasks are greyed out and uneditable at the Child Level

RDE-72465: RDE Page Bugs

RDE-70406: RDE page name doesn't show up

OneVizion 8.59.5

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.4 version:

Other-73738: Child Trackor with Parent Tab Updates incorrectly throws Relation Type Validation Error

WP-73737: Task dates are grayed and has no text after config form submit

Trackor-73488: Task Dates for grouped tasks (by Order Number, Name, WBS) do not show up in grid if WP Name or WP Template column is not presented in grid Now we automatically join with WP_WORKPLAN when grouped tasks are in the view

OneVizion 8.59.4

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.3 version:

WP-73032: Tasks Dates are not populating if they are not located on GI Tab

OneVizion 8.59.3

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.2 version:

VF-70404: BUG - Cannot add dates to TO View Options

API-68585: API Calls Encounter BLOB Data Unique Index EFile submit procedure modified to better support high load multi threading applications. But collisions still may occur and cause hit of UN1_BLOB_DATA

OneVizion 8.59.2

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.1 version:

MT-68608: Job REPMONITOR executed with error: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into (“NOTIF_QUEUE”.“PROGRAM_ID”)

OneVizion 8.59.1

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.0 version:

Notif-67246: Same notifications sent multiple time Issue introduced with DB-66249: Use current_date instead of sysdate in packages

Conf-67248: User can not save more than one file into multiple EFile field

OneVizion 8.59.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.58 version:

Dash-56704: Dashboard: Development of edit mode for the dashlets

GUI-59813: SplitGrid splitter is not working correctly when external tab is loaded on the right side

Sec-63820: Remove “ADMIN_NOTIFICATIONS_ALL” and “ADMIN_NOTIFICATIONS_GLOBAL” sec groups “User Settings Notifications” form now manage current user's notifications ONLY, and controlled by: - NOTIFICATIONS security group - Global notifs to user assignment - Notification type to user assignment

Operations available: - List of all user's local notifications - List of all global notifs assigned to user - Clone/Create/Edit/Delete user's local notifications - Clone/Read global notifications assigned to the user - Enable/Disable user's local notifs and global notifs assigned to the user

Admin notification page will be controlled by ADMIN_NOTIFICATIONS sec group and will manage all local and global notifications (restrictions by notification type will be applied).

Grid-65730: Resize on grid with Frozen Cols is not working in old GUI

Grid-65731: Lock-icon is not clickable on already locked selected cells

DB-66249: Use current_date instead of sysdate in packages

Conf-66468: The Grid Row Editor displays WP Task dates from child level when there is no any column in the grid from that level When there is no any column from descendant but a primary trackor has more than one descendants, we can not define what exactly date should be displayed. So in that case we display nothing and mark the task at the Grid Row Editor as unavailable

Rep-66577: Report Executer should ignore disabled users 1. Reports of disabled users won't be executed. 2. Reports won't be sent to disabled users.

DB-66634: Prevent adding blob duplicates Unique index has been added to BLOB_DATA on key_value and config_field_id columns. If any process of our system will try to create duplicates in BLOB_DATA we will get an error “Supplied config_field_id and key_value pair already exists in BLOB_DATA.”. If this every happen we will start investigating what is wrong in the system.

DB-66653: Improvements for PKG_RPT ord_date() and wbs_date() function in PKG_RPT now accept short and alternate names of DateType.

DB-66661: Use current_date instead of sysdate in triggers

DB-66662: Fix pkg_xitor.deleteBlobs When we delete a trackor pkg_xitor.deleteBlobs is being called. This procedure deletes all history blobs except current version of the blob for all config fields.

Rule-66699: Fix error with Degree-Minute-Second to Decimal Degrees Conversion Rule

Audit-66719: BUG - WP Recovering procedure is broken

V&F-66756: Do not display the Grid Container/Trackor Container/External tabs in the View Options List of tabs in the View Option should not contain the grid tabs

DropGrid-66770: Getting program parameter values by parameter name instead of ID for the DropGrid Wizard

DropGrid-66871: The DropGrid Wizard does not properly import the same data in different programs

Menu-66910: BUG - No Priv on Show Favorites Security Group

DropGrid-66923: Primary Key field is always unavailable when you choose existing Trackor Type in the DropGrid Primary Key field should be disabled if we choose existing Trackor Type which use autokey generation otherwise the field should be editable

V&F-66932: RDE Form and RDE View Options do not work properly if some grids are selected in the View Option

DB-66939: Use current_date instead of sysdate in SQLs in Java

DB-67016: USER_OBJ_* tables are out of synch with DB Objects Orphaned objects was removed from USER_OBJ_* tables. Fixed issue with local notifs loosing assignments. Added triggers for keeping USER_OBJ_* tables up to date.

V&F-67046: Filter conditions are not used if the Mapper page is opened with help of the TrackorOnMapSplitGrid external applet

OneVizion 8.59.17


The following is a list of changes since version 8.59.16:

New Features:

Exp-122565:  Execute export SQL in report database Now exports can be executed in report database in the same way as reports. This may reduce load on the main server and improve performance.


DB-124305:  Add indexes to non-indexed foreign keys Indexes have been added to the following tables:












OneVizion 8.59.16

Release 06/01/2018

The following is a list of changes since version 8.59.15:


EFile-118143:  Log original error message when can't read object from AWS S3. When S3 object read fails we show general error message with following format: "Can't read file [blob_data/XXX] from bucket [YYY] from all cloud storage." added to error message.

OneVizion 8.59.15

Release Date 5/17/18

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.14 version:

CodeQ-116717:  Remove unused JS resources

Sec-116623:  Review and neutralize JS related Veracode flaws

Sec-116801:  Neutralize or dismiss dynamically evaluated code in JavaScript

Conf-114072:  F/V drop-downs don't show up above the grid when the very first Tab on the form is trackor container Fixed-CaseID-102861.

Err-116655:  /js/trackorbrowser/GridButtons.js:1759

Grid-117880:  Hyperlink is missed for "User" column in Audit Log grid

Rep-111264:  Report Wizard is broken when Report Parameters are set Fixed

OneVizion 8.59.14

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.12 version:

Grid-109694:  All user grid SQL IN parameters are strings Expected small performance improvements of user grids when filtered by numeric fields (including Trackor Key, Drop-Down, Selectors, etc)

Grid-110255:  Use hints to improve exec plans for TB SQL Improved. CaseID-102610: Feature disabled by default. Can be enabled with "UseSQLHints" system parameter. Affects only Trackor Browser SQLs.

DB-111749:  PKG_NOTIF spec is invalid.

DB-84715:  Reuse SimpleJdbcCall. We reduced Oracle metadata access by initializing all SimpleJdbcCalls on startup and then reusing objects.

EFile-114869:  Error when opening EFile history from EFile Download History grid.

Grid-109555:  Repeating alias of restricted user sub query in TB SQL may lead to expensive cartesian join We modified TB SQL builder to use different table and view aliases.

Grid-109869:  Large differences between DB Time and Web Server Time in TB when filter by grouped WP Task field When filter Trackor Browser grid by one of TName*, TOrd, TWbs fields and there are thousands WPs assigned to the Trackors of Primary Trackor type, TB SQL generation become slow.

Grid-113147:  Fix TB SQL performance hints. Fixed: CaseID-102809: This issue fixes performance hints introduced with Grid-110255. Before this fix, hints didn't affect performance. 

Grid-113592:  "Share Page Link" doesn't work for Task Overview grid. Fixed:CaseID-102832

OneVizion 8.59.12

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.11 version:

EFile-108572:  Change Bulk Uploader privilege checking.Fixed: In case of Bulk Insert action, E privilege is being checked on the Trackor Type (instead of R)

Grid-108443:  Dependent parent field wipes out the Xitor Class field. Fixed: In a grid that contains Trackor Class field and only the Parent/Root fields (and not the dependent fields), changing the Parent/Root fields value makes the Trackor Class value to disappear.

OneVizion 8.59.11

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.10 version:

Grid-96183: Quick search and Filter by ED: columns were ignored on EFile Browser grid

EFile-98703: Child level CFs from EFile container Trackor Types were empty in EFile Browser.

OneVizion 8.59.10

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.9 version:

Notif-80743: System parameter to ignore SSL certificate checks New hidden (ie not available in GUI) parameter created: “”. It controls SSL config for Mail Service and Trackor Mail. Leave blank for default behavior - server certificate is checked by Java, set to a whitespace separated list of hosts to make this hosts trusted, set to “*” to make all hosts trusted. You should understand that when setting value for this parameter you are opened up for MITM attack. More detail on this parameter:

OneVizion 8.59.9

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.8 version:

BPL-78570 'Time Format' and 'Keep Parsed Data…' options of Import is not moved by the BPL.

DB-87483 When exporting tasks dates set with rules, dates appears with time part in Excel. Modified pkg_dl_support.set_config_date and pkg_dl_support.set_date procedures to remove time part. These procedures are also utilized from util.settaskdate.

V&F-67015 Task Dates were not displayed in View Options when an user chooses Task applet or Task General tab.

OneVizion 8.59.8

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.7 version:

Admin-83694: Reports started prior to scheduled time.

BPL-80755: Component Import Fails on Imports. Closing the issue as duplicate of BPL-78570.

WP-80744: Workplan Interval vs Task Duration.

Rule-78603: :RETURN_STR from “On Logon Attempt” rule type is not working Now, message from :RETURN_STR will be shown on login form, but if user logged in successfully he will not see it.

OneVizion 8.59.7

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.6 version:

Notif-77270: Can't load list of fields when creating Local Notification

Conf-76388: Task dates of parental WP are being disappeared from the Trackor Form when you refresh it (click Apply button) The bug is reproduced if a primary trackor has active WP. If there is no any active WP, the refresh goes properly and task dates of parental WP are displayed

WP-76127: Parent Tasks disapper after edit at child level

Map-75093: Map Legend - Value Order Now values in “Map Legend” panel are ordered in accordance with VTable order numbers

OneVizion 8.59.6

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.5 version:

WP-76743: Cannot save checkbox fields in Task Overview grid

Trackor-74698: Duplicate Trackor Keys There was a bug in pkg_xitor, when a trackor type is using Key autogen feature then the check for Key uniqueness didn't work at all. Now this issue is fixed.

Notif-74669: CFs are not populated for Task Notifications

WP-74214: Parent Tasks are greyed out and uneditable at the Child Level

RDE-72465: RDE Page Bugs

RDE-70406: RDE page name doesn't show up

OneVizion 8.59.5

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.4 version:

Other-73738: Child Trackor with Parent Tab Updates incorrectly throws Relation Type Validation Error

WP-73737: Task dates are grayed and has no text after config form submit

Trackor-73488: Task Dates for grouped tasks (by Order Number, Name, WBS) do not show up in grid if WP Name or WP Template column is not presented in grid Now we automatically join with WP_WORKPLAN when grouped tasks are in the view

OneVizion 8.59.4

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.3 version:

WP-73032: Tasks Dates are not populating if they are not located on GI Tab

OneVizion 8.59.3

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.2 version:

VF-70404: BUG - Cannot add dates to TO View Options

API-68585: API Calls Encounter BLOB Data Unique Index EFile submit procedure modified to better support high load multi threading applications. But collisions still may occur and cause hit of UN1_BLOB_DATA

OneVizion 8.59.2

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.1 version:

MT-68608: Job REPMONITOR executed with error: ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into (“NOTIF_QUEUE”.“PROGRAM_ID”)

OneVizion 8.59.1

The following is a list of changes since 8.59.0 version:

Notif-67246: Same notifications sent multiple time Issue introduced with DB-66249: Use current_date instead of sysdate in packages

Conf-67248: User can not save more than one file into multiple EFile field

OneVizion 8.59.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.58 version:

Dash-56704: Dashboard: Development of edit mode for the dashlets

GUI-59813: SplitGrid splitter is not working correctly when external tab is loaded on the right side

Sec-63820: Remove “ADMIN_NOTIFICATIONS_ALL” and “ADMIN_NOTIFICATIONS_GLOBAL” sec groups “User Settings Notifications” form now manage current user's notifications ONLY, and controlled by: - NOTIFICATIONS security group - Global notifs to user assignment - Notification type to user assignment

Operations available: - List of all user's local notifications - List of all global notifs assigned to user - Clone/Create/Edit/Delete user's local notifications - Clone/Read global notifications assigned to the user - Enable/Disable user's local notifs and global notifs assigned to the user

Admin notification page will be controlled by ADMIN_NOTIFICATIONS sec group and will manage all local and global notifications (restrictions by notification type will be applied).

Grid-65730: Resize on grid with Frozen Cols is not working in old GUI

Grid-65731: Lock-icon is not clickable on already locked selected cells

DB-66249: Use current_date instead of sysdate in packages

Conf-66468: The Grid Row Editor displays WP Task dates from child level when there is no any column in the grid from that level When there is no any column from descendant but a primary trackor has more than one descendants, we can not define what exactly date should be displayed. So in that case we display nothing and mark the task at the Grid Row Editor as unavailable

Rep-66577: Report Executer should ignore disabled users 1. Reports of disabled users won't be executed. 2. Reports won't be sent to disabled users.

DB-66634: Prevent adding blob duplicates Unique index has been added to BLOB_DATA on key_value and config_field_id columns. If any process of our system will try to create duplicates in BLOB_DATA we will get an error “Supplied config_field_id and key_value pair already exists in BLOB_DATA.”. If this every happen we will start investigating what is wrong in the system.

DB-66653: Improvements for PKG_RPT ord_date() and wbs_date() function in PKG_RPT now accept short and alternate names of DateType.

DB-66661: Use current_date instead of sysdate in triggers

DB-66662: Fix pkg_xitor.deleteBlobs When we delete a trackor pkg_xitor.deleteBlobs is being called. This procedure deletes all history blobs except current version of the blob for all config fields.

Rule-66699: Fix error with Degree-Minute-Second to Decimal Degrees Conversion Rule

Audit-66719: BUG - WP Recovering procedure is broken

V&F-66756: Do not display the Grid Container/Trackor Container/External tabs in the View Options List of tabs in the View Option should not contain the grid tabs

DropGrid-66770: Getting program parameter values by parameter name instead of ID for the DropGrid Wizard

DropGrid-66871: The DropGrid Wizard does not properly import the same data in different programs

Menu-66910: BUG - No Priv on Show Favorites Security Group

DropGrid-66923: Primary Key field is always unavailable when you choose existing Trackor Type in the DropGrid Primary Key field should be disabled if we choose existing Trackor Type which use autokey generation otherwise the field should be editable

V&F-66932: RDE Form and RDE View Options do not work properly if some grids are selected in the View Option

DB-66939: Use current_date instead of sysdate in SQLs in Java

DB-67016: USER_OBJ_* tables are out of synch with DB Objects Orphaned objects was removed from USER_OBJ_* tables. Fixed issue with local notifs loosing assignments. Added triggers for keeping USER_OBJ_* tables up to date.

V&F-67046: Filter conditions are not used if the Mapper page is opened with help of the TrackorOnMapSplitGrid external applet

OneVizion 8.58

The following is a list of changes since 8.57 version:

Imp-55560: Support Time and Date/Time Config Fields with Config Import We added additional element “Time Format” on form on “Administer Import” page Now users can import configured fields “Time” and “Date/Time”. Also, we changed saving logic for configured fields“Time” and “Date/Time”. In previously we saved NUMBER (count milliseconds from 1 January 1970). Now we are saving DATE.

Example: now in rule user should use- pkg_dl_support.set_cf_data_num_by_name('VQS_IT_ATTACH_DATE_TIME', :pk, current_date); instead of save number: pkg_dl_support.set_cf_data_num_by_name('VQS_IT_ATTACH_DATE_TIME', :pk, to_number(current_date - to_date('01/01/1970','MM/DD/YYYY')) * (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000));

Exp-57417: Show grid export SQL on process details form when it is running SQL. Information will be stored in log immediately when export scheduled.

GUI-60030: Required Fields should be highlighted if not filled out. When user trying to submit form and there are empty required fields, required fields will be highlighted with red border in addition to error message.

Admin-64784: Added an option to disable/enable Tip Of The Day per user Now user can check “Don't show again” at the Tip Of The Day window and Tip Of The Day window will not show. To enable Tip Of The Day, user can go to “User settings” and select checkbox “Show Tip Of the Day”.

Other-64972: Administer Processes - Unable to see SQL executing for processes. Fixed to TB Grid worksheets.

Grid-65396: Add Advanced options for “Show NA'ed Task Dates As” to TB grid report New flag may be set for each TB Grid worksheet.

DropGrid-65796: “Load Data” mode for DG. At the 3d step - 'Tab/View' - we have added new option into Config Tab and View Option fields. It is '[Do Not Modify]', when selected we don't create new and do not modify existent tab/view.

Rep-65894: Implement filter for excel cols in TB Grid Report. 1) Make rows with column names frozen in Excel 2) Make all columns filterable in Excel Feature also available during generating “Grid to Excel” exports.

Trackor-65923: Ancestor Table Child Type out of sync with Child Trackor 1) Added a check to pkg_relation.new_relation to make sure that p and c are really in direct relation. 2) Direct update of ancestor, relation, ancestor_type and relation_type are prohibited, you should use pkg_relation.

Rep-66046: Improvement for Efile report delivery. Added checkbox “Is E-File Key” instead of Efile drop-down on the Admin Report Param in case of Efile delivery.

Rep-66213: Add Advanced options for “Show NA'ed Task Dates As” to Report Wizard “Show NA'ed Task Dates As” option has been added to Report Wizard

Grid-66214: Implement new design for user's Security Groups grid

Err-66398: “Center Trackor” selector in the Filter Options at the Mapper page is not opened if an user opens it at first time.

Menu-66462: Error when pressing the [Enter] key in main menu tree

Conf-66465: WorkPlan Tasks from descendant level do not display dates at the Grid Row Editor

Conf-66467: Displaying WorkPlan Task dates at the Grid Row Editor without “Two Column Span” flag

WF-66471: “Add” button is missed on WORKFLOW page

V&F-66626: “Info Window” in the Mapper View Option displays wrong list of selected fields.

OneVizion 8.57

The following is a list of changes since 8.56 version:

V&F-60537: Improvements for View Options form 1. Config Applet field has predefined value when the View Options is opened - it is master applet of primary Trackor Type 2. Config Tab field has predefined value when the View Options is opened - it is “All” 3. New item - “All” - is added into Config Applet field

GUI-64391: Long Term fix for Searching for trackors with an alias new option is added to user settings - Exact Quick Search For Clipboard. If YES then we wrap with double quotes every value pasted to the Quick Search from the clipboard, otherwise we paste as is. Default value is “NO”

TMail-64507: Message dates are trimmed to 10 chars during parsing

Rep-64663: Allow access to Report Wizard without granting access to full report administration “Report Wizard” button is now available on “Reports” grid, you need to have “R” for the “ADMIN_REPORT_WIZARD” sec group. It doesn't give you access to advanced report admin page, but you will be able to create/modify reports using Report Wizard.

GUI-65113: GUI-65113 Update ALL instances of About form

Audit-65595: Integrate logback with AWS Cloud Watch

CompPack-65609: Cursor leakage in PKG_AUDIT_COMP

Sec-65739: Show more info in user's sec groups grid

Conf-65807: Duplicated field names in message about changing other config fields when an user changes Trackor Selector value

BPL-65843: BPL Import does not work if entity was exported from another program

GUI-65886: LAT/LONG Copy for Search Radius New field - selector of Trackors - is added to the Filter Option of the Mapper page. It is available if there is only one published pair of latitude/longitude fields assigned to primary Trackor Type. When an user picks up a Trackor, we get values of latitude/longtiude fields of the Trackor and put it into the Center Lat/Long fields of the Filter Options. We do not save a value of new field, so when you open the Filter Option (or reload the form), the field will be blank. We are planing to improve this in future releases

Notif-66043: Notif Queue grid incorrect showing attempt messages Now attempts col shows correct data. Added ability to filter by attempt error message and attempt error date.

GUI-66111: Bug - On child tabs, the parent workplan tasks are not displaying

Conf-66147: Error Message with Cascading Dropdowns The form is not loaded because order number of V-Table values or Trackor Class are not set.

Grid-66205: Edit Grid Row has changed in 8.54 - No longer two column span

Conf-66230: Config Form is not refreshed with WP Tasks on different tabs The bug is reproduced if you take part of WP Tasks of a workplan and assign to Tab1, another part of WP Tasks of the same workplan you assign to Tab2. Tab1 and Tab2 are non master tabs. Then, when you open the form, both tabs and click by Apply button, you get an exception

Grid-66287: The Trackor Browser is not loaded with incomplete group of cascading fields The bug is reproduced if you choose the following columns: 1. Trackor Key (parental) 2. Drop-down (primary) 3. Trackor-Selector (primary) 4. Text (primary) 5. Trackor Key (primary) 6. Drop-down (primary) of cascading group where there are only descendant fields

OneVizion 8.56

The following is a list of changes since 8.55 version:

Grid-57626: Row highlight height is incorrect after the images are loaded on RDE grids

Notif-62860: Show error messages in Notif Queue grid Now user can see error messages for message send attempts are made in Admin Notif Queue grid

V&F-64203: Filter selector display values are not properly updated when dialing with non filterable VTable entries

Grid-64786: Prevent grid active cell highlight animation when holding arrow keys in Firefox

Grid-64823: Scroll Bar inside cells missing after 8.50.0

Conf-64989: Support Trackor Class in “Cascading Fields” feature You can use the Trackor Class field to a group of cascading fields with other drop-down fields. The Trackor Class field can be placed in any level of the group

Exp-65319: Error on open “Run Export” dialog Opening “Run Export” form raising “Unexpected error” on Task View, Task Overview,Administer Workflow pages

EFile-65413: Store blob data size in long variable instead integer After uploading file with size more than 2Gb into EFile field it was truncated because of integer variable overflow.

Admin-65500: “Add” permission is missed for WF To start new Workflow “Add” privilege is required for given WF Template, but admin can't set “Add” priv on admin page. Fixed now

Rep-65530: Fix for TB Grid Report password field

DB-65531: Sec Group isn't being changed when you change name of grid container tab

Admin-65569: SQL Details form is not loaded if usage log param value is collection type and blank

Menu-65615: Current Application Menu needs to be reset when it gets unassigned form the user

OneVizion 8.55

The following is a list of changes since 8.54 version:

API-65178: Fix file API to support large files

Admin-65416: Appending CSV extension to filename if it is missed. If a file with import data has invalid filename, then output filename will have default name - 'import.csv' when an user downloads it. If the original filename does not have an extension, we append the default extension 'CSV' to the filename otherwise we do not modify the filename. It lets to open the MS Excel by default when the file is downloaded and the user clicks by it in a browser.

Conf-47001: Hot keys break validation on Config App forms. When pressing [Ctrl]+[Enter] on Config Form we remove focus from active field 1st, and then submit data. Leaving focus in modified field may lead to data loss on submit.

Conf-65112: Number field NumDec limit bug

DB-65067: Parameter Value Limited to too Few Characters. Now system and program password parameters may hold up to 2000 characters.

Dash-64670: Date calculation on OVSubmit is using Unix Epoch.

EFile-65198: Upload EFiles directly to S3. New option “Upload files directly to AWS S3” added to the “Image Settings” tab of “Admin Config Field” form.

GUI-47729: Grid context Menu incorrect behavior with grid edit mode in new GUI

GUI-64658: Show Config Tabs where WP Task Dates assigned. New tab “Tabs” added to “Admin WP Tasks” form.

Grid-64862: Context menu isn't working on Task Name column in Tasks grid.

Imp-65533: Import recovery creates DB job in the past which is never started. Now job start time will be set correctly to start import immediately.

MT-65425: Can't copy Sec roles to the new program

Other-65629: NullPointerException when you download a file not related with a process

Rep-65330: Error when trying to export import error messages

Rule-65177: Cannot Select Static Trackor Types in Geocoding Rule Class

Rule-65227: Rule to update DMS Lat/Long fields when Decimal lat/long text fields are updated

TMail-64992: Email body is not processed with TM for OneVizion error report emails

Tour-59590: Scrollbar has been add for the tour step content and html id attribute for the arrow button to be able to create additional step to make Edit Grid Row button visible.

V&F-65564: Invalid filter conditions in SQL of the Selector Trackor Browser. Empty predefined filters are passed to SQL of the Selector Trackor Browser and as result the page displays wrong data or nothing.

OneVizion 8.54

The following is a list of changes since 8.53 version:

Grid-51199: Keyboard navigation in grid was not working in some cases

Grid-64272: When pasting data into QS from clipboard, do not add quotes around if it is only one single value

Conf-64312: Time and DateTime fields QuickSerach Issue Following issues are fixed: 1) If you choose Time or DateTime in QuickSerach and leave the search value empty then the grid will show you all fields with non null values

2) Exact search feature in QuickSerach doesn't work for Time and DateTime fields

Grid-64481: Click on Grid Stat Value Usage should search by exact value

Sec-64608: Use secure random generator (CWE-331: Insufficient Entropy) We replaced standard Java random generator with new, secure one. It doesn't makes sense in most cases, but makes security code scaners happy

API-64635: Add “MaxExportGridCells” support for API calls Will return 500 HTTP Code and error message “This grid cannot be exported because is contains [actual_grid_cells_count ] cells. You allowed to export grids having no more than [MaxExportGridCells parameter value] cells.” if actual grid cells count exceeds MaxExportGridCells parameter value.

API-64636: Trackor search endpoint should use ISO 8601 date format

Rule-64664: Improve error messages for Map Snippet Rule Detailed error messages will be stored in Rule exec log when it was executed as Form Buttons rule or in Error Log, when triggered by other action

GUI-64946: Grid buttons popup options was not hiding after click. Minor cosmetic fix

GUI-64947: Slightly inaccurate calculations for bottom overflow button on form resize Minor cosmetic fix

V&F-64975: User can not change a view at the Linking Trackor Browser page

Sec-65038: “Tip of the Day” dialog should only pop up after user login Now we open “Tip of the Day” form only after user login, even if user have set default page, “Tip of the Day” from will be shown

Conf-65165: Trackor form is not loaded if there are some WorkPlans of the same WP template assigned to the same Trackor

EFile-65168: Can't submit large files. We set 50 MiB limit for EFiles, when user uploads large file and any image processing is enabled for EFile Config Field (rotation, resize, auto-caption, metadata extraction) he will get following error message: “Can't process image files large then [50] MiB. You may disable image processing for E-File Config Field [<config field id>]” If image processing is disabled and file exceed max size, it still will be stored in DB, but thumbnail won't be generated for image files

OneVizion 8.53

The following is a list of changes since 8.52 version:

API-64555 Error when retrieving CF locks

API-64637 v3/trackors/{trackor_id} endpoint raises error on valid request body

Admin-58746 Filter by Trackor Type is now an available option on the following grids: Admin Applet, Admin External Applets, Admin Tabs and Admin External Tabs

Exp-61745 “Export SQL” showing wrong SQL - corrected

Exp-62472 New Program Parameter has been added - “MaxExportGridCells”. If it is set to 0 the Greid Export is not limited. Also, there is a new Security Group EXPORT_NO_LIMIT,. If this is set to R them Program Parameter will be ignored and Grid Report will not be limited

GUI-32757 Add the overfolw button on bottom panel on forms in New GUI. When all buttons do not fit in row, it will be available via “overflow” button

GUI-57690 Close arrow on grid buttons was not working properly

GUI-58757 Save button above the grid was “disabled” if submit data from the grid had failed

GUI-62340 Use new .svg icon for Rule statuses of From Button Rules History grid

GUI-62871 Positive and Negative Color for numeric fields will work on configured form along with the grid

GUI-63477 Replace old checkboxes on Admin PDF Report form

GUI-63933 Incorrect behavior of Number field editor in grid and on form

GUI-64390 Quick Search is not “case sensitive”

Grid-29083 Create Global View for each General Info Tab and update it on updating General Info Tab. Number of created view column is limited by “TrackorBrowserMaxCols” Program parameter. Name of the view will be updated on the updating Master Tab label. User cannot modify or delete this view. task dates will not be added to Master Tab View. Existing views with name “General Info” will be renames to “General Info_old”

Grid-57698 Resizing of any frozen column was causing grid data overlap

Grid-64131 Filter by Trackor key with alias was not working properly

Imp-63367 Date Imports obey Program Parameters. pkg_dl support and pkg_wp now check if the date s in a range (CalendarMinYear…CalendarMaxYear). If the date is not in the range then error message will e shown. This change affects date modifications in Imports and Rules.

Imp-63678 Removing IMP_RUN-SOURCE_FILE_ID Column and adding IMP_RUN_BLOB_DATA_ID for use instead. This column is used to store source PDF files for TrackorForms. Now PDF's will be stored in BLOB_DATA tables and moved to S3 by schedule

Other-63819 Implement clone for notifications

Rep-64512 Reports scheduled for “Working Days” were not running of Fridays

TMail-64498 Email body was not extracting properly for messages with “multipart/related” content type

OneVizion 8.52

The following is a list of changes since 8.51 version:

API-63824 Validate json request body for create and update trackor endpoints and return friendly error message

Admin-63497 Portal View: drop-down on portal page doesn't work properly

Admin-64313 User can not create/update a rollup field with predefined filters

BPL-63825 Map Snippet rule is not imported by the BPL if lat/long fields are not set to Map Snippet Option

Conf-64332 Make Trackor Type case insensitive to alphabetical sorting in Admin CF grid filter drop-down

DB-64387 User Friendly message on duplicate user

DropGrid-60816 Do not add empty row at the DropGrid Wizard page if you do not upload an Excel and close the wizard

EFile-64311 Fix sec group name for Bulk Efile Download page

Err-61884 com.onevizion.web.controller.grid.SimpleDataSourceController.xml:189 ModuleName=TRACKOR_BROWSER

GUI-56949 Replace old icons on Task Types Maintenance form

GUI-63479 Efile Download grid doesn't show file icons

GUI-63483 Replace old icons on FILE_DOWNLOAD page

Grid-64314 Grid is not loaded if type more than 1000 exact values in the Quick Search

Imp-63472 Prevent redundant regexp usage during CSV parsing

Map-64190 Map “Color Legend” grid should show “Filterable” VTable values

Map-64317 Show filter on the “TrackorOnMap” external applet

Rep-60284 DATA export to Excel from application page - field types

Rep-64310 The classic GUI cannot load the webpage to schedule new reports if the report has any params

Rule-64132 Admin Rule ID Numbers grid is not refreshed when you add/remove items

Sec-63821 Remove “ADMIN_FILTER_VIEW_ALL” and “ADMIN_FILTER_VIEW_GLOBAL” sec groups

Trackor-64493 Error after TB form submit if the grid contains Drill-down fields

V&F-64130 Page loading is failed if there are the same multiple values in the Filter Option and Quick Search

OneVizion 8.51

The following is a list of changes since 8.50 version:

Admin-63523 Change style for Clone button on admin portal page

Admin-63534 Remove “Source Report” control on clone form on admin reports page

Conf-61222 Refresh of the Task form is broken

Conf-63496 The Grid Row Editor form is not being loaded if there is a task from child level in the grid but there is no column with static WP field

DB-63325 UTIL.GetPrevValByID may return incorrect value

EFile-57928 Use “download” attribute of the “a” tag to specify file name of the file to download Using HTTP header to set file name is not always secure, now we are using new HTML5 attribute. IE 11 doesn't support new attribute, we still use old approach for it, but blob_data_id will be used as file name (original file extension will be preserved)

GUI-57695 Old form button styles on several forms

GUI-60395 Read only fields, cell boarders are not visible

GUI-63328 Process status icons are missed on Export,Import,Report details from and in old gui grid

Imp-58049 Store import CSV files in AWS S3

Menu-62144 Add an ability to open TB with picked Trackor® Type in new window To open TB with picked Trackor Type use [Ctrl]+Click combination

Menu-63482 Remove FILE_DOWNLOAD_MAPPING page from Menu Items drop-down

Sec-62862 Privs checks missing for downloading export,import,report files

Sec-63471 Remove “ADMIN_PORTAL_ALL” and “ADMIN_PORTAL_GLOBAL” sec groups Sec Group ADMIN_PORTAL: Read - Admin Portal Page is accessible, you can view records. Edit - You can edit records. Add - You can add records. Delete- You can delete records. Sec Group PORTAL_VIEW: Read - Portal View page is accessible, you can view local and global Portals.

WP-59115 Grouped Tasks don't show up on Row Editor form

WP-63478 pkg_wp.copy_config_values shouldn't copy values of orphaned config fields

OneVizion 8.50

The following is a list of changes since 8.49 version:

GUI-57692: Font color on config fields differs

DB-60396: Clear DB table “messages” in pkg_vqutils.cleanup_tmp_tables “messages” table used to store log output from rules and other client's routines. To prevent uncontrolled grow records created more then 90 days ago will be purged

Sec-60727: Fix “CWE-80: Improper Neutralization of Script-Related HTML Tags in a Web Page (Basic XSS)” security flow

Exp-60951: Export NA Tasks with a DATE Added new Export Option - “Show NA'ed Task Dates As”. This drop-down has 3 values - “Blank” - NA'ed dates won't be shown “Task Date” - Actual task date will be shown “Static Date” - Static Date will be shown Note that if grid has no task columns then the drop-down will be hidden. Also it won't be shown if you don't have “R” for “SHOW_ADVANCED_EXPORT_OPTIONS”. This export option added only to TB export form.

GUI-61500: Enchancement Request to Change Login Layout in GUI

Err-61779: com.onevizion.grid.datasource.AbstractDataSourceFacade.execute:171 Error when using Quick Search on “PL/SQL” column in “Admin Rules” grid

Menu-61934: Make “Application Menu” optional for user accounts Previously users without Application Menu assigned were not able to log into the system. After conversion to 8x such users also can't use TrackorMail and API. Now we make Application Menu assignment optional, but when such user logs in, menu will be empty, however, user still can navigate to pages he has permissions on using page's URL, or use “Favorites” menu

GUI-62122: Imports - Expected Columns not showing up in Internet Explorer

TMail-62295: Prefer text/plain email body part when handling Trackor Mail

Admin-62296: Cannot drop trackor type

Imp-62297: Store import CSV in temp file during parsing This should improve import parsing performance

DB-62298: Add check constraints for all flags (0/1) in DB Tables This will throw an exception when someone will try to store garbage data in such columns, for example from poor rule code

GUI-62302: New just added parent should be checked in the parent selector Parents created in the parent selector will be automatically checked

Label-62470: Wrong label on “Third-party Licenses” form

Audit-62471: Admin Processes - Add Actual Start Date “Actual Start” added into “Processes” grid and on Filter form.

Other-62476: Migrate to Java 8 We switched compilation target to Java 8. This will allow us to use new features from Java 7 and 8

Exp-62478: Export history grid is empty on admin pages

V&F-62556: “Save F/V” button should be disabled if “Unsaved” is not current F/V

GUI-62557: Checkboxes on different Tabs issue Checkbox state for the same field on multiple tabs is now syncing in new GUI

API-62695: Create Trackor API call returns incorrect “Trackor Key”, when it is modified by rule

GUI-62732: Relation Selector doesn't work properly in Chrome

DB-62861: pkg_dl_support.get_cf_id fails when used with Jasper dashboards If there is only one non “ProgAdmin” program, function will assume it when looking for Config Field by it's name

API-62868: Can't get Trackor using trackor_id parameter with api v2

API-62961: v3/trackor_types/…/trackors (GET) endpoint doesn't find requested view

BPDocs-63168: BPD Editor shows wrong Item ID

Sec-63174: Wrong client IP logged Usage Log for “Logon” action when running web app with Load Balancer

Sec-63181: Errors from “On Logon rule” do not shown on login form when incorrect password provided

OneVizion 8.49.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.48.1 version:

Rep-50226: Insert vba modules to excel template while uploading it to “Excel with VBA submit” report

Rule-57825: Mass Update rule for Cascade Config Fields Cascade fields now can be updated using Mass Assign rule.

Map-59626: Replace old style Task icon on map info window

GUI-59976: Load SQL from another Report feature isn't working

Rep-60102: Delete saved report param values when parameter changed on report admin page

Grid-60109: Frozen cols and lock icon issue

Grid-60195: “SelectAll” grid issues

V&F-60815: Exception when you choose the 'T:Task' applet in View Options at the Task page The bug is occured because of new static Task Field - WP Template and WP Name. We do not show these fields in View Options because a support of them is not implemented in SQL Builder

DropGrid-60817: Exception when uploading specific Excel file: DropgridFacade.getTrackorTypePref - String index out of range: 3

Err-60864: com.onevizion.web.helper.SimpleGridHelper.getAndCheckPrivs:161 Return user friendly error message when user trying to access enterprise feature but it is not enabled

Rule-61053: Revisiting the Tower Profile Form Button Rule Height fields split to left height fields and right height fields. Tower height can be specified through Tower Height field.

Other-61078: Can't delete favorites in Tomcat 8

Conf-61222: Refresh of the Task form is broken

GUI-61254: Icons are not displaying correctly in IE11 Correct icons are now displaying in IE11 when DEBUG_MODE is enabled

TMail-61258: Trackor Mail return “Can't process your message: null” when using “Sender” mapping and sender field in email is empty

DropGrid-61261: Verification step is not loaded if we update existing Trackor Type

GUI-61262: “Del” or “Backspace” shouldn't clear relation/selector fields

DropGrid-61263: Data of Trackor Selector/Drop-Down field is not imported

Label-61708: Typo on column name in Admin Rule Queue grid

Exp-61790: Export to Excel is broken on Summary page

TMail-61931: “You have no [R] priv on [<import name>] Security Group” when handling TF PDF

Notif-61935: Email notifications are not processed when using office365 SMTP server Java Mail library upgraded to the latest version 1.5.6

Notif-61936: Add instructions how to enable mail-service transport level logging

Admin-62142: Admin tabs to class wrong filter

Menu-62147: Menu Application selector can show entries from wrong Program

Audit-62301: Component audit log show invalid columns on Admin User form Correct columns are: Log ID, Date/Time, User, Action, Affected Table, Field, New Value, Old Value, Config Session

Err-62394: com.onevizion.facade.rules.HttpCallRule.prepareData:271 HTTP Call Rule fails when using XML or JSON “Request Body Format” and bind variable are presented in SQL

Sec-62473: Wrong Client IP address logged in Usage Log when running under Load Balancer

OneVizion 8.48.1

The following is a list of changes since 8.47 version:

GUI-57694: Old save/delete icons for parameters on report form

Grid-58825: Split grid header is out of sync with the body when zoom is greater than 100%

V&F-59461: Improvements for date/text filter. Length of filter value field is limited to 5 digits for the following operators: '>=Today', '⇐Today', 'Within', 'This Wk', 'This Mo, 'This FQ' and 'This FY'.

BPL-59738: The “All” checkbox of BPL Component does not work properly if sub-grid is loaded but collapsed

GUI-59979: Bold text highlighting is not working on Components Export/Import pages. Component groups with checked items will have bold font on BPL Export/Import pages.

Sec-60397: “Authentication Failed: User credentials have expired” when using “Login as” feature and target user must changes password “Must Change Password” flag now will be ignored when using “Login As” feature

Sec-60623: Add “Assigned Users” tab to Sec Role form. “Assigned Users” Tab has been added to Sec Role Admin form.

Imp-60740: Remove “ZONE_ID” from Imp Req Field form

Sec-60750: Trim UN when adding/editing User Accounts. Leading and trailing white spaces will be removed from user name and email field values

BPL-60812: BPL export of DB packages and Materialized Views is broken

Grid-60814: Columns with new name or Trackor Type are not editable at the BPL Import page

DropGrid-60819: List of related Trackor Types of Trackor Selector/Drop-Down and Relation fields should be independent

Notif-60830: Show all local notifications on the Administer Notifications page. Now all notifications will be shown if user not set in filter

Grid-60831: Wrong font size in edit field in grid cell

Notif-60953: Hide local notifications of other users on UserSettings form

Notif-60954: Restore ADD, EDIT, DELETE privs for ADMIN_NOTIFICATIONS_GLOBAL sec group

V&F-61089: Some filters do not display saved value. If you save a filter of 'date' field with '(+)=' or '(+)<>' operators and reload the Filter Options form, you will not see saved value

BPL-61104: Updating a check if Trackor Tour exists when you import it via BPL. We check the following parameters: page name, Trackor Type, Config Applet, Config Tab and label (for current language)

Rep-61256: “Email To” selector on Report Exec form shows empty grid

TMail-61257: Trackor Mail service returns “You have no [RE] priv on [TRACKOR_MAIL] Security Group”

Dash-61260: Error when deleting a dashlet

Dash-61506: Dashboard page is broken on internal js errors

Dash-61507: Dashlets series “None” Calc method is not working

OneVizion 8.47.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.46 version:

GUI-58845: Never ending loop with the pop up error Alert about incorrect date/time in grid will no longer get in loop.

Conf-59106: New V-Table Parameter to make “Non-Display” Table Values Both Visible and Selectable in Filters.

Grid-59196: Grid edit buttons incorrect position in old GUI

V&F-59682: Do not display grouped task columns in the View Options if there are no WorkPlans assigned to Trackor Type

GUI-59720: The Applet icons in the ribbon should be ordered the same way they are in the Publish Applets list

Multi-Tenant-59725: Move welcome mgs (lbl:1088) to program param New program param “WelcomePageLabel” has been added. Separate text for “Welcome” page can be defined for separate MT programs.

Rule-60263: “maximum open cursors” when executing HTTP Call rules

Rule-60264: Use API credentials from system parameters in Forward Google Geocoding rule

V&F-60267: Cannot delete global Filter/View

BPL-60343: Creating latitude/longitude fields of Rule Map Snippet if they do not exist when porting a rule with BPL If do not create fields then BPL import of rule can fail in case if latitude/longitude fields of Rule Map Snippet do not exist in system

BPL-60401: Fixing bugs related with BPL importing of Workplans at the Admin Program page If you choose, for example, all entities when you create a new program and there are multiple workplans, you get different exception of unique constraint if some entites already exist

BPL-60403: Checking if Trackor Tour exists by page name, Trackor Type, program, Config Applet and Config Tab In previous version we compared label text and if you import a tour with BPL and another tour with the same label text already exists in system, you will get an exception. Now we compare another paramters to prevent it

Other-60409: Creating program and BPL importing are executed in different transactions Program creation didn't fully rolled back after exception

V&F-60417: Supporting '[text]*[text]' search patterns in filters and the Quick Search In previous version if you type 'abc*def' value in the Quick Search or Filter Options, actually we search values by '*abc*def*' search pattern and, as result, excess values get to output selection

V&F-60426: Values of multiple selector field are not displayed in the value field in the Filter Option

BPDocs-60439: Objects (tables, pl/sql packages) are listed in random order in DB Docs

API-60442: API endpoint to interrupt export should use POST http method api/v3/exports/runs/{process_id}/interrupt endpoint should use POST http method instead GET

API-60443: Export and Import interrupt API endpoints should return json models Now it returns JSON containing process_id and status fields

RDE-60444: WP Fields on RDE right side form are always empty

Rule-60481: Can't update Geooding,Forward Geocoding,Geooding ArcGIS,Forward Geocoding ArcGIS rules

Other-60483: Trackor tour step element id/name is not populating for checkboxes Correct id/name will be populated after Ctrl+Click on checkboxes when Trackor Tours is recording

API-60486: Rename “process_status” property to “status” in export API endpoints

BPL-60490: Do not display Preview column in BPL export grid when creating new program

Sec-60520: User cannot change his pwd

Sec-60554: “Obj to Role” assignment grid doesn't really assign objects to the Users

Sec-60716: Users with new “READ ONLY” Security Role cannot log in to mTRAC 3.0

OneVizion 8.46.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.45 version:

Other-30372: Implement page for administer MT programs Every MT DB has “progadmin” superuser account in the “Program Admin”. It is special Program for administer all other MT instances. Note that “progadmin” is disabled by default and there is no way to turn it on in the GUI.

API-54544: Add API endpoint to assign new Workplan to Trackor

Rule-54924: ORA-06503 from pkg_ruleator.execute_rule Error raised when rule doesn't exists or disabled. Now we silently ignore disabled rules and show user friendly error when rule doesn't exists

Sec-57618: Fix SQL Injection in pkg_audit_comp Fixed potential SQL Injection flow. Also added new procedure pkg_audit_comp.enable_audit_all

Grid-58620: The grid data may be corrupted when switching F/V during grid loading

WF-58836: WF right side form shifts after changing the View

Admin-59117: Add an ability to show only changed privs “Admin User” form, “Security Groups” tab - The Filter form now has a checkbox to show only overwritten security groups.

API-59147: Usage Log is populated with wrong values when executing grid export with API

Admin-59266: Ensure columns are stored in alphabetic order in components audit log This is implemented to simplify automated GUI tests

Admin-59701: GI Tab/App renaming issue Name of GI Tab and Master App cannot be changed.

Grid-59810: Hyperlinks for WP Names do not show up

BPL-59931: Trackor Type/Applet/Tab icons are not displayed in GUI if they are created by the BPL

Err-59959: com.onevizion.dao.log.filteropt.UlogFilterOptValueDaoOra.findMapByAttribIds:77 Saving new View in old GUI raises unexpected exception

Sec-59998: Users can't edit parental fields on child tabs Mobilitie is reporting that users cannot edit parental fields that are on a child trackor tab even though they have permission to do so - they shown greyed on the tab. These fields also appear on the Parent level tab and can be edited there. Users with admin rights can edit the fields on both the parent and child applet level, but, non-admin users cannot. Mobilitie has experimented with several security role options but have not been able to get this to work. Fixed now

GUI-60031: Issues with check boxes in IE11

Err-60104: com.onevizion.dao.pkg.PkgXitorDaoOra.newXitor:64 Error when cloning Trackor with locked fields fires rule which locking same fields

Imp-60105: Fix Date-Time Import Data Type Configured Field Date-Time Import Data Type failed with invalid number error.

DropGrid-60147: DropGrid GUI bugs fixing

EFile-60222: Allow to upload SVG logo files on “Admin Clients Files” page

Dash-60340: Dashlets axes creation error Fix for layout update after dashlet axes creation

OneVizion 8.45.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.44 version:

Admin-58437: Add “Do not Clone Locks” flag to Config Field Admin form New Config Field attribute lets to manage locks when you are cloning a Trackor. If the flag is checked we do not clone the lock otherwise the lock will be cloned with values in new Trackor

API-58440: Add support in trackors API for filtering by parent TRACKOR_ID

Grid-58620: The grid data may be corrupted when switching F/V during grid loading

V&F-58758: Search in popup Filter should use same rules as QS. Now text fields in the Filter Option and the Quick Search are using same rules where double quotes (“) is quote character and if you need exact match search - wrap value in double quotes. Possible combinations are:

  abc or *abc* - partial search
  abc* - search from the beginning of the string
  *abc - search from the end of the string
  "abc" - exact search,
  null - all empty values. The value is case insensitive
  not null - all not empty values. The value is case insensitive

Also you can set a list of values like:

 abc, *abc*, abc*, *abc, "abc"

- where are presented all available search patterns. Value ”“ (two double quotes) is skipped and does not used in searching

API-58759: Support retrieveing locks for fields from parental Trackor Types

EFile-59118: “ED:File Name” column doesn't remember its size

API-59119: Support zip format for running grid export via API

GUI-59195: Add hints to the menu items and tab names when they don't fit into the panel. Added hints for the too long names do not fit in the line for the main menu, and tabs on popup-forms

GUI-59199: Form content buttons has incorrect style. Buttons on form in new GUI are now decorated as buttons again

DB-59267: Report executer fails with “ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 128” when thousands of columns used in select statement Oracle JDBC drivers upgraded to the latest version

GUI-59455: New logo on “About” form

Grid-59456: The Selector Client Files is reloaded with error when an user adds new file in it

Rep-59457: Some properties of Excel report are not copied when an user clones the report. “Number of rows”, “Number of columns” and “Shift Rows” were not copied

GUI-59479: “Favorites” sub-menu is not available in old GUI

V&F-59482: Selector of E-File Trackor Type static field opens with error on “E-File Browser” grid filter

WP-59564: BUG - impossible to erase “WP Prefix Label” on WP Admin form

EFile-59575: BUG - “ED: File Size” col is empty in Efile Browser grid

Other-59584: BUG - Cannot delete trackor tour

Other-59591: Quick Seach paste for Excel data is broken in Firefox

Grid-59594: Paste a list of values from Excel through clipboard as list of values wrapped in double quotes for exact searching

BPL-59621: BPL Exp/Imp is broken after migrating to jdbc 8

Map-59623: Radius Search error

DropGrid-59811: Selector field is not created with help of the DropGrid Wizard

DropGrid-59814: DropGrid Wizard does not import data from Excel with error in log “Not a DateTime value in Cell…”

DropGrid-59815: Date values are not impoerted properly

DropGrid-59816: Data is not imported if there is new line character at first row in Excel (it is field label)

DropGrid-59872: Types error indicator is not displayed correctly

OneVizion 8.44.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.43.0 version:

WP-48329: Show parent/child tasks in TB grid. We now allow to add WP Tasks from parent/child WPs into TB grid.

GUI-56955: New Process Status icons

WP-58163: Show short wpt name for the TB task cols

Admin-58436: Add button to User Admin form to open form with User details

Admin-58516: Move “recent changes” color to program parameters. Use “RecentChangesCellBgColor” program param to change bg color of the cells having recent changes.

Exp-58703: Don't interrupt export and reports if it is already finished When user trying to interrupt already finished process (it's status may not be updated yet in grid), we will keep process original status instead of setting “Interrupted” status

API-58732: Return “X-Total-Count” header for GET requests to the v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/trackors endpoint

API-58760: Add API endpoint to run grid export by set of fields and filter conditions

Grid-58826: “Copy to All” doesn't always work properly for drop-down/selector grid fields “Copy to All” feature has been fixed for drop-downs, selectors, trackor selectors and multiselectords.

Grid-58828: WF and ADMIN_WF grids fail with error when no WF fields selected in View Opts

GUI-58829: Config drop-downs look like they are disabled

DropGrid-58858: User can not move to the second step when he uploads an Excel in the DropGrid Wizard. The bug is related with that we use forwarding and redirecting a request in the server side and Spring redirects alyways it with HTTP protocol even if an instance uses HTTPS. The browser blocks such requests and an user can not move by steps in the DropGrid Wizard

Map-58878: “Center On” cross icon doesn't show up

Map-58879: Map Info window doesn't show fields from child trackor The issue is that we cannot show child trackor fields in map info window, because there can be more than one child, so we hid child app/tab in VO selectors.

Grid-58932: Bold and small font in the disabled fields. Font differs in grid columns for disabled fields

Grid-58949: “Copy to All” doesn't work properly for dependent drop-downs in grid

WP-58954: “Baseline” dates must be readonly in grid

Grid-59021: Grid lock icons are not working for frozen cols. Lock icons on frozen columns have been fixed. Clicking on lock icon in single click edit mode will no longer trigger cell edit.

DropGrid-59189: Wrong URL of the Mapper page in the Verification step of the wizard. After click by the “Mapper” hyperlink only the left part of the Mapper page is opened. The rigth part with the Google Map is not displayed

DropGrid-59239: Links are not opening correctly

OneVizion 8.43.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.42 version:

QuickSearch-48231: Implement method to search exact string in Quick Search We implemented symbol for exact search in QS abc or *abc* - partial search abc* - search from the beginning of the string *abc - search from the end of the string “abc” - exact search

API-57551: Implement TB grid export API

Grid-58052: Grid lock icons refactoring in new GUI Performance improvement and bug fixes for lockable fields on grid pages. Grid lock icon now implemented as a background image and shouldn't slow down grids with lot of lockable fields.

GUI-58057: Issue with calendar icons in IE11

GUI-58164: Fix style of WF icon on popup forms

API-58475: Send CORS headers when user sent incorrect basic auth credentials

Admin-58544: Wrong labels of “Save View As Global” at the Admin View page

V&F-58545: Prefix of WP Config Fields are duplicated in left panel of the DualListbox of the View Options

DropGrid-58546: Wrong fields order in the DropGrid Wizard if number of columns more than 15

DropGrid-58547: The last Trackor Type settings are not loaded when back from the Tab/View step to the Trackor Settings

V&F-58550: Do not display static Workplan Name field in the View Options of the Task page

Map-58617: “Map Legend” disappears

Exp-58623: Interrupt grid exports and reports with PENDING and IN QUEUE statuses

V&F-58624: Do not display static Workplan tab of parental Trackor Types in the View Options of the Task View/Task Overview/Summary pages

Map-58634:Mapping search ring filter feature doesn't always work correctly. Mapping search ring filter feature is fixed.

GUI-58718: Scrollbars overlap in F/V drop-downs

DB-58739: Improvements for cleanup_tmp_tables procedure If clients are executing mass imports, deletion form imp_run_grid_incr may overflow undo table space

DropGrid-58749: The DropGrid Wizard does not create a V-Table and doesn't fill it for Drop-Down, Selector and MultiSelector CFs

DropGrid-58752: Admin Trackor Type form is not loaded if it is created by the DropGrid Wizard The form is not loaded because a Trackor Type has wrong autokey formula - actual value is '/|/|<NUMBER>/' instead of '/|/|/|<NUMBER>/' (additional combination of '/|')

Imp-58756: Error during creating import with DropGrid Fixed sql queries for DropGrid import

Map-58777: “Center On” doesn't work for Deg/Min/Sec lat/long format

GUI-58824: “Pencil” icons are not clickable in MS Edge

OneVizion 8.42.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.41.0 version:

Sec-36926: XSS in TB grid Add additional checks when writing data to the grid cell

Doc-57107: Update DB Docs ER Diagrams DB Docs ERD diagrams updated for version 8

Exp-57598: Interrupt grid exports and reports Now reports and exports can be interrupted from the Admin Processes or related history page. We are stopping both Java thread and related DB sessions to free all resources

Map-57860: “Center On” form on the Mapper page doesn't work

API-57927: Can't use regexp in pathvariable param from swagger API docs

API-58054: Use ids instead labels for ImpActions and ProcessStatuses in import API endpoints

Grid-58120: “Within” filter works incorrectly

API-58339: Can't retrieve EFiles from Swager API docs EFiles requested with GET /v3/trackor/{trackor_id}/file/ endpoint from API documentation page was returning corrupted files. Now fixed

Admin-58370: DropGrid Wizard GUI bugs and optimization Improve performance of DropGrid Wizard

Conf-58439: pkg_config_field_rpt.getLimitedValMemo* returns null when program_id is not set Now function will return value truncated by default to 4000, when program_id is not set to the session, because it relies on program level parameter “TextCellsDisplayLimit”

DropGrid-58548: Unique ID of configuration items at the Verification are added to JS object

DropGrid-58549: Adding Excel file name and selected spreadsheet name to the JS step object of the Verification step

Grid-58621: The QS doesn't always work as expected when data is removed from the field

OneVizion 8.41.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.40.0 version:

Admin-31441: DropGrid Wizard

API-57064: API to support import submit “imports” API endpoint added. It supports retrieval of import details, history, start and interruption of the imports

GUI-57697: Incorrect grid buttons hover style on forms

GUI-57757: Click on lock icons in grid is not working correctly

API-57920: Filter and view names are trimmed on spaces Filter and view names are trimed on spaces when accessing api/v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/filters/{filter_name} and api/v3/trackor_types/{trackor_type}/views/{view_name} endpoints. Now fixed

API-57921: Incorrect filter value in conditions for field related filter operators Filter conditions shows field label instead field name

Map-57926: Hide “Show Coordinates on a Map” grid context menu in old GUI “Show Coordinates on a Map” feature is not supported in old GUI

Grid-57951: Summary Color legend form shows wrong color for Late Projected date Summary Color legend form is fixed, now it shows correct color for Late Projected date according to the program parameter.

Exp-57990: Incorrect oracle session name for exports For grid data export incorrect session program name were used: “export-exec_db_”. Now it is fixed and process_id added to the value: “export-exec_db_<process_id>”

Admin-57993: Error on Admin Account page with a large number of changes The bug is fixed (ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000).

API-58053: Api docs url /api redirects to http location when use https

Imp-58055: External imports fails with “Error executing external import:” error Bug was introduced with Imp-57630 deployed with 8.40.0

OneVizion 8.40.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.39.1 version:

Grid-56968: Lock icons are not centered vertically in IE11

Other-57020: Upgrade Aspose Cells to the latest version

Grid-57427: Cannot delete grid row from multiple lines field grid

Imp-57557: Run import jobs with dedicated job class All import and import recovery jobs will be created with IMP_JOB_CLASS class. Oracle's resource manager should be used to allocate resources for this class.

Trackor-57607: Cannot edit values in a “cloned” Trackor

Imp-57630: Refactor imports to support latest improvements from Mobilitie Following procedures moved to pkg_imp_util set_entity_pk_count, set_fill_entity_pks_finish_ts, get_col_num and should be used in external procedures

GUI-57631: Internal pages are not loading from external links in Firefox

Sec-57693: HTTP 404 when browser redirects to favicon.ico after login

Rep-57756: Can't create Worksheet image for “Excel sheet screenshot” report format

OneVizion 8.39.1

The following is a list of changes since 8.39.0 version:

GUI-56748: Checkboxes with non-unique ids are unclickable in new GUI

GUI-57035: New GUI menu constructor optimizations This should improve left menu performance

GUI-57069: Checkboxes cannot be saved on Audit Log Filter form

GUI-57108: Fix font for menu search box

Grid-57111: “Import” assignment grid is not sorted “Import” assignment grid is now sorted by name

Trackor-57117: “Start At” doesn't work for Autokey Feature “Start At” Autokey Feature is fixed.

API-57170: Error while getting filter which contains TRACKOR_KEY field Request to api/v3/trackor_types/trackor_type/filters/{filter_name} endpoint causes error if filter contains TRACKOR_KEY field

Rep-57367: services do not start when report scheduler name set in command line

Rep-57418: Support Task by Order Num, by WBS and by Name in TB Grid Report For by Name and by WBS columns 2nd row header will contain same value as 1st row. For by Order Num columns we show standard task date code (i.e AF100)

Sec-57421: Missed security check when saving local view to the global

GUI-57426: Cannot choose value from Selector popup

Exp-57549: Wrong task dates coloring in excel export file Excel dates had wrong color highlighting for “Due This Week” tasks, this bug is fixed.

OneVizion 8.38.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.37.0 version:

GUI-55974: Replace old History icons Old gif “history” icon has been replaced with new SVG icon.

Audit-56702: Create “Task Labels” admin page “Task Labels” has been added. Also “Component Audit Log” added to “Task Labels” edit form.

V&F-56706: Pages or Filter Opt forms are not loaded at the user's pages if it contains invalid filter value We ignore filters in Filter Option form if it is invalid. The check of Date/Time and Time filter value is added.

API-56877: Sort endpoints by HTTP method in API Docs

API-56890: Restore input data after authorization in API Docs

GUI-56947: Use same font settings for “search” label in menu panel and QS field

WP-56948: Can't delete WP Template Date Pair

V&F-56954: Filter Form on “Report History” is broken Filter form is fixed

Other-56964: Portal page is opened with error if there are no configured portals

GUI-56965: Left Menu freeze after tab/window switching in IE11

V&F-56985: Filter issue on Usage Log Filter value with 'within' operator is saved incorrectly when an user saves 'unsaved' filter to local or global filter

V&F-56988: Cannot use “Within” and “Today” operators in TB filter

GUI-57011: Old GUI error on Security Groups, Lock Privs tabs of User Edit Form

GUI-57016: Old GUI headers layout is broken for Priv checkboxes Select all checkbox for privileges have been fixed in old GUI

Other-57024: Portal page is not loaded if a single portal is removed in process of loading the page

Admin-57025: Oracle Jobs doesn't stop at the Manage Job page

OneVizion 8.37.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.36.0 version:

Err-54888: QS Error: com.onevizion.grid.datasource.AbstractDataSourceFacade.execute:163 Error when using quick search on certain columns on some admin grids

API-55607: Implement API v3 Trackor Type specifications endpoints

Trackor-55676: Improvement for Trackor Auto Key Generation Setup We now allow to use static text for “String Prefix #3” for Auto Key Trackor formula.

Sec-55832: Add “Role Assignment” Tab to Discp Add/Edit form “Role Assignment” Tab has been added to Discp Add/Edit form.

Sec-55833: Add “Role Privs” Tab to Add/Edit “WP Date Pair” form “Role Privs” Tab has been added to Add/Edit “WP Date Pair” form.

Imp-55869: Import clone doesn't copy imp data type parameters

Dash-55893: Redesign of the edit mode for the dashboards page

GUI-55974: Replace old History icons

API-56017: Add support of several Swagger annotations to more describe auto generated docs

Grid-56025: The Admin Trackor Class page is not loaded if Trackor Type filter is blank

V&F-56077: “Unsaved F/V” is not in the drop-down for new users

Conf-56128: Config Grid Tab form is not refreshed (a user gets an exception) The tab is not refreshed in case when it is config (non grid container) tab on RDE form with multiple fields

GUI-56129: Replace old icons on Admin F/V pages

GUI-56146: Fix checkboxes layout on Task Filter forms

Audit-56170: Add “Comp Audit Log” to WP Date Pairs admin form “Comp Audit Log” has been added to WP Date Pairs admin form.

DB-56527: Fix DB packages and triggers when pkg_program.delete_program_full is executed

DB-56644: Error while executing goal “generateSite” of maven-plugin-dbschema

Label-56649: QS on Label Admin pages doesn't work

API-56650: Create unit test to check that all API controllers methods marked with correct annotation

DB-56660: Fix procedure pkg_relation.recreate_ancestor_type pkg_relation.recreate_ancestor_type has been fixed.

GUI-56693: Checkboxes are not clickable on some forms

Audit-56700: Add Component Log to System Label Component Log has been added to System Label admin form. Also labels form has been re-designed for better usability.

Audit-56701: Add Component Log to Program Label Component Log has been added to Program Label admin form. Also labels form has been re-designed for better usability.

Audit-56703: Process Page Error: ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row Admin Process page has been fixed.

OneVizion 8.36.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.35.0 version:

Audit-54942: Fix Components Audit Log for ROLE_OBJ and USER_OBJ assignments

Menu-55070: Menu style adjustment

V&F-55305: “Save As” for shared F/V

Dash-55563: Disable drag&drop on the dashlet header

API-55567: Implement v3/trackor_types endoints

GUI-55610: Scrollbars on Import Mapping subgrid bug

Grid-55611: Can't delete row from multiple lines field grid if it has locked fields

API-55612: Add buttons in apidocs to select API version to show

Imp-55657: Keep data in IMP_RUN_ENTITY_PK if “Keep parsed data for XX days” is set for import Data from IMP_RUN_ENTITY_PK table may be useful for debug and troubleshooting

Err-55665: com.onevizion.dao.pkg.PkgImpUtilsInvokerDaoOra.interruptImport:27 Import interruption fails with error

Rep-55725: BUG -Report Delivery field is blank

DropGrid-55733: User gets the security exception in case of creating new Trackor Type If current user is not a superuser, he gets the exception “You have no privilege to modify security group…”. The issue is fixed.

Grid-55753: Unchecked checkboxes in TB should be logged in history as “NO”

Grid-55791: Missed “Add” and “Delete” buttons on Grid Container Tab The bug is fixed. Also Config tabs marked as “Grid Container” now have separate token type - “Grid Container Tab”.

GUI-55831: Reorder buttons on WP Template admin page Buttons on WP Template admin page have been reordered for better usability.

API-55898: Value of Usage Log's “Document Size” column is not populated for POST and PUT trackor requests

GUI-55899: Two forms on WP Templates page is not displaying Filter drop-down Filter is fixed on “Template Tasks” and “Task Types Maintenance” forms for WorkPlan Templates administer page

Notif-55902: BUG - Cannot Activate user's notification

WP-55966: BUG - Can't edit wp template task type Task Type form is fixed.

BPDocs-55967: BPD Edit cannot be opened from popup forms If web site is using https then redirect to BPD Editor doesn't work properly. Fixed

Grid-56022: Add/Delete buttons are not displayed for the RDE Grid Container tab If there are multiple fields assigned to config tab (non grid container) and that tab assigned to the RDE form, then Add/Delete buttons are not displayed even if there is RE privilege for the tab. Fixed

Sec-56038: Fix highlighting of overwritten privs on User Sec Groups tab The highlighting of overwritten privs on User Sec Groups tab is now more accurate.

Menu-56099: Error Switching between Programs

V&F-56104: Bug - Highlight Modified Fields - Advanced Mode

Grid-56123: Quick Search missing support for “null” and “not null” values

OneVizion 8.35.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.34.0 version:

Audit-52376: “Highlight Modified Fields” works incorrectly Now we are using current_date function which is taking into account “PrimaryTimezone” system parameter

Dash-54580: Layout of the dashlet header in a new style

API-55137: Value of Usage Log's “Document Size” column is incorrect for API calls

API-55301: Implement stub endpoints for API v3

API-55393: Support API v3 endpoints for docs

Sec-55527: BUG - Tabs having ampersand symbol in name do not show Role Assignments grid

Grid-55566: Blank line appears in admin grids when adding new entity and QS filter is set

Other-55568: Trackor Mail Setup form is not saving changes

Rule-55613: ID Numbers of Rule are not cloned properly In some cases, the ID Numbers are not cloned at all or not cloned property and when an user submits the Admin Form, he gets an exception

Conf-55614: Fix the “Quick search” in Trackor Selector field The feature was broken in previous version where a value is searched by exact pattern. Now it is fixed and a search goes with adding asterisks at the begin and end of value

Sec-55658: You have no [R] priv on [<import name>] Security Group when starting import with SubmitUrlImport

DB-55671: Remove wrong user/role-obj assignments that belong to wrong programs Deleted wrong user/role-obj assignments. Added unique indexes.

Rep-55693: Report Wizard missed button at the bottom

API-55721: Excel submit is broken

Rep-55726: Cannot switch between report Saved Parameters The bug is fixed, now you can switch between report Saved Parameters.

WP-55727: “Active” flag on WP Add/Edit form is always empty “Active” flag on WP Add/Edit form now shows correct state

Rule-55804: Asynchronous execution of geocoding rule fails with “GoogleMapClientID system parameter is not set” error

OneVizion 8.34.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.33 version:

GUI-48879: Selector window is not saving its size

API-54109: Return “Access-Control-Allow-Origin” header for API calls New program parameter “AllowedOrigins” controls CORS configuration of the server. Default value is empty- restrict any cross-origin requests, this means you can't call API via web browser page when page is loaded from different domain then web server's one. You may specify list of allowed domains separated by comma. Each entity should start with protocol (https:or http:). To allow access from any domain user “*”

Menu-54187: “DB Docs” and “API Docs” static menu items to the “Help” menu DB and API documentation pages are now available in “Help” user menu item

Other-54495: Enhancement to “Apply” Button on Applet When you have unsaved grid changes and you click “Apply”, the warning message will be shown, it will let you to stay on the form and save grid changes first.

Other-54928: Add ability to “turn off” Height Elements in Pole Schematic “Display Field” parameter added to the “Tower Diagram” rule class. This parameter allow to select checkbox CF which will be used to decide if height element should be shown on diagram

API-55013: Support multiple versions of API documentation Now each API version will have own independent documentation

API-55068: Swagger authorize changes main session Now Swagger UI Basic authorization doesn't affect main user session

Exp-55069: Grid Export file has incomplete name after downloading The bug is fixed - FireFox browser doesn't let to download files having blank spaces.

Sec-55138: “HTTP Status 403” error when already logged in user opens Login form Now user will be redirect to Default.dofrom if he is already authorized

Sec-55156: Add “None” columns to Role/User Sec Groups grids “None” column has been added Role/User Sec Groups grids. Note that NONE privilege is subtractive. If you have two roles assigned, one have READ for some sec group and another one has NONE for the same group, the resulting priv will be NONE.

API-55253: Remove documentation on no longer supported enpoints We dropped support for some endpoints, now related documentation items are also removed

API-55265: Implement endpoint to check user credentials ”/api/v2/authorize“ endpoint may be used to check account status (locked, disabled, etc) and check if credentials are valid

API-55296: Multiple [<xxx>] Trackors returned by filter

Rule-55334: User-friendly exception message if “GoogleMapClientID” and “GoogleMapClientSecret” are not set If the “GoogleMapClientID” and “GoogleMapClientSecret” are not set, the Geocoding rule fails with message where pointed that the parameters are blank instead of “NullPointerException” message

Imp-55390: Parsed CSV data is wiped out even if “Keep parsed data” option is set

Sec-55527: BUG - Tabs having ”&“ in name do not show Role Assignments grid

OneVizion 8.33.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.32.1 version:

Exp-52299: BUG - Tracker Browser csv export When exporting task dates from TB Gird, 2nd row will contain header in importable format (i.e. AS100, BF200, etc)

Sec-52496: Convert Privs to Assignments for some objects The following objects converted from Security Groups to “Obj to Role/User” assignments:

Rules Imports Reports Report Delivery Notif Types

You may find these objects on separate tabs on the Role/User admin forms.

Rule-54550: Move Google API credentials to system parameters Onevizion credentials were hard coded for Google geo coding rules. Now credentials are stored in hidden system params GoogleMapClientID, GoogleMapClientSecret

API-54551: ISO 8061 format for Date\Time fields

GUI-54556: Old style checkboxes in several grids

API-54557: API v3 design

Grid-54558: The “Users” grid doesn't reload updated row if you have updated “Disabled” flag

GUI-54560: Filter and View buttons duplicates after multiple switches between loading grid and another tab

DropGrid-54570: Assign all objects created by the DropGrid to current user account by default Assign objects like import, reports, trackor type, etc. to an user even if there are no privileges on corresponding security group

Grid-54573: Remove “None” column from User's Sec Groups grid “NONE” column has been removed from User Sec/Lock Privs grids.

Trackor-54581: Support field locks for trackor templates Now user may lock fields on Trackor template and locks will be propagated to the new Trackor created from template

BPL-54582: “TB Grid Data” checkbox of report pattern block is not moved by the BPL

Trackor-54583: Sort trackor template values in drop-down on Trackor form

Trackor-54584: Wrong order of multiple fields on Trackor form The order of multiple fields on the Trackor form does not correspond to an order of the same fields on the Admin Tab page

Trackor-54585: Lock/Unlock feature does not work for multiple field on the Trackor form

BPL-54941: Fix Sec Role BPL Exp/Imp

Rep-54957: TB Grid report doesn't show Task dates

Audit-55011: Component Audit log grid “Field” field wrong text alignment

Trackor-55012: “Is Template” checkbox on the Trackor form is always checked and disabled if there is A privilege on TRACKOR_TEMPLATE The checkbox is anvailable even there are privileges on the primary trackor type

Grid-55014: Component Audit log shows log details error Audit Log Details form didn't work. Now its fixed.

Grid-55015: Config Tab link is broken on Define Applets subgrid

Trackor-55139: Refresh the Recycle Process tab at the does not work The bug is occured when there is non master config applet which include parental config tab where there is grandparental Trackor ID field

GUI-55141: Menu items with pre-defined portal names aren't opening

API-55155: Support paging and sorting for trackor API endpoint Following optional parameters added to trackor endpoint: page, perg_page, sorting. See API documentation for details

OneVizion 8.32.1

The following is a list of changes since 8.32.0 version:

API-54937: Support HTTP Basic Auth for /configimport/

OneVizion 8.32.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.31.0 version:

Grid-50448: Wrong active cell border size when adding/deleting a row

Err-50584: /new/js/newGuiScrollbar.js:646 Scrollbar in SQL editor is fixed for IE11

Grid-50678: Get rid of sub-grids in Comp Audit Log grid

Other-53446: Share Portal View feature is broken

GUI-53656: Use check boxes for user assignment girds Object assignment grids on Add/Edit User form now use check boxes instead of drop-downs. The following grid were changed: Discp, Menu Applications, Global Views, Global Filters, Global Portals, Notifications, Trackor Tours

Imp-53682: Check data in csv before importing data

Sec-53687: TRACKOR_TEMPLATE privileges should overwrite Applet/Tab privileges If an user can create/modify trackor template, he can do it independent of what privileges he has on applet and tab

Admin-54173: Add ability to show “Comp Pack” in grid and in filter on Admin Rule Page

API-54186: /api url should redirect to most recent api docs version (/api/v2 for now)

DropGrid-54194: Link Lat -Long Fields as part of DropGrid import process If set of fields contains one pair of latitude and longitude fields, the DropGrid configures the Mapper page (and the Public Map page) and connects that fields in the Lat/Long pair. If there are more than one latitude or longitude fields, the Lat/Long pair will not be created. Lat/Long pair is creating without user actions, so there are no visible changes on the DropGrid form

GUI-54205: Fix layout for Security Groups General Info tab in IE11

Grid-54464: Don't show check boxes in grid cells when we have only one empty row

Sec-54481: Improvement for User's Sec Group grid When you un-check all privs received through the roles then NONE will be automatically set during submit.

Map-54494: Remember the last state of 3D/2D switch on map selector The state of 3D/2D switch on map selector will be remembered per user's last choice.

Sec-54547: Improvement for User's Lock Privs grid When you un-check all lock privs received through the roles then NONE will be automatically set during submit.

Rule-54559: Tower Diagram exception if no description field configuration Fixed Tower Diagram unexpected exception when no description config field is configurated. Also, rule class draws “no data” message if no child trackors found.

Err-54818: /js/js.js:1926 Fix for the Workflow popup form on Trackor Browser page

TMail-54829: trackor-mail can't connect to the _user schema and silently mark messages as “read”

GUI-54840: Menu in classic GUI is broken

Rule-54938: Do not throw exception when there is no data returned from Google with reverse geo-coding rule When there isn't geo-coding data for supplied coordinates, address fields will be cleaned. Also, we are not trying to geo-code coordinates 0,0 (lat,long) since this value often misused as empty and this point doesn't has address anyway (lays in Atlantic ocean)or Mail do not process messages

OneVizion 8.31.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.30.0 version:

Sec-48295: Improper Neutralization of CRLF Sequences in HTTP Headers ('HTTP Response Splitting') (CWE ID 113)git pull

TMail-48673: Refactor TM to use ConfigValueFacade

EFile-50706: Support own Autocaption Template for each EFile CF Now EFile autocaption may be configured on “Image Settings” tab of “Admin Config Field” form. Instead of checkbox to turn it on/off user may select template for each EFile individually

GUI-51316: Move EFile related check boxes to the “Image Settings” on “Admin Config Field” form “Log E-File Changes” and “Autocaption Images” checkboxes moved to the “Image Settings” tab. “Log “E-File Changes” is still checked by default

API-53749: Implement Tasks API endpoints

API-54036: API docs page shouldn't use session auth to execute API calls

API-54107: Fix servlet mapping for API URLs

API-54108: Disable session based auth for API URLs

BPL-54112: Update BPL to reflect changes in CONFIG_FIELD table

BPL-54134: Updating BPL Rule export to support HTTP Call rule type

Menu-54158: New GUI menu optimizations Left Menu in new GUI works faster including menu items filtering and folders animation

Rule-54175: Tower Diagram show equipment item if left height exists and no right height has been used

Conf-54177: Fields are not updated after the Config Form submitting The issue occurs when a Config Field Update rule is set to a field previous value and the controls on the form do not change their state

Conf-54178: Calculated and Rollup fields are editable on the Config Form The calculated and rollup fields must be read only always.

DB-54181: Bug in UTIL.NewTrackor Investigated and fixed issue with UTIL.NewTrackor()

Imp-54191: BUG - Can't delete from import history grid IMPORT_HISTORY, REPORT_HISTORY and EXPORT_HISTORY system security groups are being used for History Grids.

OneVizion 8.30.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.29.0 version:

API-43277: Implement Workplan API Functions Related documentation is included in OneVizion distribution

Imp-47805: “MaxImportCsvCells” system param should warn about big CSV but let to proceed import

Dash-48328: Dashboards migration from JasperSoft

TMail-48671: Support authless access to Trackor Mail New feature allows to specify user account which will be used to handle all emails from any address

TMail-49028: “Can't process your message null” when reading value of “Sender” field

BPDocs-51286: Combine BPDoc manuals and BPDoc organizer pages BPDoc Documentation Manuals page has been replaced to drop-down menu with add, edit, delete functions at BPDoc Documentation Organizer page.

API-51911: Swagger support custom named parameters for filters Now user can additionally add arbitrary GET parameters at API documentation page

Rule-52187: Support custom HTTP headers for HTTP Call Rule New textarea field added to the HTTP Call Rule admin form, allowing to specify multiple custom HTTP headers separated by line breaks. Parameters supported exactly same way as for URLs

Rule-52823: Component audit log broken for rule_http_call table

Grid-53217: Possible to have checkbox fields represented as a checkbox in grids Now the checkboxes in data grid can be represented as text “Yes/No” or as clickable checkbox controls. New user option that controls this feature is “Choice Element In Grid” - it can be “Yes/No Drop-down” or “Checkbox”. The default value is “Checkbox”.

Sec-53222: Use only “R” and “RE” privs for Config Tabs/Applets In case of Config Applet and Tab the only applicable privs are “R”, “RE” and “NONE”.

Err-53415: /new/js/newGuiCoordinates.js:289 CenterOn form coordinate selector fixed.

Android-53447: Empty error message after login to android mobile app

GUI-53448: Add nav buttons ”< >” to calendar popup

Grid-53467: “Copy to All” cell menu item for task dates “Copy To All” cell context menu item is now available for task dates on TB and Tasks grids.

API-53586: Move API documentation to the new URL /api/v2 Previous URL /apidocs replaced in existing menu items

GUI-53587: Fix new checkboxes for the old GUI

API-53621: Fix API endpoint name in documentation for CoordLinks controller

V&F-53626: Check if Trackor Type exists when user clicks by common Trackor Browser page in menu

GUI-53629: Fix indentation of the new checkboxes

BPL-53631: Config Fields subgrid is not being opened when import fields via BPL

Err-53653: /js/admin/relatoritems/Form.js:106 Admin Trackor Type form is empty

Err-53677: /js/admin/portal/FormFrames.js:128 Fix for Portal Frames Edit form checkboxes

GUI-53685: Fix checkboxes in jsp files We implemented custom style for checkbox elements, but some forms were broken.

Conf-53686: Do not display a Trackor Template in list of available templates if the Trackor form is opened for one of them

Map-53748: Issue with SAVE icon not showing in Google Map Control when dynamically changing coords

Imp-53809: User can't submit import file if file have column with more then 100 characters

GUI-53824: New GUI scroll on touch screen is broken after grid sort

GUI-53841: New GUI scroll on touch desync on grid with frozen cols

API-53853: Privs API endpoint returns invalid json if there is no program security groups

TMail-53975: Error when processing attachment and blob_data record is missed for EFile CF


GUI-54041: Checkbox 'Use in “My Things” filter' is not clickable on Config Fields form

OneVizion 8.29.0

The following is a list of changes since the 8.28.0 version:

Sec-48736: Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection') (CWE ID 89) Drop support for table and column comments modification. Remove ReportParamDao.testSql, improove security for UsageLogBrowserDao

Other-49694: Clean up system and program parameters Obsolete params have been removed.

GUI-51164: Implement new style for checkboxes

Err-52260: /new/js/newGuiUserMenu.js:284 Browser Local Storage support check method updated

Trackor-52280: “Copy to All” - new grid cell context menu item “Clone Value” grid cell context menu item is now available on TB for all config fields (except Task Dates)

Rule-52427: “SSL Cert” window is broken on Admin HTTP Call rule

Rule-52471: Refactor HTTP Cal Rule parameters storage Now dedicated table will be used to store rule parameters

API-52548: Use ISO 8601 date format for Trackor Endpoint New date format is yyyy-MM-dd and don't depends on user settings

Map-52601: Put Perspective Button back on Google mapping control for selecting coordinates

GUI-53267: Read-only checkboxes do not show state (checked/unchecked)

Other-53380: Calendar doesn't select next year when I'm on December, and click on the 1st to go to the next month

GUI-53386: Fix WF wizard form layout

API-53445: “You have no [RE] priv on [<Trackor Type>] Security Group” when trying to access Trackor data with API Security checks fixed, now we are only R priv is required

OneVizion 8.28.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.27.0 version:

OneVizion 8.28.0 deployed in production. Following is list of changes since 8.27.0 version:

API-52429 Incorrect security group is checked in trackor API for static Trackor Types

Admin-52200 Add “Role Privs” tab to Trackor Type Admin form “Role Privs” tab has been added to Trackor admin form.

Admin-52373 Improve exception handling for “Admin Mat View” page Now we show user friendly error message when Mat View can't be created, modified or deleted

DB-50867 Allow to use custom DB packages in user schema

DropGrid-52430 Add additional sanity checks for user supplied Excell The following checks are added: 1. Trackor Type label must be not blank and no more than 35 characters 2. Config Tab label must be not blank and no more than 50 characters 3. View Option name must be not blank and no more than 255 characters 4. If field label is more than 100 characters, the import mapping name is “Field (<TrackorType>.<FieldName>)”

EFile-52114 New Icons Selector grid doesn't show preview for SVG icons

Err-38341 org.apache.jasper.compiler.DefaultErrorHandler.jspError

Err-51270 /new/js/newGuiScrollbar.js:772

GUI-52316 Implement new design for mass check/uncheck grid header button

Menu-52111 Add scroll to Favorites menu

Rep-52431 “Clone Report” doesn't not copy template For following report formats template not copied: Excel sheet screenshot Excel with VBA submit PDF Aspose

Rule-52472 Periodic rules are not triggered We rescheduled nightly and hourly rules to be fired on time

Sec-47867 Add an ability to show help for Sec Groups describing what each Priv means Privs grids now show separate cols for Read/Add/Edit/Delete/None permissions. Also every security group has a sub-grid with the description of each priv.

Sec-52347 Add “Role Lock Privs” tab to Trackor Relation Admin form “Role Lock Privs” tab has been added to Trackor Relation Admin form

Trackor-52258 “Add Trackor” Form is read-only though I have “RA” permission for Trackor Type In case if there is 'RA' permission on a Trackor Type, an user can create a Trackor, but can not edit and delete. When he is creating the Trackor, all fields will available

V&F-52188 Mark Workplan Template and Task/Task Type field on filter option of Tasks Overview and Summary pages as mandatory

OneVizion 8.27.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.26.0 version:

API-52309 “trackors” endpoint doesn't properly handle filters by TRACKOR_KEY

API-52310 Return dates in user's format

API-52311 Handle dates for CF in trackor POST and PUT requests in user's format

Imp-51985 Incremental import is not importing data

Admin-52028 User can not update list of assigned tabs to WF Step (Config Tabs step type)

BPL-51987 Latitude/Longitude fields are not moved through BPL of Map Snippet rules

EFile-52107 Multiple EFile values per single EFile CF may appear when EFile produced with rule which is triggered twice per transaction

Err-49433 /js/Default.js:66

Err-51393 com.onevizion.facade.efile.EfileSubmitHelper.handleOldEfile:240 User can not remove a file in a grid

Err-52130 com.onevizion.facade.efile.EfileSubmitHelper.saveEfilesAndFillValueNumbers:108 “Null Pointer Exception” when copying EFile with blob_data_lenght = null with “Copy EFile” rule

GUI-50938 Incorrect forms size when Windows zoom level is greater than 100% There are a few problems: 1. The scale is 200% of the operating system appears an unknown error, which increases the size of the browser window. 2. For google chrome coefficient is calculated, which will need to increase the browser window. If the scale of the browser more than 150%, you receive the error, the value of which slowly increases the size of the browser window 3. Incorrect work of standard methods of calculating the position of the browser window in Google chrome, if you have connected more than one monitor.

GUI-52183 Incorrect size of “Task Dual List” on TO and Summary Filter forms

Grid-51986 “Assign Trackor” is not opened

Map-51376 Icon pack for the Mapping page New icons with corrected margin will fix icon movement on change of map zoom level

Other-51913 Auto refresh grid when user click YES/NO in QuickSearch in old GUI

Rep-52018 Aspose PDF: implement field actions

Rep-52035 Aspose PDF: implement field “is image”

Rep-52040 Do not use comments in SQL generated by Report Wizard.

Rep-52237 Aspose PDF: don't throw error if Aspose PDF API can't correctly determine fields

Rule-50737 Refactor rule class (Tower Diagram)

Rule-51163 Execute “Map Snippet”, “Tower Profile”, “Tower Diagram” rule classes on Trackor Update, CF Update and Trackor Created events

Rule-51315 Tower Diagram support left/right side selection

Rule-51378 Tower Diagram image width fix

Rule-51379 Tower Diagram support not showing qty by checkbox in settings

Rule-52108 Map Snippet clone error

Rule-52110 Tower Profile error

Sec-51912 Use SQL operator from enumeration instead of string

Sec-52023 Remove comments with field labels from grid SQLs Comments removed for security reasons

Sec-52024 Additional security checking of field codes for Veracode Field code includes 2,3,4 or 5 parts where some parts have predefined values other parts are dynamically but must have only digits.

WP-52182 “Task View” mode is broken on TO and Summary grids

OneVizion 8.26.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.25.0 version:

Other-51914 Increase text length for UN and EMAIL fields Max length for UN increased from 20 to 50 chars, for email from 50 to 100

API-51383 Rename v3 API endpoints to v2

Admin-51157 Deleted Processes are being shown as marked in the grid

Conf-51313 Add Config Field name to “Can't update locked field” error message

Doc-29028 Provide private access to db-docs We integrated DB schema documentation into web app, now it accessible via dbdocs/index.html url

DropGrid-48293 Tabs in DropGrid In 'Add' mode, you can create a new tab or append fields to master tab. In 'Edit' mode you can add a new tab or update existent one. If you update an existent tab then all old fields are unassigned from it before the DropGrid assigns fields from a spreadsheet. Such way lets to save privileges on the tab. The created tab is assigned to the master applet. If a Trackor Type has Trackor Classes then the tab will be assigned to all classes.

DropGrid-50948 Add new View in DropGrid In 'Add' mode, you can create a new global View Option. In 'Edit' mode you can add a new global View Option or update existent global one. If you update an existent View Option then all old fields are unassigned from it before the DropGrid assigns fields from a spreadsheet. Such way lets to save privileges on the View Option.

EFile-50949 Improvements for “Client Files” selector Now you can add new files right from the selector (privs on ADMIN_CLIENT_FILE sec group are required)

EFile-51337 We are extracting image metadata from EFile even if “Extract Image Metadata” checkbox is not set

Err-51367 com.onevizion.facade.rules.CopyEfileRule.exec:108 NullPointerException when executing “Copy EFile Rule”

GUI-51338 Tab Navigator is visible in new GUI on several forms

GUI-51380 Controls Duplicating bug on RDE Form in new GUI

Rep-51024 Replace BFO PDF Library: PDF report generator

Rule-51036 Component Audit Log not working properly for non-pl/sql rule classes (Geocoding, Geocoding ArcGIS, Forward Geocoding, Forward Geocoding ArcGIS)

Sec-51210 Support multiple CFs with “My Things Marker” option Now we are taking into account multiple line CFs from the primary Trackor Type when calculating accessible Trackors for restricted users.

OneVizion 8.25.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.24.1 version:

API-49776 Migrate swagger docs generation to maven package phase Now we are generating Swagger API documentation during project package instead of web app startup. Do generate docs “swagger.json.generate” maven property should be set to true. It uses maven-plugin-swagger to extract data and generate docs

API-50950 API For Trackors require preconfigured filter rather than specified. Now additional filter parameters may be specified in query string. Param works the same way as for PUT request, but additionally may be combined with existing named filter if one is specified with “filter” parameter

Admin-50941 Selector WF Step Applet is not loaded

BPL-50947 Update BPL for rule with class “Geocoding”

Conf-50865 If default SQL returns one column for fields where there are hidden and display values, then we use a value from that column as hidden and display It lets to see that default SQL for that fields is not configured properly

Conf-50995 Parental Trackor Key field is empty when cloning a Trackor from the Trackor Container

DropGrid-51025 Fields and other data are not loaded on the DropGrid form if a spreadsheet name contains an ampersand

EFile-46821 Replace BFO PDF Library BFO removed from: EFiles Auto Caption, PDF thumbnail generation, PDF From fields retrieval on admin report page

Err-50370 org.apache.el.parser.AstFunction.getValue Can't select symbol and color on Map Snippet Rule admin form

Err-50497 User gets an exception when submit Config Field WF step type

Err-51046 com.onevizion.facade.RuleatorFacade.executeMassJavaTrigger:226 “Tower Profile” rule fails with error

GUI-46934 Update config field buttons in grid edit mode for the following field types (selector, multiselector, date, datetime, time)

GUI-50349 Always set focus to “username” field on login screen

GUI-50978 Details form scrollbar fix

GUI-51087 Grid selection bug on Map Snippet Rule Tab

Grid-50586 Active cell border remains red after cell editing

Grid-51088 Sorting at the Label Program/System pages is reset when the page is reloaded

Grid-51159 Fix edit cell marker on Tasks View

Other-51158 Wrong “Share Page Link” URL

Rule-50668 Refactor rule parameters for non PL/SQL rule classes (Geocoding) Rule parameters moved to the dedicated DB table from RULE_CLASS_PARAM_VALUE

Rule-50944 Refactor rule parameters for non PL/SQL rule classes (Geocoding ArcGIS, Forward Geocoding, Forward Geocoding ArcGIS) Rule parameters moved to the dedicated DB table from RULE_CLASS_PARAM_VALUE

Rule-51082 Map Snippet creating bug If coordinates not configured on Map Snippet rule we will show error message: “No configurated markers found! Please add marker(s) on rule configuration page”

Sec-50341 Check if “Search Trackor SQL” is select statement in CopyEfileRule Additional security check will prevent execution of malicious SQL

Sec-50863 Refactor SqlBuilders: modify generation of “IN” SQL statements

V&F-48739 Improvement for F/V editor popup from

WP-51085 If duration is greater than window then automatically change task window to match the duration

OneVizion 8.24.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.23.0 version:

API-50937 Trackor API call return truncated data for Memo CFs

Admin-50771 Branch in Trackor Tree is not unassigned in some case

DropGrid-50705 “Save” button to save user's changes on the DropGrid form When an user saves own changes, they will be displayed when he opens the form next time

Err-50724 com.onevizion.facade.RuleatorFacade.executeMassJavaTrigger:226 If tower height config field value is not set now we are using maximum height of equipment as tower height

Imp-49106 Improove delta import to support arbitrary columns as PK cols

Map-50550 is broken, doesn't show google map

Map-50798 BUG - Map picker on Map Filter form doesn't show up

Map-50805 Show satellite map in non-perspective mode

Other-5070 Implement new BBCode [url]

Rule-50704 Add changeable logo in Tower Diagram and Tower Profile rule classes Now rule author may select logo from files uploaded on “Admin Client Files” page

Rule-50722 Support equipment in the air, height measurement conversion in Tower Diagram rule class - Added new setting for rule class called 'Display meters conversion' (converts ft to meters and show on arrows and height values in equipment table) - Label 'Tower Height, Ft.' above the tower drawing changed to 'meters / ft' or 'ft' (depends on rule class setting 'Display meters conversion')

Trackor-50671 BUG - Tabs Are Being Mysteriously Removed From Config Applets

Trackor-50770 If an error is raised when Relation Type is being deleted from Trackor Tree, it should be shown to the user

WP-50670 Bug - task labels on tabs when we show only finish dates

OneVizion 8.23.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.22.0 version:

Err-50505 /new/js/newGuiCoordinates.js:249 User can't fill coordinate pairs when adding new Trackor

Admin-50190 Add “Comp Audit Log” Tab to User Trackor form

Admin-50282 “Admin Configured Tab” form is broken for Workplan and Tasks trackor types

Admin-50520 The Quick Search by PL/SQL column of Admin Rules page does not work properly in some cases The Quick Search searches for a match in the first 300 characters of PL/SQL

Conf-50308 Cascad fields do not work properly and throw an exception 'Invalid combination of values…'

Conf-50313 Wrong Default SQL for a CF can break the “Add trackor” form Now we do not throw any exceptions in case of incorrect SQL

DropGrid-49024 Automatically save changes on the DropGrid form

GUI-50447 Fix js errors on Login screen In some cases user can't log in because if JS errors

Grid-50189 QS for “NULL” and “NOT NULL” operations do not work

Grid-50232 Error on col resizing of grids where set of columns is dynamic The following pages are fixed: ADMIN_DROPGRID_TRACKOR

Grid-50521 Sorting language columns does not work at the Admin Label System/Program pages

Grid-50587 Highlight modified grid cells with color bar at the left side of the cell

Map-49529 Implement Mask Input for Lat/Long fields on Map Picker form

Map-49628 Implement “Paste” operation for lat/longs fields on Map Picker

Map-49629 Implement new design of Map Picker

Map-49789 Hide “perspective” view button in satellite mode

Menu-50523 “Application” popup doesn't work properly when priv SHOW_DEFAULT_PAGE_SELECTOR=“None”

Notif-48870 Allow to set “Reply-To” for each notification

Other-50281 Infinite redirect loop on login screen

Other-50346 Switching of Language in Chrome doesn't automatically reload the page 1 repaired Switching of Language(UserSettings form) in Chrome 2 repaired Switching of Application in Chrome

Rule-49633 Additional parameter for “On Logon” rule to indicate if logon attempt succeed or failed New parameter “LOGIN_SUCCESSFUL” (1or 0) added to “On Logon” rule

Sec-50513 Infinite login screen loop when user logs in after password reset

V&F-50588 Filter Opt with name is not saved if it is created at the Selector Trackor Browser

WP-50174 Either start or finish wp date must be entered, not both When adding new WP to a trackor we allow to set either start or finish date, but not both dates.

OneVizion 8.22.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.21.0 version:

Err-50334 com.onevizion.facade.RuleatorFacade.executeMassJavaTrigger:226 Error on admin Tower Profile rule class caused by empty “Ground Equipment” and “Power Equipment” Fields. Now this case is handled properly

Admin-49546 Remove FormUserHistory Now Onevizion user related changes are stored in Components Audit Log

Admin-50171 BUG - EFile Download History page is broken

DB-49444 Improvement for custom errors from DB We modified some DB packages to provide user friendly error messages

DB-49686 Split pkg_ext_imp functionality to separate packages Imports behavior doesn't affected. We refactored code and moved fields import from pkg_ext_imp to pkg_ext_imp_field, users import from pkg_ext_imp to pkg_ext_imp_user

Grid-47696 Implementation of the new design of the selected cell in the grid Now selected grid cell highlighted with frame around it instead of filling color

Grid-49215 Error on col resizing of Admin Label System/Program pages and Admin Rule ID Numbers grid

Grid-49522 “Show Coordinates on a Map” context menu for Lat/Long grid cells “Show Coordinates on a Map” grid context menu item has been added. You can view lat/long pair on a map directly from the grid.

Grid-50229 BUG - Apostrophe added to drop down value

Grid-50235 Hide grid context menu when clicking on any cell Grid context menu will be hidden when clicking on any cell

Label-49528 Implement new BBCode [c] [r] [tm] 3 new supported BBCodes may be used for copyright, registered and trade mark symbols

Map-48091 Map snipped to plot multiple coordinates Map Snippet rule class improved to support multiple coordinate pairs

Menu-49634 Relative URL into Separate Window “URL” menu item type now supports both relative and absolute URLs.

Menu-50188 BUG - impossible to uncheck “Tip Of the Day” checkbox on menu admin

Menu-50223 Error when deleting a menu item

Rep-49814 The Selector returns HTML mnemonics for special characters instead of plain text on the Report Run form

Rule-48811 Log OAuth calls from HTTP Call Rule in HTTP Call Log When OAuth is used for HTTP Call Rule, we will additionally log OAuth HTTP request. In this case we will have 2 two log records for each rule execution

Rule-49545 Synchronize objects creation and rules execution sequence when user created with GUI and via pkg_ext_imp 1) GUI Current behavior: a)create trackor, b)fire rule on new trackor, c)create user, d)fire rule on new user New behavior: a)create trackor, b)create user, c)fire rule on new user, d)fire rule on new trackor. Same as create trackor

2) pkg_ext_imp.UsersLoad Current behavior: a)create user, b)fire rule on new user, c)create trackor, d)fire rule on new trackor. New behavior: a)create user, b)create trackor, c)fire rule on new user, d)fire rule on new trackor.

WP-50224 Task Edit form is broken

OneVizion 8.21.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.20.0 version:

Admin-49293 Adding Rule Class column to Rule tab on Admin Config Fields

Admin-49454 “Invalid and unexpected token” error message when the Admin User form is opened in 'add' mode

Admin-49455 “Cannot insert records having program_id that does not belong to the user!” from TIBP_USER_TOUR_LOOKUP when assign a Security Role to new user

Admin-49517 Improvement for new page “Error Log” Store errors without program_id, mew DB index on TS column for better cleanup performance

Conf-49051 Add an ability to link Lat and Long fields We added an ability to link Lat and Long config fields into a pair. There is an app button on the CF admin page where you can manage lat/long pairs. When the lat or long field has a pair then Map Picker is available for editing or viewing the coordinates.

Err-49081 com.onevizion.web.helper.ConfigFormHelper.setIdxBySubmitFormCfs:5073 The bug occurs if the same parental Trackor Key field is placed in different Config Tabs and these tabs are assigned to different Trackor Types

GUI-49294 Update Memo scrollbar when full memo content is loaded

Label-49443 Use BBCode in Tip Of The Day labels

Map-48341 Improvements for Coordinate Picker 1. Map Picker form is resizable and remembers its size, map type and zoom level. 2. We show two markers on a map - for current coordinates and for changed coordinates.

Rule-48872 Improve OAuth support for HTTP Call Rule Now we are sending Basic Auth header with client id and client secret in accordance with RFC

Rule-48892 Support color codding for “Tower Profile” rule class We are using CF's “Color Code” to color values on Tower Profile diagram

Rule-48893 Support ft to meters conversion for “Tower Profile” diagram Two new parameters added to the rule class: “Height measurement units” drop down with “ft”, “meters” options. “Display additional height units” checkbox“

Rule-49290 Add new Rule Type - “Report Executed” We have added new rule type - “Report Executed”. It's fired when report is finished regardless of the state (success or failed)

Sec-49113 Improper Neutralization of Special Elements used in an SQL Command ('SQL Injection') (CWE ID 89) We modified SQL generation code to mitigate SQL Injection when using filters by date

Sec-49250 Review and fix security group “TRACKOR_TEMPLATE” We have implemented additional security checks for the “TRACKOR_TEMPLATE” group. 1. “R” - an ability to view trackor templaters and create new trackors from templates. 2. “RE” - an ability to modify traackor templates. 3. “RA” - an ability to create new trackor templates. 4. “REA” - an ability to modify and add. 5. “READ” - all above listed plus an ability to delete trackor templates

Trackor-49451 “Row Editor” doesn't work

V&F-49192 Unique constraint U1_VIEW_OPT is triggered when an user opens the Trackor Browser page with some Trackor Type for the first time User sees the “View Opt with entered Is Shared,Name already exists. Please enter different Is Shared,Name.” error message instead of the grid when the bug occurs

V&F-49446 “Default Filter” option doesn't work

OneVizion 8.20.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.19.0 version:


Admin-48633 Implementing new admin page “Errors Log”

DropGrid-47380 If there is no data in column, then try to define type of Config Field by Excel column data type

DropGrid-49023 Displaying “Author” and “Created TS” data on the DropGrid form

Err-48877com.onevizion.VqsStringUtils.splitToLongList:310 The bug has occured because of invalid data in DB of one filter field where were lots of records with numerical and text values

Other-48907 Double execution of ConfigValueDao.findByCfidsAndKeys After calling ConfigValueDao.findByCfidAndKey, the ConfigValueDao.findByCfidsAndKeys method executes twice

Trackor-49027,Locked Field Error with < Character

V&F-48875 Trackor Container tab doesn't show F/V drop-down

OneVizion 8.19.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.18.0 version:

Err-48467 /js/trackorbrowser/GridRowForm.js:38 JS error occurs when trying to apply Grid Row Editor changes after parent window (grid) was closed.

Err-48469 /new/js/newGuiSearch.js:2 Pasting multiline values in Quick Search is fixed for Internet Explorer

Err-48514 com.onevizion.web.helper.ConfigFormHelper.setIdxBySubmitFormCfs:5069 The bug occurs in case of refreshing the Config Form when master applet contains a tab of parental Trackor Type (non master tab) and that tab contains a Trackor Key of parental Trackor Type

Err-48552 Error on “Edit Rule” form when ArcGIS Geocoding rule references deleted CFs

GUI-47961 QuickSearch config fields drop-down has incorrect width in new GUI

Imp-48667 Support update config field name in pkg_ext_imp CONFIG_FIELD_ID column must be presented in CSV to update CF Name

Label-48566 Update tab labels on “Admin Config Field” form When left panel collapsed in new GUI we had 3 “Ass” labels, which may confuse users

Rule-48448 Tower Profile Rule Class

Sec-48434 Improper Restriction of XML External Entity Reference ('XXE') (CWE ID 611)

Sec-48722 Newly created users can't login

OneVizion 8.18.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.17.0 version:

Admin-48402 Update example sql for trackor selector and trackor drop-down fields

Admin-48403 Update status label for Admin DB Package (BBCode)

DB-48232 Create indexes for FKs

DB-48343 Update pkg_config_field_rpt.getValStrByID() so that it supports Date/Time Field Types

DropGrid-47730 Add “Created TS” and “Author” columns to DG

Other-48451 Missed favicon and page title in Error form

Trackor-48330 BUG - “Unique by Project Level” lets to add trackors having the same trackor key

Trackor-48331 “Unique By” restriction doesn't show user friendly error message

WP-48243 “Expected CSV Columns” shouldn't be case-sensitive CSV cols in WP Template import file now are case-insensitive.

TMail-48670 “Can't process your message …” when handling attachments with TrackorMail

GUI-48568 Page loading is broken when opening onevizion from an external link

V&F-48739 Improvement for F/V editor popup from

WP-48243 “Expected CSV Columns” shouldn't be case-sensitive

OneVizion 8.17.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.16.0 version:

DB-47922 User friendly error messages for “ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into …”

DropGrid-48080 Parental Key has value as Primary Key when create a new Trackor Type and point a parental Trackor Type

DropGrid-48084 Import doesn't work if parental Trackor Type is configured with autokey generation

Err-47698 Imp Details Form error - com.onevizion.dao.imp.ImpRunDaoOra.findByProcessId:187 We've removed old import processes to prevent this error, because of the old bug which was related to the import deletion in the previous versions.

GUI-46884 Filter by VTable values doesn't work from the Grid Stat form

Imp-47925 “ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small” when importing large text values into memo with pkg_ext_imp.XitorConfiguredFieldLoad

OneVizion 8.16.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.15.0 version:

Admin-46754 Improvement for debugMode Security group “DEBUG_MODE” was added. If user has R privilege on DEBUG_MODE security group then additional information on system errors will be provided

Admin-47545 Wrong label text on Fields to Tab admin form

DB-47927 Fix predecessor_tlist() in pkg_wp_template and pkg_rpt

DropGrid-47741 Using “TrackorTypePrefix_OrderNumber” field name by default if generated name is more than 25 characters

DropGrid-47742 Showing order number column with ABC label

Err-47873 Cannot add Tour error - com.onevizion.dao.tour.TourDaoOra.create:105

GUI-47128 Implementing new design for the “change pwd” form

GUI-47342 Make parent/child drop-down numbers to be right-aligned

GUI-47591 Right padding is missing on form menu in closed mode in new GUI

GUI-47806 JS Error on form menu filtering

Grid-47738 Grid with Frozen Cols is not refreshing correctly after form submit from different tab

Imp-47710 Repair “config import” → “mapping” → “param” for select config field

Menu-47656 Page sharing is broken

TMail-46822 Replace BFO PDF Library: Fix Trackor Mail PDF processing

TMail-47928 Do not read program name from PDF file when handling PDF received with TrackorMail Program will be retrieved based on value TF_NAME PDF field

V&F-47791 View Options are not working correctly The issue is reproduced when there is a global default View Opts and it is used in settings of menu items.

WP-47617 Implement an ability to add any parent's Task to child trackor

WP-47667 Improvements for pkg_wp_template We have added SQL hints to the queries in successor_list and predessor_list functions to improve performance during WP creation

GUI-47806 JS Error on form menu filtering

OneVizion 8.15.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.14.0 version:

Admin-47484 Delete Public Maps on Trackor Type deletion

Audit-41083 Remove Components Log enable/disable functionality from GUI In MT environment disabling components log in one program will affect all other. We have never seen clients using this function, so it is removed now

Conf-47202 Implement copy/paste for Lat/Long fields Copy/Paste works for the fields in grid and on popups. You may paste values in any mode (Decimal or DMS) no matter what your Lat/Long display is.

DB-44723 Don't let to save VTable value with leading or ending blank spaces.

DropGrid-47428 Configuration is not deleting if there is a Public Map assigned to a DropGrid record

Err-47378 /new/js/newGuiMenu.js:5 Fixed js error on menu opening for applications without Trackor-Specific menu items

Err-47465 /new/js/newGuiScrollbar.js: Fixed JavaScript timeout on subgrid second row addition.

GUI-46874 Cell input border became visible in edit mode

GUI-46891 VTable Value Links form has old doubleListBox buttons

GUI-46962 Update Config Form to contain Config Applet label Now each Config Form has Config Applet label In addition to Config Tab label

GUI-47578 Modal windows support has been removed from the latest Firefox release Some Firefox 48 and above users will not be able to open windows in Onevizion 8.14.0 and older

Grid-47207 Implement map button for Lat/Long fields in grid Lat/Long cells now have button to call popup google map

Imp-47273 Checking “User Load” external import Users Import. Expected header:

   Security Role 1,Security Role 2,Security Role 3,Menu,Global

Views,Global Filters,

   Discipline 1,Discipline 2,Discipline 3
   Note: UN - is a name of a user;
   PWD - is a user password, if it is not specified, firstly the user

has to enter before login;

   Security Role - is a name of a security role;
   Menu - is a name of an application menu;
   Global Views - is a boolean parameter to assign global views to a

user, it has to be as 0 or 1;

   Global Filters - is a boolean parameter to assign global filters to

a user, it has to be as 0 or 1;

   Discipline - is a name of a discipline.

Imp-47590 Improve data import performance We created the new DB index to improve access speed to the import data

Map-47485 Adding the Quick Search at the Admin Public Map page

Menu-46752 When application unassigned from the user, he still can access it if it is his current application Users don't have an access to the menu application, they were unassigned from.

Other-47379 Error when assign sec role to team

Rep-46820 Replace BFO PDF Library: Check PDF template on report creation Aspose PDF library will be used to check Report PDF Template when creating/modifying report

Rep-47445 Do not check if there are scheduled reports where removing a Public Map

TMail-47476 Log detailed error message when connection to mail server failed

API-47654 API docs not accessible in production even when AllowApiDocsAccess parameter set to “Yes”

Map-47657 Public map fail with “main.js:1027 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined”

Map-47715 Mapper page is hanging up on “processing” periodically

WP-47589 Impossible to add new Discp

OneVizion 8.14.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.13.0 version:

Conf-47119 When an user updates a group of cascade fields and there is no root field in set of changed fields, then the changes are not saved

Conf-47127 Wrong value of number field is saved if the field is presented on some tabs that assigned to the same applet When an user first changes the field on one tab, then moves to the other tab and changes field there, then field will have a value from the first tab after submitting

DB-46945 The Global Portal assignments page on Admin User form is not loaded if there are some the portals assigned to different the programs

GUI-45123 New Trackor Type Selector implementation For user pages Trackor Type can be selected directly from the menu. Old “Trackor” tab removed from View Options form

GUI-45383 Small change of new menu We expanded hyperlink area for menu item, so context menu can be used not only when mouse pointer over item label

GUI-45983 Implementing new design for the “Login” and “Change pwd” screens

GUI-46886 Tree is not stretching to the full page width in new GUI

GUI-46939 Current drop-down item doesn't highlight as clickable on mouse over

GUI-46952 Allowing readonly Memo fields to scroll by arrow keys in new GUI

GUI-47006 Mousewheel scroll doesn't work on disabled/locked Memo fields in Firefox

Grid-40680 Display lat/long as decimal AND degrees in the grid view Display mode for Lat/Long fields has been added to User Settings, you can show coordinates in either Decimal Mode or Degree/Min/Sec Mode.

Other-41193 UserTimezoneOffset is empty in user settings This may cause incorrect time zone conversions on “Processes” and other pages

Other-45103 Show list of open source software and licenses used in Onevizion on About form

Rep-43613 The Re-start Report button on Report History page is not clickable when there is no data in the grid

Rule-43813 Display actual error message that comes from a rule Administrators can see the full stack trace from a rule, if an error occurred in it. REA privileges on ADMIN_RULES sec group are required

Rule-46717 Supporting different grant types for OAuth2 authentication method for HTTP Call Rule New drop-down control has been added to the rule form to select from supported grant type

Trackor-46892 Do not unassign parental Trackor ID field if the cardinality of a relation type is changed from “1-many” to many-many”

Err-47172 com.onevizion.grid.datasource.tree.DbTreeDataSourceFacade.getDhtmlxTreeXml:93 Trackor Tree for Mapper page is not loaded

V&F-47356 Number of “Search Radius” field in Filter Options of Mapper page is disappear when a focus is set there

OneVizion 8.13.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.12.2 version:

Admin-45393 Add Quick Search to the tabs on “Admin Sec Roles” page Quick Search has been added to Security Group and Lock Privs tabs for “Admin Accounts” edit form.

Admin-46768 Can't Save new PL/SQL Block

Conf-46727 Part with seconds is not displayed in Date/Time and Time fields

DB-46123 Fix pkg_sec_role.get_user_*_assignment functions in order to return entities only for single program (current program)

DropGrid-46283 Do not check if there are launched reports when a report template is created by the DropGrid and user is trying to remove a DropGrid entity

GUI-45973 Download button in the old GUI has been fixed

GUI-46563 Rows counter in tab list and form header is not being updated on grid rows add/delete in new GUI

Imp-40687 Import processes are removed if an import template is deleted Now user can`t remove an import template if there are “Pending”, “Running”, “In Queue”, “Running: importing data”, “Running: parsing CSV”, “Running: searching PKs / creating entities”, “Running: generating data type SQL”, “Recovering” or “Awaiting PDF” imports. Delete button on Admin Import page will be disabled. Also, an exception is raised when trying to remove an import template but there are schedulded imports

Rep-46273 Capability to delete Report pattern blocks when user has E on “ADMIN_REPORTS” Now it is possible to delete Report pattern blocks having edit privilege on “ADMIN_REPORTS”.

Rule-46303 ZipEFiles rule param doesn't open

Rule-46718 Map Snippet rule: icon can not change

Trackor-45783 Fixed RelationTypeDao.findParentsUpToAndIncludingManyMany method In 8.12 release the issue was deployed with bug which was fixed in 8.12.1 (Trackor-46683). In current release the issue is fixed. If the Config Form contains a relation field but parental Trackor Type is not assigned to the Trackor Tree then the relation field should not display a value

V&F-46765 Drill-down Config Applets are not displayed in View Options The bug occurs when the 'drill-down' Trackor Type is assigned to root of the Trackor Tree

DB-46922 Views, Filters, Tours and other entities are not assigned to an user when assign a security role to the user

OneVizion 8.12.2

The following is a list of changes since 8.12.1 version:

Err-46702 com.onevizion.dao.rule.RuleHttpCallUrlParamDaoOra.batchCreate:63 Can't save URL params for “HTTP Call” rules

OneVizion 8.12.1

The following is a list of changes since 8.12.0 version:

Trackor-46683 Missed values for parent relations on Trackor forms

OneVizion 8.12.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.11.0 version:

API-45523 Create program parameter to access Swagger API Documentation New program parameter “AllowApiDocsAccess” has been created to control availability of apidocs.

Conf-14533 Alias is missed in Trackor Key field on Config Form

Conf-43623 Number formatting like prefix, suffix, etc. doesn't work for rollup fields if returned type of data is number

Conf-45165 Format number value of field if it is used as alias with Trackor ID Prefix, suffix, number of decimal signs and other attributes of number data type are not displayed if the value of number field is used as alias into Trackor ID field

EFile-31467 Bulk EFile upload doesn't handle errors properly

Err-45214 com.onevizion.web.controller.grid.SimpleDataSourceController.xml:188 ModuleName=SELECTOR_CF_LOOKUP Display “Invalid SQL Query set for Config Field [field name]” in case when DB Selector/Drop-Down fields use invalid SQL

Err-45814 com.onevizion.dao.pkg.PkgTourDaoOra.remove:35 Error when deleting tours

GUI-42213 Implement new grid header style Minor changes to Grid header style

GUI-43053 Implement new design for the “Must Change Pwd” screen

GUI-45283 Arrow button icons is visible on Cascading Fields Map form in newGUI

Rep-45753 Upgrade Aspose licenses

Rule-25350 Java rules are not executed after execution of Form Button Rule

Sec-45953 Tour to User assignment Tab doesn't work properly

Trackor-45783 Fixed RelationTypeDao.findParentsUpToAndIncludingManyMany method The method returned a Trackor Type which was not assigned to Trackor Tree

V&F-41653 “Incorrect code: [drillDownTid]” when submit a Filter Options The bug occur when user opens Filter Options of external tab which configured to use “DrillDownTbGrid” controller

Conf-43623 Number formatting like prefix, suffix, etc. doesn't work for rollup fields if returned type of data is number

Err-46214 com.onevizion.dao.rule.RuleHttpCallUrlParamDaoOra.batchCreate:63 Can't save URL params for “HTTP Call” rules

OneVizion 8.11.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.10.0 version:

Admin-30220 DropGrid: disable the “Is Import Column?” checkbox if Unknown data type is chosen Also a checkobx is disabled and checked if Excel column is used as primary or parent key

Admin-31556 DropGrid: support DateTime, Time data types The auto detection works if format of Excel cell is setup as date, time or date with time. In other case auto detection cannot work

BPL-44825 Error during BPL import of imports under Program Admin program

Conf-43943 Allow to upload files with size 0 bytes into EFile config fields

DB-43263 Implement error translation for unique indexes and check constrains Error messages become more user friendly

DropGrid-42954 The ability to change CF label If user clears a field then label from an Excel is used instead

DropGrid-42955 The ability to change field name 1. User can not input reserved names: XITOR_KEY, TRACKOR_KEY, XITOR_CLASS_ID, TRACKOR_CLASS_ID 2. If user clears a field then default field name is used instead 3. If a field name is already used then _ckgedit_QUOTckgedit>Is Import Field?_ckgedit_QUOTckgedit> checkbox becomes unchecked and disabled in 'add' mode

DropGrid-43013 Support Trackor Selector and Trackor Drop-Down CF data types 1. Trackor Selector/Drop-Down type is auto detected if header of column in Excel is matched with only one label of Trackor ID. 2. Trackor Drop-Down is auto detected if Trackor Type is defined and there is no more than 25 Trackors.

DropGrid-44413 Create an Import with comma field separator when import data via the DropGrid

GUI-32680 Child (not direct) cascading drop-down is not cleared completely if parental drop-down is changing

GUI-41823 Use new svg “folder” icon in drop-downs

GUI-43295 Replace old icon on Admin Notif form

GUI-44603 image preview doesn't work correctly on splitGrid pages

GUI-45133 Update style for selected items in new Drop-Downs

GUI-45143 Mousewheel scroll doesn't work on the right part of Tree

Grid-43363 Quick Search value not populated when filtering from Grid Stats

Grid-44583 Highlighted row has yellow background color on certain grids

Imp-42583 Incremental data import This is experimental feature and not yet ready for production use

Imp-44783 Import Configured Field import is blowing away field labels Labels of each configurable fields was blown away in a case if the label was empty or not specified in CSV file for the particular config field.

Other-32133 Debug log output contains BeanPropertyRowMapper.mapRow

Other-32683 Recover function at the Field History page lets restore an invalid value of a drop-down field that included in group of cascading fields

API-45563 “SessionLeftTime” value shouldn't be returned in API call response

Imp-45403 Support incremental import with SubmitUrlImport To start incremental import specify 2 additional parameters to the call: isIncremental=1 and numOfFirstPkCols=<number of PK cols>

Imp-45553 Fix “Generate Import URL” dialog Now we generate cURL command to be used to start import from command line

OneVizion 8.10.0

The following is a list of changes since 8.9.0 version:

Admin-43483 Can't create or delete a team on administer page

Admin-44173 “Master Tab can not be unassigned from Master Applet” exception when remove a Trackor Type from the Trackor Tree The bug occurs when the Trackor Type is assigned to any other Trackor Type

BPL-43833 “Unexpected exception” message is always displayed in BPL log if a bug happens

DB-44033 Workflow template may be deleted when deleting it's first step

DropGrid-44383 Order number of VTable value is always equal 1 if the VTable is created by the DropGrid

EFile-42193 Missed download icon in new GUI for EFiles preview

Err-43964 Incorrect Field specification: WORKFLOW.WF_AEDROW_RF_APPROVAL Now WF properly handles CF specification for non program specific Trackor Types

Err-44114 com.onevizion.web.controller.application.FormApplication.submit:82 Error when pressing “OK” button on “Application” page right after changing Application, before “Default page” drop-down populated

GUI-42593 Update topPanel drop-down action buttons Changed behavior of Filter/View Opts and Relations drop downs

GUI-42623 Favorite page title bug

GUI-43056 SQL Window doesn't show all lines of code (new GUI bug)

Imp-44123 “ORA-22835: Buffer too small for CLOB to CHAR or BLOB to RAW conversion” when using XitorConfiguredFieldLoad import

Imp-44393 Can't change config field label using “Configured Field Update” import Users was not able to update config field label using the external import with the procedure “pkg_ext_imp.ConfiguredFieldLoad(:rid);”

Map-43463 Update label 2943 because of the typo on Mapper page Now, the label on Filter and FormCenterOn doesn't have any typos

Rule-40855 “Mass Assign” rule is missed in TB

Trackor-43993 Don't let to use reserved names for program specific trackor types Now users can't create Trackor Types with following reserved names: BPD_Item WF Step Workflow Program Trackor Class Tasks Comment Workplan Report“

Imp-43983 Drop no longer used procedures in pkg_ext_imp: check_and_fix_csv_header, ssi_* This procedures were used for Self Service Import, which is not longer supported

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